
Spring Social's Service API for Twitter


Interface Summary
DirectMessageOperations Interface defining the Twitter operations for working with direct messages.
FriendOperations Interface defining the operations for working with a user's friends and followers.
ListOperations Interface defining the operations for working with a user's lists.
SearchOperations Interface defining the operations for searching Twitter and retrieving trending data.
TimelineOperations Interface defining the operations for sending and retrieving tweets.
TwitterApi Interface specifying a basic set of operations for interacting with Twitter.
UserOperations Interface defining the operations for retrieving information about Twitter users.

Class Summary
DirectMessage Represents a direct message.
SavedSearch Represents a saved search.
SearchResults Represents the results of a Twitter search, including matching Tweets and any metadata associated with that search.
StatusDetails Carries optional metadata pertaining to a Twitter status update.
SuggestionCategory Represents a suggestion category; a category of users that Twitter may suggest that a user follow.
Trend Represents a single trending topic.
Trends Represents a list of trending topics at a specific point in time.
Tweet Represents a Twitter status update (e.g., a "tweet").
TwitterProfile Model class representing a Twitter user's profile information.
UserList Represents a user-defined list.

Enum Summary
ImageSize Enumeration of image sizes supported by Twitter

Exception Summary
DuplicateTweetException Exception thrown when a duplicate tweet is posted.
FriendshipFailureException An exception that is thrown when a follow or and unfollow fails usually because the authenticated user is already following the specified user or tried to unfollow the user not already following.
InvalidMessageRecipientException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to send a direct message to an invalid recipient; that is, a recipient who is not following the authenticated user.

Package Description

Spring Social's Service API for Twitter