Package | Description |
org.springframework.core.codec | |
org.springframework.http |
Contains a basic abstraction over client/server-side HTTP.
org.springframework.http.codec.cbor | |
org.springframework.http.codec.json |
JSON encoder and decoder support.
org.springframework.http.codec.protobuf |
Provides an encoder and a decoder for
Google Protocol Buffers.
org.springframework.http.codec.xml |
XML encoder and decoder support.
org.springframework.messaging.converter |
Provides support for message conversion.
org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.reactive |
Support classes for working with annotated message-handling methods with
non-blocking, reactive contracts.
org.springframework.messaging.rsocket |
Support for the RSocket protocol.
| |
Support classes for working with annotated RSocket stream handling methods.
org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp |
Generic support for simple messaging protocols (like STOMP).
| |
Provides implementations of
Message along with
a MessageBuilder and MessageHeaderAccessor for building and working with messages and
message headers, as well as various MessageChannel
implementations and channel interceptor support. |
org.springframework.util |
Miscellaneous utility classes, such as String manipulation utilities,
a Log4J configurer, and a state holder for paged lists of objects.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MimeType> |
Return the list of MIME types supported by this Decoder.
List<MimeType> |
AbstractDecoder.getDecodableMimeTypes() |
default List<MimeType> |
Decoder.getDecodableMimeTypes(ResolvableType targetType)
Return the list of MIME types supported by this Decoder for the given type
of element.
List<MimeType> |
AbstractEncoder.getEncodableMimeTypes() |
List<MimeType> |
Return the list of MIME types supported by this Encoder.
default List<MimeType> |
Encoder.getEncodableMimeTypes(ResolvableType elementType)
Return the list of MIME types supported by this Encoder for the given type
of element.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ByteArrayDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
StringDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
DataBufferDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
Decoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType)
Whether the decoder supports the given target element type and the MIME
type of the source stream.
boolean |
NettyByteBufDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ByteBufferDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ResourceDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
AbstractDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
CharSequenceEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
NettyByteBufEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType type,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ByteBufferEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ResourceRegionEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
DataBufferEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ByteArrayEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
AbstractEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ResourceEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
Encoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType)
Whether the encoder supports the given source element type and the MIME
type for the output stream.
byte[] |
ByteArrayDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
String |
StringDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
DataBufferDecoder.decode(DataBuffer buffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
default T |
Decoder.decode(DataBuffer buffer,
ResolvableType targetType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Decode a data buffer to an Object of type T.
io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf |
NettyByteBufDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
ByteBuffer |
ByteBufferDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
Resource |
ResourceDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T> |
AbstractDataBufferDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<String> |
StringDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
DataBufferDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T> |
Decoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Decode a
DataBuffer input stream into a Flux of T . |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Resource> |
ResourceDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected T |
AbstractDataBufferDecoder.decodeDataBuffer(DataBuffer buffer,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
as of 5.2, please implement
Decoder.decode(DataBuffer, ResolvableType, MimeType, Map) instead |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> |
AbstractDataBufferDecoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> |
Decoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Decode a
DataBuffer input stream into a Mono of T . |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> |
AbstractDecoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
ByteArrayEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends byte[]> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
NettyByteBufEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
ByteBufferEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends ByteBuffer> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
CharSequenceEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends CharSequence> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
DataBufferEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
ResourceRegionEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends ResourceRegion> input,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
AbstractSingleValueEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
Encoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Encode a stream of Objects of type
T into a DataBuffer
output stream. |
protected reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
ResourceEncoder.encode(Resource resource,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType type,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected abstract reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
AbstractSingleValueEncoder.encode(T t,
DataBufferFactory dataBufferFactory,
ResolvableType type,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
T to an output DataBuffer stream. |
DataBuffer |
ByteArrayEncoder.encodeValue(byte[] bytes,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
NettyByteBufEncoder.encodeValue(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf byteBuf,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
ByteBufferEncoder.encodeValue(ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
CharSequenceEncoder.encodeValue(CharSequence charSequence,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
DataBufferEncoder.encodeValue(DataBuffer buffer,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
default DataBuffer |
Encoder.encodeValue(T value,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Encode an Object of type T to a data buffer.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractDataBufferDecoder(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes) |
AbstractDecoder(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes) |
AbstractEncoder(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes) |
AbstractSingleValueEncoder(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A subclass of
MimeType that adds support for quality parameters
as defined in the HTTP specification. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MediaType |
MediaType.asMediaType(MimeType mimeType)
Re-create the given mime type as a media type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<MediaType> |
MediaType.asMediaTypes(List<MimeType> mimeTypes)
Re-create the given mime types as media types.
Constructor and Description |
MediaType(MimeType mimeType)
Create a new
MediaType for the given MimeType . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Object> |
Jackson2CborDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
Jackson2CborEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
Constructor and Description |
Jackson2CborDecoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Jackson2CborEncoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MimeType> |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.getDecodableMimeTypes() |
List<MimeType> |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.getDecodableMimeTypes(ResolvableType targetType) |
List<MimeType> |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.getEncodableMimeTypes() |
List<MimeType> |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.getEncodableMimeTypes(ResolvableType elementType) |
protected List<MimeType> |
Subclasses should expose this as "decodable" or "encodable" mime types.
protected List<MimeType> |
Jackson2CodecSupport.getMimeTypes(ResolvableType elementType) |
protected Map<Class<?>,Map<MimeType,ObjectMapper>> |
Jackson2CodecSupport.getObjectMapperRegistrations() |
Map<MimeType,ObjectMapper> |
Jackson2CodecSupport.getObjectMappersForType(Class<?> clazz)
Return ObjectMapper registrations for the given class, if any.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
KotlinSerializationJsonDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
KotlinSerializationJsonEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
protected ObjectWriter |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.customizeWriter(ObjectWriter writer,
MimeType mimeType,
ResolvableType elementType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected ObjectWriter |
Jackson2JsonEncoder.customizeWriter(ObjectWriter writer,
MimeType mimeType,
ResolvableType elementType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
Object |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType targetType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Object> |
KotlinSerializationJsonDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Object> |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Object> |
KotlinSerializationJsonDecoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Object> |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
KotlinSerializationJsonEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.encodeValue(Object value,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
KotlinSerializationJsonEncoder.encodeValue(Object value,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected JsonEncoding |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.getJsonEncoding(MimeType mimeType)
Determine the JSON encoding to use for the given mime type.
protected byte[] |
Jackson2SmileEncoder.getStreamingMediaTypeSeparator(MimeType mimeType)
Return the separator to use for the given mime type.
protected byte[] |
AbstractJackson2Encoder.getStreamingMediaTypeSeparator(MimeType mimeType)
Return the separator to use for the given mime type.
protected reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
Jackson2JsonDecoder.processInput(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
AbstractJackson2Decoder.processInput(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints)
Process the input publisher into a flux.
protected ObjectMapper |
Jackson2CodecSupport.selectObjectMapper(ResolvableType targetType,
MimeType targetMimeType)
Select an ObjectMapper to use, either the main ObjectMapper or another
if the handling for the given Class has been customized through
Jackson2CodecSupport.registerObjectMappersForType(Class, Consumer) . |
protected boolean |
Jackson2CodecSupport.supportsMimeType(MimeType mimeType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Jackson2CodecSupport.registerObjectMappersForType(Class<?> clazz,
Consumer<Map<MimeType,ObjectMapper>> registrar)
Configure the
ObjectMapper instances to use for the given
Class . |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractJackson2Decoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes)
Constructor with a Jackson
ObjectMapper to use. |
AbstractJackson2Encoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes)
Constructor with a Jackson
ObjectMapper to use. |
Jackson2CodecSupport(ObjectMapper objectMapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes)
Constructor with a Jackson
ObjectMapper to use. |
Jackson2JsonDecoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Jackson2JsonEncoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Jackson2SmileDecoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Jackson2SmileEncoder(ObjectMapper mapper,
MimeType... mimeTypes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MimeType> |
ProtobufDecoder.getDecodableMimeTypes() |
List<MimeType> |
ProtobufEncoder.getEncodableMimeTypes() |
protected List<MimeType> |
ProtobufCodecSupport.getMimeTypes() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ProtobufDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
ProtobufEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) | |
ProtobufDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType targetType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<> |
ProtobufDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<> |
ProtobufDecoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
ProtobufEncoder.encode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends> inputStream,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
ProtobufEncoder.encodeValue( message,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected boolean |
ProtobufCodecSupport.supportsMimeType(MimeType mimeType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Jaxb2XmlDecoder.canDecode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
boolean |
Jaxb2XmlEncoder.canEncode(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType) |
Object |
Jaxb2XmlDecoder.decode(DataBuffer dataBuffer,
ResolvableType targetType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<XMLEvent> |
XmlEventDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Flux<Object> |
Jaxb2XmlDecoder.decode(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> inputStream,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Object> |
Jaxb2XmlDecoder.decodeToMono(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DataBuffer> input,
ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
protected reactor.core.publisher.Flux<DataBuffer> |
Jaxb2XmlEncoder.encode(Object value,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
DataBuffer |
Jaxb2XmlEncoder.encodeValue(Object value,
DataBufferFactory bufferFactory,
ResolvableType valueType,
MimeType mimeType,
Map<String,Object> hints) |
Constructor and Description |
Jaxb2XmlDecoder(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes)
Create a
Jaxb2XmlDecoder with the specified MIME types. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MimeType |
The mime-type for protobuf
application/x-protobuf . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected MimeType |
AbstractMessageConverter.getDefaultContentType(Object payload)
Return the default content type for the payload.
MimeType |
Return the default MIME type to use if no
MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE header is present. |
protected MimeType |
AbstractMessageConverter.getMimeType(MessageHeaders headers) |
MimeType |
ContentTypeResolver.resolve(MessageHeaders headers)
Determine the
MimeType of a message from the given MessageHeaders. |
MimeType |
DefaultContentTypeResolver.resolve(MessageHeaders headers) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MimeType> |
Return the supported MIME types.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractMessageConverter.addSupportedMimeTypes(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes)
Allows subclasses to add more supported mime types.
protected JsonEncoding |
MappingJackson2MessageConverter.getJsonEncoding(MimeType contentType)
Determine the JSON encoding to use for the given content type.
void |
DefaultContentTypeResolver.setDefaultMimeType(MimeType defaultMimeType)
Set the default MIME type to use when there is no
MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE header present. |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractMessageConverter(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes)
Constructor with one or more MIME types via vararg.
AbstractMessageConverter(MimeType supportedMimeType)
Constructor with a single MIME type.
MappingJackson2MessageConverter(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes)
Construct a
MappingJackson2MessageConverter supporting
one or more custom MIME types. |
MarshallingMessageConverter(MimeType... supportedMimeTypes)
Constructor with a given list of MIME types to support.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractMessageConverter(Collection<MimeType> supportedMimeTypes)
Constructor with a Collection of MIME types.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected MimeType |
PayloadMethodArgumentResolver.getMimeType(Message<?> message)
Return the mime type for the content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MimeType |
Return the data
MimeType selected for the underlying RSocket
at connection time. |
MimeType |
Return the metadata
MimeType selected for the underlying RSocket
at connection time. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RSocketRequester.Builder |
RSocketRequester.Builder.dataMimeType(MimeType mimeType)
Configure the payload data MimeType to specify on the
frame that applies to the whole connection. |
default <T> Decoder<T> |
RSocketStrategies.decoder(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType)
Find a compatible Decoder for the given element type.
default <T> Encoder<T> |
RSocketStrategies.encoder(ResolvableType elementType,
MimeType mimeType)
Find a compatible Encoder for the given element type.
Map<String,Object> |
MetadataExtractor.extract(io.rsocket.Payload payload,
MimeType metadataMimeType)
Extract a map of values from the given
Payload metadata. |
Map<String,Object> |
DefaultMetadataExtractor.extract(io.rsocket.Payload payload,
MimeType metadataMimeType) |
RSocketRequester.RequestSpec |
RSocketRequester.metadata(Object metadata,
MimeType mimeType)
Begin to specify a new request with the given metadata value, which can
be a concrete value or any producer of a single value that can be adapted
to a
Publisher via ReactiveAdapterRegistry . |
S |
RSocketRequester.MetadataSpec.metadata(Object metadata,
MimeType mimeType)
Use this to append additional metadata entries when using composite
RSocketRequester.Builder |
RSocketRequester.Builder.metadataMimeType(MimeType mimeType)
Configure the payload metadata MimeType to specify on the
frame that applies to the whole connection. |
default void |
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
Class<?> targetType,
String name)
Decode metadata entries with the given
MimeType to the specified
target class, and store the decoded value in the output map under the
given name. |
<T> void |
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
Class<T> targetType,
BiConsumer<T,Map<String,Object>> mapper)
Variant of
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType, Class, String) that allows
custom logic to be used to map the decoded value to any number of values
in the output map. |
<T> void |
DefaultMetadataExtractor.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
Class<T> targetType,
BiConsumer<T,Map<String,Object>> mapper) |
default void |
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
ParameterizedTypeReference<?> targetType,
String name)
Variant of
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType, Class, String) that accepts
ParameterizedTypeReference instead of Class for
specifying a target type with generic parameters. |
<T> void |
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
ParameterizedTypeReference<T> type,
BiConsumer<T,Map<String,Object>> mapper)
Variant of
MetadataExtractorRegistry.metadataToExtract(MimeType, Class, BiConsumer) that
accepts ParameterizedTypeReference instead of Class for
specifying a target type with generic parameters. |
<T> void |
DefaultMetadataExtractor.metadataToExtract(MimeType mimeType,
ParameterizedTypeReference<T> type,
BiConsumer<T,Map<String,Object>> mapper) |
RSocketRequester.Builder |
RSocketRequester.Builder.setupMetadata(Object value,
MimeType mimeType)
Add metadata entry to the setup payload.
static RSocketRequester |
RSocketRequester.wrap(io.rsocket.RSocket rsocket,
MimeType dataMimeType,
MimeType metadataMimeType,
RSocketStrategies strategies)
Wrap an existing
RSocket . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MimeType |
Return the configured
defaultDataMimeType , or null . |
MimeType |
Return the configured
defaultMetadataMimeType . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RSocketMessageHandler.setDefaultDataMimeType(MimeType mimeType)
Configure the default content type to use for data payloads if the
SETUP frame did not specify one. |
void |
RSocketMessageHandler.setDefaultMetadataMimeType(MimeType mimeType)
Configure the default
MimeType for payload data if the
SETUP frame did not specify one. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MimeType |
Return the content-type header value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StompHeaders.setContentType(MimeType mimeType)
Set the content-type header.
void |
StompHeaderAccessor.setContentType(MimeType contentType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MimeType |
MessageHeaderAccessor.getContentType() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MessageHeaderAccessor.setContentType(MimeType contentType) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
MimeType.SpecificityComparator<T extends MimeType>
Comparator to sort
MimeTypes in order of specificity. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type that includes all media ranges (i.e.
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
application/json . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
application/octet-stream . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
application/xml . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
image/gif . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
image/jpeg . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
image/png . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
text/html . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
text/plain . |
static MimeType |
Public constant mime type for
text/xml . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Comparator<MimeType> |
Comparator used by
MimeTypeUtils.sortBySpecificity(List) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MimeType |
MimeTypeUtils.parseMimeType(String mimeType)
Parse the given String into a single
MimeType . |
static MimeType |
MimeType.valueOf(String value)
Parse the given String value into a
MimeType object,
with this method name following the 'valueOf' naming convention
(as supported by ConversionService . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<MimeType> |
MimeTypeUtils.parseMimeTypes(String mimeTypes)
Parse the comma-separated string into a list of
MimeType objects. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
MimeType.compareTo(MimeType other)
Compares this MIME Type to another alphabetically.
boolean |
MimeType.equalsTypeAndSubtype(MimeType other)
Similar to
equals(Object) but based on the type and subtype
only, i.e. |
boolean |
MimeType.includes(MimeType other)
Indicate whether this MIME Type includes the given MIME Type.
boolean |
MimeType.isCompatibleWith(MimeType other)
Indicate whether this MIME Type is compatible with the given MIME Type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MimeType.isPresentIn(Collection<? extends MimeType> mimeTypes)
Collection.contains(Object) which relies on
equals(Object) , this method only checks the type and the
subtype, but otherwise ignores parameters. |
static void |
MimeTypeUtils.sortBySpecificity(List<MimeType> mimeTypes)
Sorts the given list of
MimeType objects by specificity. |
static String |
MimeTypeUtils.toString(Collection<? extends MimeType> mimeTypes)
Return a string representation of the given list of
MimeType objects. |
Constructor and Description |
MimeType(MimeType other)
Copy-constructor that copies the type, subtype and parameters of the given
MimeType ,
skipping checks performed in other constructors. |
MimeType(MimeType other,
Charset charset)
Copy-constructor that copies the type, subtype, parameters of the given
MimeType ,
and allows to set the specified character set. |
MimeType(MimeType other,
Map<String,String> parameters)
Copy-constructor that copies the type and subtype of the given
MimeType ,
and allows for different parameter. |