Spring Integration

Class AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<T>

  extended by org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport
      extended by org.springframework.integration.endpoint.AbstractEndpoint
          extended by org.springframework.integration.file.AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle, NamedComponent
Direct Known Subclasses:
FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizer, SftpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizer

public abstract class AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<T>
extends AbstractEndpoint

Strategy class charged with knowing how to connect to a remote file system, scan it for new files and then downloading the file.

The implementation should run through any configured EntryListFilters to ensure the entry is worth downloading.

Josh Long

Nested Class Summary
static interface AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T>
          Strategy interface to expose a hook for dispatching, moving, or deleting the file once it's been delivered.
Field Summary
protected  AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T> entryAcknowledgmentStrategy
          Used to store the AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy implementation
protected  EntryListFilter<T> filter
          a EntryListFilter that we're running against the remote file system view!
protected  Resource localDirectory
          the directory we're writing our synchronizations to
protected  ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture
          the ScheduledFuture instance we get when we schedule our AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.SynchronizeTask
protected  boolean shouldDeleteSourceFile
          Should we delete the source file?
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void acknowledge(Object usefulContextOrClientData, T t)
protected  void doStart()
          Subclasses must implement this method with the start behavior.
protected  void doStop()
          Subclasses must implement this method with the stop behavior.
protected abstract  Trigger getTrigger()
          Returns a value in millis dictating how frequently the trigger should fire
 void setEntryAcknowledgmentStrategy(AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T> entryAcknowledgmentStrategy)
 void setFilter(EntryListFilter<T> filter)
 void setLocalDirectory(Resource localDirectory)
 void setShouldDeleteSourceFile(boolean shouldDeleteSourceFile)
protected abstract  void syncRemoteToLocalFileSystem()
          This is the callback where we need the implementation to do some specific work
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.endpoint.AbstractEndpoint
getPhase, isAutoStartup, isRunning, setAutoStartup, setPhase, setTaskScheduler, start, stop, stop
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationObjectSupport
afterPropertiesSet, getBeanFactory, getComponentName, getComponentType, getConversionService, getRequiredMetadataPersister, getTaskScheduler, onInit, setBeanFactory, setBeanName, setComponentName, setConversionService, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean shouldDeleteSourceFile
Should we delete the source file? For an FTP server, for example, this would delete the original FTPFile instance

At the moment I can simply see this triggering an implementation specific AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy implementation that knows how to delete an entry on the remote file system.


protected volatile Resource localDirectory
the directory we're writing our synchronizations to


protected volatile EntryListFilter<T> filter
a EntryListFilter that we're running against the remote file system view!


protected ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture
the ScheduledFuture instance we get when we schedule our AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.SynchronizeTask


protected AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T> entryAcknowledgmentStrategy
Used to store the AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy implementation

Constructor Detail


public AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer()
Method Detail


public void setEntryAcknowledgmentStrategy(AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy<T> entryAcknowledgmentStrategy)


public void setShouldDeleteSourceFile(boolean shouldDeleteSourceFile)


public void setLocalDirectory(Resource localDirectory)


public void setFilter(EntryListFilter<T> filter)


protected void acknowledge(Object usefulContextOrClientData,
                           T t)
                    throws Throwable
usefulContextOrClientData - this is context information to be passed to the individual AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy implementation. AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer.EntryAcknowledgmentStrategy.acknowledge(Object, Object) will be called in line with the MessageSource.receive() call so this could conceivably be a 'live' stateful client (a connection?) that is inappropriate to cache as it has per-request state.
t - leverages strategy implementations to enable different behavior. It's a hook to the entry (T) after it's been successfully downloaded. Conceptually, you might delete the remote one or rename it or something
Throwable - escape hatch exception, let the adapter deal with it.


protected abstract void syncRemoteToLocalFileSystem()
                                             throws Exception
This is the callback where we need the implementation to do some specific work

Exception - thrown if anything goes wrong


protected void doStop()
Subclasses must implement this method with the stop behavior. This method will be invoked while holding the AbstractEndpoint.lifecycleLock.

Specified by:
doStop in class AbstractEndpoint


protected abstract Trigger getTrigger()
Returns a value in millis dictating how frequently the trigger should fire

a Trigger implementation (likely, PeriodicTrigger)


protected void doStart()
Subclasses must implement this method with the start behavior. This method will be invoked while holding the AbstractEndpoint.lifecycleLock.

Specified by:
doStart in class AbstractEndpoint

Spring Integration

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