Class MockMvcTester.MockMultipartMvcRequestBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.assertj.core.api.AssertProvider<MvcTestResultAssert>, Mergeable, ConfigurableSmartRequestBuilder<MockMvcTester.MockMultipartMvcRequestBuilder>, RequestBuilder, SmartRequestBuilder
Enclosing class:

public final class MockMvcTester.MockMultipartMvcRequestBuilder extends AbstractMockMultipartHttpServletRequestBuilder<MockMvcTester.MockMultipartMvcRequestBuilder> implements org.assertj.core.api.AssertProvider<MvcTestResultAssert>
A builder for MockMultipartHttpServletRequest that supports AssertJ.
  • Method Details

    • exchange

      public MvcTestResult exchange()
      Execute the request. If the request is processing asynchronously, wait at most the given timeout value associated with the async request, see MockAsyncContext.setTimeout(long).

      For simple assertions, you can wrap this builder in assertThat rather than calling this method explicitly:

       // These two examples are equivalent

      For assertions on the original asynchronous request that might still be in progress, use asyncExchange().

      See Also:
    • exchange

      public MvcTestResult exchange(Duration timeToWait)
      Execute the request and wait at most the given timeToWait duration for the asynchronous request to complete. If the request is not asynchronous, the timeToWait is ignored.

      For assertions on the original asynchronous request that might still be in progress, use asyncExchange().

      See Also:
    • asyncExchange

      public MvcTestResult asyncExchange()
      Execute the request and do not attempt to wait for the completion of an asynchronous request. Contrary to exchange(), this returns the original result that might still be in progress.
    • assertThat

      public MvcTestResultAssert assertThat()
      Specified by:
      assertThat in interface org.assertj.core.api.AssertProvider<MvcTestResultAssert>