Packages | |
org.springframework.social | Core Spring Social classes |
org.springframework.social.connect | Framework for establishing connections between local users and users of ServiceProviders such as Twitter and Facebook. |
org.springframework.social.connect.jdbc | JDBC-based ServiceProviderConnectionRepository implementation. |
org.springframework.social.connect.signin.web | Support for signing in with using a provider identity such as your Twitter account. |
org.springframework.social.connect.support | ServiceProvider Connect API implementation support. |
org.springframework.social.connect.web | Spring MVC Controller for controlling ServiceProvider connect operations. |
org.springframework.social.facebook.api | Spring Social's Service API for Facebook |
org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for Facebook |
org.springframework.social.facebook.api.impl.json | Jackson mixins, deserializers, and holders for converting Facebook data into API types |
org.springframework.social.facebook.connect | Facebook service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
org.springframework.social.facebook.web | Sign in with Facebook controller and FacebookCookieValue annotation support |
org.springframework.social.github.api | Spring Social's Service API for GitHub |
org.springframework.social.github.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for GitHub |
org.springframework.social.github.connect | GitHub service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
org.springframework.social.gowalla.api | Spring Social's Service API for Gowalla |
org.springframework.social.gowalla.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for Gowalla |
org.springframework.social.gowalla.connect | Gowalla service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
org.springframework.social.linkedin.api | Spring Social's Service API for LinkedIn |
org.springframework.social.linkedin.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for LinkedIn |
org.springframework.social.linkedin.connect | LinkedIn service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
org.springframework.social.oauth1 | OAuth1 client. |
org.springframework.social.oauth2 | OAuth2 client. |
org.springframework.social.support | Internal utilities and helpers used by the Spring Social core module. |
org.springframework.social.test.client | Test framework for ServiceProvider APIs. |
org.springframework.social.tripit.api | Spring Social's Service API for TripIt |
org.springframework.social.tripit.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for TripIt |
org.springframework.social.tripit.connect | TripIt service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
org.springframework.social.twitter.api | Spring Social's Service API for Twitter |
org.springframework.social.twitter.api.impl | Implementation of Spring Social's Service API for Facebook |
org.springframework.social.twitter.connect | Twitter service provider connection repository and API adapter implementations. |
This document is the API specification for Spring Social
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