Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.file

Interface Summary
AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T> Strategy interface to expose a hook for dispatching, moving, or deleting the file once it's been delivered.
DirectoryScanner Strategy for scanning directories.
FileLocker A FileLocker is a strategy that can ensure that files are only processed a single time.
FileNameGenerator Strategy interface for generating a file name from a message.

Class Summary
AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<T> Strategy class charged with knowing how to connect to a remote file system, scan it for new files and then downloading the file.
AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource<Y,T extends AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<Y>> Ultimately, this factors out a lot of the common logic between the FTP and SFTP adapters.
DefaultDirectoryScanner Default directory scanner and base class for other directory scanners.
DefaultFileNameGenerator Default implementation of the filename generator strategy.
FileHeaders Pre-defined header names to be used when storing or retrieving File-related values to/from integration Message Headers.
FileReadingMessageSource MessageSource that creates messages from a file system directory.
FileWritingMessageHandler A MessageHandler implementation that writes the Message payload to a file.
HeadDirectoryScanner A custom scanner that only returns the first maxNumberOfFiles elements from a directory listing.
RecursiveLeafOnlyDirectoryScanner DirectoryScanner that lists all files inside a directory and subdirectories, without limit.

Spring Integration

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