Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.boot.support

Class Summary
AppmasterLauncherRunner CommandLineRunner to run Spring Yarn appmaster.
BootApplicationEventTransformer Helper class which is listens application events sent by Boot and possibly relays event content back to context as in form understand by Yarn.
BootLocalResourcesSelector Boot specific default LocalResourcesSelector implementation.
CommandLineRunnerSupport Base support class for CommandLineRunner implementations.
ContainerLauncherRunner CommandLineRunner to run Spring Yarn container.
EmbeddedAppmasterTrackService A AppmasterTrackService which delegates to an EmbeddedServletContainer to find a configured port whether that is hard coded or set to be picked up automatically.
SpringYarnBootUtils Utilities for Spring Yarn Boot.
YarnBootClientApplicationListener An ApplicationListener for Spring Boot which is adding a property source relative to the command line arguments.
YarnJobLauncherCommandLineRunner CommandLineRunner to launch Spring Batch jobs.

Enum Summary
BootLocalResourcesSelector.Mode The Enum indicating working mode for BootLocalResourcesSelector.

Spring for Apache Hadoop