Spring Web Flow

Interface ViewFactoryCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:
JsfViewFactoryCreator, MvcViewFactoryCreator

public interface ViewFactoryCreator

A factory for ViewFactory objects. This is an SPI interface and conceals specific types of view factories from the flow builder infrastructure.

Method Summary
 ViewFactory createViewFactory(Expression viewId, ExpressionParser expressionParser, ConversionService conversionService, BinderConfiguration binderConfiguration, org.springframework.validation.Validator validator, ValidationHintResolver validationHintResolver)
          Create a view factory capable of creating View objects that can render the view template with the provided identifier.
 java.lang.String getViewIdByConvention(java.lang.String viewStateId)
          Get the default id of the view to render in the provided view state by convention.

Method Detail


ViewFactory createViewFactory(Expression viewId,
                              ExpressionParser expressionParser,
                              ConversionService conversionService,
                              BinderConfiguration binderConfiguration,
                              org.springframework.validation.Validator validator,
                              ValidationHintResolver validationHintResolver)
Create a view factory capable of creating View objects that can render the view template with the provided identifier.

viewId - an expression that resolves the id of the view to render
expressionParser - an optional expression parser to use to resolve view expressions
conversionService - an optional conversion service to use to format text values
binderConfiguration - information on how the rendered view binds to a model that provides its data
validator - a global validator to invoke
validationHintResolver - a custom ValidationHintResolver to use
the view factory


java.lang.String getViewIdByConvention(java.lang.String viewStateId)
Get the default id of the view to render in the provided view state by convention.

viewStateId - the view state id
the default view id

Spring Web Flow