Interface WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator

Allows users to determine whether they have privileges for a given web URI.

Luke Taylor

Method Summary
 boolean isAllowed(String uri, Authentication authentication)
          Determines whether the user represented by the supplied Authentication object is allowed to invoke the supplied URI.
 boolean isAllowed(String contextPath, String uri, String method, Authentication authentication)
          Determines whether the user represented by the supplied Authentication object is allowed to invoke the supplied URI, with the given .

Method Detail


boolean isAllowed(String uri,
                  Authentication authentication)
Determines whether the user represented by the supplied Authentication object is allowed to invoke the supplied URI.

uri - the URI excluding the context path (a default context path setting will be used)


boolean isAllowed(String contextPath,
                  String uri,
                  String method,
                  Authentication authentication)
Determines whether the user represented by the supplied Authentication object is allowed to invoke the supplied URI, with the given .

Note the default implementation of FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource disregards the contextPath when evaluating which secure object metadata applies to a given request URI, so generally the contextPath is unimportant unless you are using a custom FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource.

uri - the URI excluding the context path
contextPath - the context path (may be null).
method - the HTTP method (or null, for any method)
authentication - the Authentication instance whose authorities should be used in evaluation whether access should be granted.
true if access is allowed, false if denied

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