Class R2dbcMessageSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, MessageSource<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>>, IntegrationPattern, NamedComponent, IntegrationInboundManagement, IntegrationManagement

public class R2dbcMessageSource extends AbstractMessageSource<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>>
An instance of MessageSource which returns a Message with a payload which is the result of execution of query. When expectSingleResult is false (default), the R2DBC query is executed returning a Flux. The returned Flux will be used as the payload of the Message returned by the AbstractMessageSource.receive() method.

When expectSingleResult is true, the query is executed returning a Mono for the single object returned from the query.

Rohan Mukesh, Artem Bilan
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • R2dbcMessageSource Link icon

      public R2dbcMessageSource( r2dbcEntityOperations, String query)
      Create an instance with the provided R2dbcEntityOperations and SpEL expression which should resolve to a Relational 'query' string. It assumes that the R2dbcEntityOperations is fully initialized and ready to be used. The 'query' will be evaluated on every call to the AbstractMessageSource.receive() method.
      r2dbcEntityOperations - The reactive database client for performing database calls.
      query - The query String.
    • R2dbcMessageSource Link icon

      public R2dbcMessageSource( r2dbcEntityOperations, Expression queryExpression)
      Create an instance with the provided R2dbcEntityOperations and SpEL expression which should resolve to a query string or StatementMapper.SelectSpec instance. It assumes that the R2dbcEntityOperations is fully initialized and ready to be used. The 'queryExpression' will be evaluated on every call to the AbstractMessageSource.receive() method.
      r2dbcEntityOperations - The reactive for performing database calls.
      queryExpression - The query expression. The root object for evaluation context is a R2dbcMessageSource.SelectCreator for delegation int the StatementMapper.createSelect(java.lang.String) fluent API.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • setPayloadType Link icon

      public void setPayloadType(Class<?> payloadType)
      Set the type of the entityClass which is used for the EntityRowMapper.
      payloadType - The class to use.
    • setUpdateSql Link icon

      public void setUpdateSql(String updateSql)
      Set an update query that will be passed to the DatabaseClient.sql(String) method.
      updateSql - the update query string.
    • setBindFunction Link icon

      Set a BiFunction which is used to bind parameters into the update query.
      bindFunction - the BiFunction to use.
    • setExpectSingleResult Link icon

      public void setExpectSingleResult(boolean expectSingleResult)
      The flag to manage which find* method to invoke on R2dbcEntityOperations. Default is 'false', which means the AbstractMessageSource.receive() method will use the DatabaseClient.sql(String) method and will fetch all. If set to 'true'AbstractMessageSource.receive() will use DatabaseClient.sql(String) and will fetch one and the payload of the returned Message will be the returned target Object of type identified by payloadType instead of a List.
      expectSingleResult - true if a single result is expected.
    • getComponentType Link icon

      public String getComponentType()
    • onInit Link icon

      protected void onInit()
      onInit in class AbstractExpressionEvaluator
    • doReceive Link icon

      protected Object doReceive()
      Execute a query returning its results as the Message payload. The payload can be either Flux or Mono of objects of type identified by payloadType, or a single element of type identified by payloadType based on the value of expectSingleResult attribute which defaults to 'false' resulting Message with payload of type Flux.
      Specified by:
      doReceive in class AbstractMessageSource<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>>
      The value returned.