Spring Web Flow

Class FlowExecutionImpl

  extended by org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowExecutionImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Externalizable, java.io.Serializable, FlowExecution, FlowExecutionContext

public class FlowExecutionImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements FlowExecution, java.io.Externalizable

Default implementation of FlowExecution that uses a stack-based data structure to manage spawned flow sessions. This class is closely coupled with package-private FlowSessionImpl and RequestControlContextImpl . The three classes work together to form a complete flow execution implementation based on a finite state machine.

This implementation of FlowExecution is serializable so it can be safely stored in an HTTP session or other persistent store such as a file, database, or client-side form field. Once deserialized, the FlowExecutionImplFactory is expected to be used to restore the execution to a usable state.

Keith Donald, Erwin Vervaet, Jeremy Grelle
See Also:
FlowExecutionImplFactory, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor required for externalizable serialization.
FlowExecutionImpl(Flow flow)
          Create a new flow execution executing the provided flow.
Method Summary
protected  org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowSessionImpl createFlowSession(Flow flow, org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowSessionImpl parent)
          Create a new flow session object.
protected  RequestControlContext createRequestContext(ExternalContext externalContext, MessageContext messageContext)
          Create a flow execution control context.
 FlowSession getActiveSession()
          Returns the active flow session of this flow execution.
 AttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getAttributes()
          Returns runtime execution attributes that may influence the behavior of flow artifacts, such as states and actions.
 java.lang.String getCaption()
 MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getConversationScope()
          Returns a mutable map for data held in "conversation scope".
 FlowDefinition getDefinition()
          Returns the root flow definition associated with this executing flow.
 MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getFlashScope()
          Returns a mutable map for data held in "flash scope".
 FlowExecutionKey getKey()
          Returns the key assigned to this flow execution.
 FlowExecutionOutcome getOutcome()
          Returns the outcome reached by this execution, or null if this execution has not yet ended.
 boolean hasEnded()
          Returns a flag indicating if this execution has ended.
 boolean hasStarted()
          Returns a flag indicating if this execution has been started.
 boolean isActive()
          Is the flow execution active? A flow execution is active once it has an active session and remains active until it has ended.
 void readExternal(java.io.ObjectInput in)
 void resume(ExternalContext externalContext)
          Resume this flow execution.
 void setCurrentState(java.lang.String stateId)
          Jump to a state of the currently active flow.
 void start(MutableAttributeMap<?> input, ExternalContext externalContext)
          Start this flow execution.
 java.lang.String toString()
 void viewRendered(View view, RequestContext context)
 void viewRendering(View view, RequestContext context)
 void writeExternal(java.io.ObjectOutput out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FlowExecutionImpl()
Default constructor required for externalizable serialization. Should NOT be called programmatically.


public FlowExecutionImpl(Flow flow)
Create a new flow execution executing the provided flow. Flow executions are normally created by a flow execution factory.

flow - the root flow of this flow execution
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCaption()


public FlowExecutionKey getKey()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns the key assigned to this flow execution. The flow execution key is the flow execution's persistent identity.

Specified by:
getKey in interface FlowExecutionContext
the flow execution key; may be null if a key has not yet been assigned.


public FlowDefinition getDefinition()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns the root flow definition associated with this executing flow.

A call to this method always returns the same flow definition -- the top-level "root" -- no matter what flow may actually be active (for example, if subflows have been spawned).

Specified by:
getDefinition in interface FlowExecutionContext
the root flow definition


public boolean hasStarted()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns a flag indicating if this execution has been started. A flow execution that has started and is active is currently in progress. A flow execution that has started and is not active has ended.

Specified by:
hasStarted in interface FlowExecutionContext
true if started, false if not started
See Also:


public boolean isActive()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Is the flow execution active? A flow execution is active once it has an active session and remains active until it has ended.

Specified by:
isActive in interface FlowExecutionContext
true if active, false if the flow execution has terminated or has not yet been started


public boolean hasEnded()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns a flag indicating if this execution has ended. A flow execution that has ended has been started but is no longer active.

Specified by:
hasEnded in interface FlowExecutionContext
true if ended, false if not started or still active
See Also:
FlowExecutionContext.hasStarted(), FlowExecutionContext.isActive()


public FlowExecutionOutcome getOutcome()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns the outcome reached by this execution, or null if this execution has not yet ended.

Specified by:
getOutcome in interface FlowExecutionContext
the outcome, or null if this execution has not yet ended


public FlowSession getActiveSession()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns the active flow session of this flow execution. The active flow session is the currently executing session. It may be the "root flow" session, or it may be a subflow session if this flow execution has spawned a subflow.

Specified by:
getActiveSession in interface FlowExecutionContext
the active flow session
See Also:


public MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getFlashScope()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns a mutable map for data held in "flash scope". Attributes in this map are cleared out on the next view rendering. Flash attributes survive flow execution refresh operations.

Specified by:
getFlashScope in interface FlowExecutionContext
flash scope


public MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getConversationScope()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns a mutable map for data held in "conversation scope". Conversation scope is a data structure that exists for the life of this flow execution and is accessible to all flow sessions.

Specified by:
getConversationScope in interface FlowExecutionContext
conversation scope


public AttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getAttributes()
Description copied from interface: FlowExecutionContext
Returns runtime execution attributes that may influence the behavior of flow artifacts, such as states and actions.

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface FlowExecutionContext
execution attributes


public void start(MutableAttributeMap<?> input,
                  ExternalContext externalContext)
           throws FlowExecutionException,
Description copied from interface: FlowExecution
Start this flow execution. This method should only be called once.

When this method returns, execution status is either "paused" or "ended". If ended, the flow execution cannot be used again. If "paused", the flow execution may be resumed.

Specified by:
start in interface FlowExecution
input - flow execution input
externalContext - the external context representing the calling environment
FlowExecutionException - if an exception was thrown within a state of the flow execution during request processing


public void resume(ExternalContext externalContext)
            throws FlowExecutionException,
Description copied from interface: FlowExecution
Resume this flow execution. May be called when the flow execution is paused. When this method returns, execution status is either "paused" or "ended". If ended, the flow execution cannot be used again. If "paused", the flow execution may be resumed again.

Specified by:
resume in interface FlowExecution
externalContext - the external context, representing the calling environment, where something happened this flow execution should respond to
FlowExecutionException - if an exception was thrown within a state of the resumed flow execution during event processing


public void setCurrentState(java.lang.String stateId)
Jump to a state of the currently active flow. If this execution has not been started, a new session will be activated and its current state will be set. This is a implementation-internal method that bypasses the start(MutableAttributeMap, ExternalContext) operation and allows for jumping to an arbitrary flow state. Useful for testing.

stateId - the identifier of the state to jump to


public void readExternal(java.io.ObjectInput in)
                  throws java.io.IOException,
Specified by:
readExternal in interface java.io.Externalizable


public void writeExternal(java.io.ObjectOutput out)
                   throws java.io.IOException
Specified by:
writeExternal in interface java.io.Externalizable


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


protected RequestControlContext createRequestContext(ExternalContext externalContext,
                                                     MessageContext messageContext)
Create a flow execution control context.

externalContext - the external context triggering this request


protected org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowSessionImpl createFlowSession(Flow flow,
                                                                                    org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.FlowSessionImpl parent)
Create a new flow session object. Subclasses can override this to return a special implementation if required.

flow - the flow that should be associated with the flow session
parent - the flow session that should be the parent of the newly created flow session (may be null)
the newly created flow session


public void viewRendering(View view,
                          RequestContext context)


public void viewRendered(View view,
                         RequestContext context)

Spring Web Flow