Spring Integration

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MessageSource

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.aggregator

Classes in org.springframework.integration.aggregator that implement MessageSource
 class CorrelatingMessageBarrier
          This Endpoint serves as a barrier for messages that should not be processed yet.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.config

Methods in org.springframework.integration.config with parameters of type MessageSource
 void SourcePollingChannelAdapterFactoryBean.setSource(MessageSource<?> source)

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.endpoint

Classes in org.springframework.integration.endpoint that implement MessageSource
 class MethodInvokingMessageSource
          A MessageSource implementation that invokes a no-argument method so that its return value may be sent to a channel.

Methods in org.springframework.integration.endpoint with parameters of type MessageSource
 void SourcePollingChannelAdapter.setSource(MessageSource<?> source)
          Specify the source to be polled for Messages.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.file

Classes in org.springframework.integration.file that implement MessageSource
 class AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource<Y,T extends AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<Y>>
          Ultimately, this factors out a lot of the common logic between the FTP and SFTP adapters.
 class FileReadingMessageSource
          MessageSource that creates messages from a file system directory.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.ftp.impl

Classes in org.springframework.integration.ftp.impl that implement MessageSource
 class FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource
          a MessageSource implementation for FTP

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.jdbc

Classes in org.springframework.integration.jdbc that implement MessageSource
 class JdbcPollingChannelAdapter
          A polling channel adapter that creates messages from the payload returned by executing a select query.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.jms

Classes in org.springframework.integration.jms that implement MessageSource
 class JmsDestinationPollingSource
          A source for receiving JMS Messages with a polling listener.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.jmx

Classes in org.springframework.integration.jmx that implement MessageSource
 class AttributePollingMessageSource
          A MessageSource implementation that retrieves the current value of a JMX attribute each time AttributePollingMessageSource.receive() is invoked.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.mail

Classes in org.springframework.integration.mail that implement MessageSource
 class MailReceivingMessageSource
          MessageSource implementation that delegates to a MailReceiver to poll a mailbox.

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.sftp.impl

Classes in org.springframework.integration.sftp.impl that implement MessageSource
 class SftpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource
          a MessageSource implementation for SFTP

Uses of MessageSource in org.springframework.integration.stream

Classes in org.springframework.integration.stream that implement MessageSource
 class ByteStreamReadingMessageSource
          A pollable source for receiving bytes from an InputStream.
 class CharacterStreamReadingMessageSource
          A pollable source for Readers.

Spring Integration

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