Class MulticastSendingMessageHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<Message<?>>, Aware, BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, Lifecycle, Ordered, ComponentSourceAware, ExpressionCapable, Orderable, IntegrationPattern, CommonSocketOptions, NamedComponent, IntegrationManagement, ManageableLifecycle, TrackableComponent, MessageHandler, reactor.core.CoreSubscriber<Message<?>>

public class MulticastSendingMessageHandler extends UnicastSendingMessageHandler
A MessageHandler implementation that maps a Message into a UDP datagram packet and sends that to the specified multicast address ( to and port. The only difference between this and its super class is the ability to specify how many acknowledgments are required to determine success.
Gary Russell, Artem Bilan, Christian Tzolov
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(String address, int port)
      Constructs a MulticastSendingMessageHandler to send data to the multicast address/port.
      address - The multicast address.
      port - The port.
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(String address, int port, boolean lengthCheck)
      Constructs a MulticastSendingMessageHandler to send data to the multicast address/port and enables setting the lengthCheck option (if set, a length is prepended to the packet and checked at the destination).
      address - The multicast address.
      port - The port.
      lengthCheck - Enable the lengthCheck option.
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(String address, int port, boolean acknowledge, String ackHost, int ackPort, int ackTimeout)
      Constructs a MulticastSendingMessageHandler to send data to the multicast address/port and enables setting the acknowledge option, where the destination sends a receipt acknowledgment.
      address - The multicast address.
      port - The port.
      acknowledge - Whether or not acknowledgments are required.
      ackHost - The host to which acknowledgments should be sent; required if acknowledge is true.
      ackPort - The port to which acknowledgments should be sent; required if acknowledge is true.
      ackTimeout - How long to wait (milliseconds) for an acknowledgment.
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(String address, int port, boolean lengthCheck, boolean acknowledge, String ackHost, int ackPort, int ackTimeout)
      Constructs a MulticastSendingMessageHandler to send data to the multicast address/port and enables setting the acknowledge option, where the destination sends a receipt acknowledgment.
      address - The multicast address.
      port - The port.
      lengthCheck - Enable the lengthCheck option.
      acknowledge - Whether or not acknowledgments are required.
      ackHost - The host to which acknowledgments should be sent; required if acknowledge is true.
      ackPort - The port to which acknowledgments should be sent; required if acknowledge is true.
      ackTimeout - How long to wait (milliseconds) for an acknowledgment.
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(Expression destinationExpression)
      Construct MulticastSendingMessageHandler based on the destination SpEL expression to determine the target destination at runtime against requestMessage.
      destinationExpression - the SpEL expression to evaluate the target destination at runtime. Must evaluate to String, URI or SocketAddress.
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      public MulticastSendingMessageHandler(String destinationExpression)
      Construct MulticastSendingMessageHandler based on the destination SpEL expression to determine the target destination at runtime against requestMessage.
      destinationExpression - the SpEL expression to evaluate the target destination at runtime. Must evaluate to String, URI or SocketAddress.
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