Interface GraphQlClient.BaseBuilder<B extends GraphQlClient.BaseBuilder<B>>

Type Parameters:
B - the type of builder
All Known Subinterfaces:
GraphQlClient.Builder<B>, GraphQlClient.SyncBuilder<B>, HttpGraphQlClient.Builder<B>, HttpSyncGraphQlClient.Builder<B>, RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder<B>, WebGraphQlClient.Builder<B>, WebSocketGraphQlClient.Builder<B>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGraphQlClientBuilder, AbstractGraphQlClientSyncBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface GraphQlClient.BaseBuilder<B extends GraphQlClient.BaseBuilder<B>>
Base builder for creating and initializing a GraphQlClient.
  • Method Details

    • documentSource

      B documentSource(DocumentSource contentLoader)
      Configure a DocumentSource strategy to resolve a document by name. For use within GraphQlClient.documentName(String).

      By default, this is set to ResourceDocumentSource with classpath location "graphql-documents/" and ResourceDocumentSource.FILE_EXTENSIONS as extensions.

      contentLoader - the strategy for resolving documents by their names
    • blockingTimeout

      B blockingTimeout(@Nullable Duration blockingTimeout)
      Configure a timeout to use for blocking execution.

      By default this is not set, in which case the behavior depends on connection and request timeout settings of the underlying transport. We recommend configuring timeout values directly if possible on the underlying transport library such an HTTP client library as that can provide more control over such settings.

      blockingTimeout - the timeout to use
    • build

      GraphQlClient build()
      Build the GraphQlClient instance.