Interface Summary | |
CommentOperations | Defines operations for reading and posting comments to Facebook. |
EventOperations | Defines operations for creating and reading event data as well as RSVP'ing to events on behalf of a user. |
FacebookApi | Interface specifying a basic set of operations for interacting with Facebook. |
FeedOperations | Interface defining operations that can be performed on a Facebook feed. |
FriendOperations | Defines operations for interacting with a user's friends and friend lists. |
GraphApi | Defines low-level operations against Facebook's Graph API |
GroupOperations | Defines operations for retrieving data about groups and group members. |
LikeOperations | Defines operations for working with a user's likes and interests. |
MediaOperations | Defines operations for working with albums, photos, and videos. |
PlacesOperations | Defines the operations for interacting with a user's Facebook checkins. |
UserOperations |
Class Summary | |
Album | Model class representing a Facebook photo album. |
Checkin | Model class representing a user checkin on Facebook Places. |
CheckinPost | Model class representing a feed Post to announce a Checkin on a user's wall. |
Comment | Model class representing a comment. |
EducationEntry | Model class representing an entry in a user's education history. |
Event | Model class representing an event. |
EventInvitee | Model class representing someone who has been invited to an event. |
FacebookLink | Model class representing a link to be posted to a users Facebook wall. |
FacebookProfile | Model class containing a Facebook user's profile information. |
Group | Model class representing a Group. |
GroupMemberReference | Model class representing a reference to a group member. |
Invitation | Model class representing an invitation to an event. |
LinkPost | Model class representing a link Post to a user's wall. |
Location | Model class representing a location of a place that a user may check into in Facebook Places. |
NotePost | Model class representing a note Post to a user's wall. |
Photo | Model class representing a photo. |
Photo.Image | |
PhotoPost | Model class representing a Post to a feed announcing a Photo. |
Place | Model class representing a place that a user may check into on Facebook Places. |
Post | Model class representing an entry in a feed. |
Reference | A simple reference to another Facebook object without the complete set of object data. |
StatusPost | Model class representing a simple status message Post to a feed. |
Tag | Model class representing a tagged user in a video, photo, or checkin. |
UserLike | Model class representing an object that the user likes. |
Video | Model class representing a video. |
VideoPost | Model class representing a Post announcing a Video to a feed. |
WorkEntry | Model class representing an entry in the user's work history. |
Enum Summary | |
Album.Privacy | |
Album.Type | |
Event.Privacy | |
Group.Privacy | |
ImageType | |
Post.PostType | |
RsvpStatus | Enumeration of statuses that an invitee may have for an event. |
Exception Summary | |
GraphAPIException | Exception thrown when a Graph API usage error (such as an unknown connection path) occurs. |
InsufficientPermissionException | Exception thrown when attempting an operation that requires a permission not granted to the caller. |
NotAFriendException | Exception thrown when attempting an operation that requires a target user to be a friend of the authenticated user. |
OwnershipException | Exception thrown when attempting to perform operation on a resource that must be owned by the authenticated user, but is not. |
Spring Social's Service API for Facebook