Spring Security Framework | |||||||||
Packages that use AuthenticationException | |
org.springframework.security | Provides core Spring Security interfaces and classes. |
org.springframework.security.adapters | Allows external containers to obtain authentication information from the system. |
org.springframework.security.concurrent | Concurrent session control and registration classes. |
org.springframework.security.event.authentication | Enables events to be published to the Spring application context. |
org.springframework.security.providers | Implements a provider-based approach to authentication decisions. |
org.springframework.security.providers.anonymous | Allows you to secure every invocation (especially useful for web request URI security) by always having either an actual principal or an anonymous principal authenticated. |
org.springframework.security.providers.cas | An authentication provider that can process JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) service tickets and proxy tickets. |
org.springframework.security.providers.dao | An authentication provider that relies upon a data access object. |
org.springframework.security.providers.jaas | An authentication provider for JAAS. |
org.springframework.security.providers.ldap | The LDAP authentication provider package. |
org.springframework.security.providers.openid | An authentication provider that can process OpenID Authentication Tokens as created by implementations of the OpenIDConsumer interface. |
org.springframework.security.providers.preauth | |
org.springframework.security.providers.rcp | Allows remote clients to authenticate and obtain a populated
Authentication object. |
org.springframework.security.providers.rememberme | Authentication provider that processes RememberMeAuthenticationToken s. |
org.springframework.security.providers.x509 | This package is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. |
org.springframework.security.providers.x509.populator | This package is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. |
org.springframework.security.runas | Allows secure objects to be run under a different authentication identity. |
org.springframework.security.ui | Authentication processing mechanisms, which respond to the submission of authentication credentials using various protocols (eg BASIC, CAS, form login etc). |
org.springframework.security.ui.basicauth | Authenticates HTTP BASIC authentication requests. |
org.springframework.security.ui.cas | Authenticates standard web browser users via JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS). |
org.springframework.security.ui.digestauth | Authenticates HTTP Digest authentication requests. |
org.springframework.security.ui.ntlm | |
org.springframework.security.ui.openid | Authenticates standard web browser users via OpenID. |
org.springframework.security.ui.portlet | Authentication interceptor (and related classes) for use with the Portlet 1.0 (JSR 168) Specification. |
org.springframework.security.ui.preauth | |
org.springframework.security.ui.rememberme | Support for remembering a user between different web sessions. |
org.springframework.security.ui.switchuser | Provides HTTP-based "switch user" (su) capabilities. |
org.springframework.security.ui.webapp | Authenticates users via HTTP properties, headers and session. |
org.springframework.security.ui.x509 | This package is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. |
org.springframework.security.userdetails | |
org.springframework.security.userdetails.jdbc | Exposes a JDBC-based authentication repository. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security | |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account has expired. |
class |
Base class for authentication exceptions which are caused by a particular user account status (locked, disabled etc). |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because there is no Authentication object in the SecurityContext . |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem. |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are invalid. |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account's credentials have expired. |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is disabled. |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are not sufficiently trusted. |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is locked. |
Methods in org.springframework.security that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Attempts to authenticate the passed Authentication object, returning a fully populated
Authentication object (including granted authorities) if successful. |
Authentication |
AbstractAuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication authRequest)
An implementation of the authenticate method that calls the abstract method
doAuthenticatation to do its work. |
Authentication |
MockAuthenticationManager.doAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
protected abstract Authentication |
AbstractAuthenticationManager.doAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
Concrete implementations of this class override this method to provide the authentication service. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.adapters |
Methods in org.springframework.security.adapters that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
AuthByAdapterProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.concurrent |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.concurrent | |
class |
Thrown by ConcurrentSessionControllerImpl if an attempt is made to login and the user has already
exceeded their maxmimum allowed sessions. |
class |
Thrown by a SessionRegistry implementation if an attempt is made to create new session information
for an existing sessionId. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.concurrent that throw AuthenticationException | |
void |
NullConcurrentSessionController.checkAuthenticationAllowed(Authentication request)
void |
ConcurrentSessionControllerImpl.checkAuthenticationAllowed(Authentication request)
void |
ConcurrentSessionController.checkAuthenticationAllowed(Authentication request)
Called by any class that wishes to know whether the current authentication request should be permitted. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.event.authentication |
Methods in org.springframework.security.event.authentication that return AuthenticationException | |
AuthenticationException |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers | |
class |
Thrown by ProviderManager if no AuthenticationProvider could be found that supports the
presented Authentication object. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Performs authentication with the same contract as AuthenticationManager.authenticate(Authentication) . |
Authentication |
ProviderManager.doAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
Attempts to authenticate the passed Authentication object. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.anonymous |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.anonymous that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
AnonymousAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.cas |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.cas that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
CasAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.dao |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.dao that throw AuthenticationException | |
protected void |
DaoAuthenticationProvider.additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails,
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
protected abstract void |
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails,
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
Allows subclasses to perform any additional checks of a returned (or cached) UserDetails
for a given authentication request. |
Authentication |
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
protected UserDetails |
DaoAuthenticationProvider.retrieveUser(String username,
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
protected abstract UserDetails |
AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.retrieveUser(String username,
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
Allows subclasses to actually retrieve the UserDetails from an implementation-specific
location, with the option of throwing an AuthenticationException immediately if the presented
credentials are incorrect (this is especially useful if it is necessary to bind to a resource as the user in
order to obtain or generate a UserDetails ). |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.jaas |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.jaas that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
JaasAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication auth)
Attempts to login the user given the Authentication objects principal and credential |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.ldap |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.ldap that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
LdapAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.openid |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.openid | |
class |
Indicates that OpenID authentication was cancelled |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.openid that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
OpenIDAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.preauth |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.preauth that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Authenticate the given PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken. |
UserDetails |
PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService.loadUserDetails(Authentication token)
Get a UserDetails object based on the user name contained in the given token, and the GrantedAuthorities as returned by the GrantedAuthoritiesContainer implementation as returned by the token.getDetails() method. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.rcp |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.rcp that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
RemoteAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.rememberme |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.rememberme that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
RememberMeAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.x509 |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.x509 that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
X509AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Deprecated. If the supplied authentication token contains a certificate then this will be passed to the configured X509AuthoritiesPopulator to obtain the user details and authorities for the user identified by the
certificate. |
UserDetails |
X509AuthoritiesPopulator.getUserDetails(X509Certificate userCertificate)
Deprecated. Obtains the granted authorities for the specified user. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.providers.x509.populator |
Methods in org.springframework.security.providers.x509.populator that throw AuthenticationException | |
UserDetails |
DaoX509AuthoritiesPopulator.getUserDetails(X509Certificate clientCert)
Deprecated. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.runas |
Methods in org.springframework.security.runas that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
RunAsImplAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(Authentication authentication)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
AuthenticationEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
Commences an authentication scheme. |
protected String |
AbstractProcessingFilter.determineFailureUrl(HttpServletRequest request,
AuthenticationException failed)
protected void |
AbstractProcessingFilter.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
protected void |
ExceptionTranslationFilter.sendStartAuthentication(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain,
AuthenticationException reason)
protected void |
AbstractProcessingFilter.unsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui that throw AuthenticationException | |
abstract Authentication |
AbstractProcessingFilter.attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request)
Performs actual authentication. |
protected void |
AbstractProcessingFilter.onPreAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.basicauth |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.basicauth with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
BasicProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
protected void |
BasicProcessingFilter.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.cas |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.cas with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
CasProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest servletRequest,
ServletResponse servletResponse,
AuthenticationException authenticationException)
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.cas that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
CasProcessingFilter.attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.digestauth |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.digestauth | |
class |
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the digest nonce has expired. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.digestauth with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
DigestProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.ntlm |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.ntlm | |
class |
Base class for NTLM exceptions so that it is easier to distinguish them from other AuthenticationException s in the
NtlmProcessingFilterEntryPoint . |
class |
Signals the beginning of an NTLM handshaking process. |
class |
Contains the NTLM Type 2 message that is sent back to the client during negotiations. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.ntlm with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
NtlmProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
Sends an NTLM challenge to the browser requiring authentication. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.openid |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.openid | |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.openid with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
protected String |
OpenIDAuthenticationProcessingFilter.determineFailureUrl(HttpServletRequest request,
AuthenticationException failed)
protected void |
OpenIDAuthenticationProcessingFilter.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
protected void |
OpenIDAuthenticationProcessingFilter.unsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.openid that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
OpenIDAuthenticationProcessingFilter.attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest req)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.portlet |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.portlet with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
protected void |
PortletProcessingInterceptor.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
javax.portlet.PortletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Callback for custom processing after an unsuccessful authentication attempt. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.portlet that throw AuthenticationException | |
protected void |
PortletProcessingInterceptor.onPreAuthentication(javax.portlet.PortletRequest request,
javax.portlet.PortletResponse response)
Callback for custom processing prior to the authentication attempt. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.preauth |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.preauth | |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.preauth with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException arg2)
Always returns a 403 error code to the client. |
protected void |
AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter.unsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Ensures the authentication object in the secure context is set to null when authentication fails. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.rememberme |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.rememberme | |
class |
class |
Exception thrown by a RememberMeServices implementation to indicate that a submitted cookie is of an invalid format or has expired. |
class |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.rememberme with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
protected void |
RememberMeProcessingFilter.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Called if the AuthenticationManager rejects the authentication object returned from the RememberMeServices autoLogin method. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.switchuser |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.switchuser that throw AuthenticationException | |
protected Authentication |
SwitchUserProcessingFilter.attemptSwitchUser(HttpServletRequest request)
Attempt to switch to another user. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.webapp |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.webapp with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
protected String |
AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint.buildRedirectUrlToLoginPage(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
void |
AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
Performs the redirect (or forward) to the login form URL. |
protected String |
AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint.determineUrlToUseForThisRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException exception)
Allows subclasses to modify the login form URL that should be applicable for a given request. |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.webapp that throw AuthenticationException | |
Authentication |
AuthenticationProcessingFilter.attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request)
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.ui.x509 |
Methods in org.springframework.security.ui.x509 with parameters of type AuthenticationException | |
void |
X509ProcessingFilterEntryPoint.commence(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException authException)
Deprecated. Returns a 403 error code to the client. |
protected void |
X509ProcessingFilter.unsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
AuthenticationException failed)
Deprecated. Ensures the authentication object in the secure context is set to null when authentication fails. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.userdetails |
Subclasses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.userdetails | |
class |
Thrown if an UserDetailsService implementation cannot locate a User by its username. |
Uses of AuthenticationException in org.springframework.security.userdetails.jdbc |
Methods in org.springframework.security.userdetails.jdbc that throw AuthenticationException | |
void |
JdbcUserDetailsManager.changePassword(String oldPassword,
String newPassword)
Spring Security Framework | |||||||||