
inline fun <P> route(crossinline function: (P) -> Any?)
inline fun <P, T> route(crossinline function: (P) -> T, crossinline configurer: KotlinRouterSpec<T, MethodInvokingRouter>.() -> Unit)

Inline function for IntegrationFlowDefinition.route providing a route<MyTypeIn>() variant with reified generic type.

fun route(beanName: String, method: String? = null)

Populate the MethodInvokingRouter for provided bean and its method with default options.

fun route(beanName: String, method: String?, routerConfigurer: KotlinRouterSpec<Any, MethodInvokingRouter>.() -> Unit)

Populate the MethodInvokingRouter for provided bean and its method with provided options from KotlinRouterSpec.

fun route(service: Any, methodName: String? = null)

Populate the MethodInvokingRouter for the method of the provided service and its method with default options.

fun route(service: Any, methodName: String?, routerConfigurer: KotlinRouterSpec<Any, MethodInvokingRouter>.() -> Unit)

Populate the MethodInvokingRouter for the method of the provided service and its method with provided options from KotlinRouterSpec.

fun <T> route(expression: String, routerConfigurer: KotlinRouterSpec<T, ExpressionEvaluatingRouter>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate the ExpressionEvaluatingRouter for provided SpEL expression with provided options from KotlinRouterSpec.

fun route(messageProcessorSpec: MessageProcessorSpec<*>, routerConfigurer: KotlinRouterSpec<Any, MethodInvokingRouter>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate the MethodInvokingRouter for the MessageProcessor from the provided MessageProcessorSpec with default options.

fun <R : AbstractMessageRouter> route(router: R, endpointConfigurer: GenericEndpointSpec<R>.() -> Unit = {})

Populate the provided AbstractMessageRouter implementation to the current integration flow position. In addition, accept options for the integration endpoint using GenericEndpointSpec.