Interface AddressingVersion

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAddressingVersion, Addressing10, Addressing200408

public interface AddressingVersion
Defines the contract for a specific version of the WS-Addressing specification.
Arjen Poutsma, Leandro Quiroga
  • Method Details

    • getMessageAddressingProperties

      MessageAddressingProperties getMessageAddressingProperties(SoapMessage message)
      Returns the MessageAddressingProperties for the given message.
      message - the message to find the map for
      the message addressing properties
      See Also:
    • addAddressingHeaders

      void addAddressingHeaders(SoapMessage message, MessageAddressingProperties map)
      Adds addressing SOAP headers to the given message, using the given MessageAddressingProperties.
      message - the message to add the headers to
      map - the message addressing properties
    • understands

      boolean understands(SoapHeaderElement headerElement)
      Given a SoapHeaderElement, return whether or not this version understands it.
      headerElement - the header
      true if understood, false otherwise
    • hasRequiredProperties

      boolean hasRequiredProperties(MessageAddressingProperties map)
      Indicates whether the given MessageAddressingProperties has all required properties.
      true if the to and action properties have been set, and - if a reply or fault endpoint has been set - also checks for the message id
    • isToHeaderRequired

      boolean isToHeaderRequired()
      Indicates whether the wsa:To header is REQUIRED or not.
      true if the wsa:To header of the AddressingVersion is REQUIRED.
    • hasAnonymousAddress

      boolean hasAnonymousAddress(EndpointReference epr)
      Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a Anonymous address. This address is used to indicate that a message should be sent in-band.
      See Also:
    • hasNoneAddress

      boolean hasNoneAddress(EndpointReference epr)
      Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a None address. Messages to be sent to this address will not be sent.
      See Also:
    • addInvalidAddressingHeaderFault

      SoapFault addInvalidAddressingHeaderFault(SoapMessage message)
      Adds a Invalid Addressing Header fault to the given message.
      See Also:
    • addMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFault

      SoapFault addMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFault(SoapMessage message)
      Adds a Message Addressing Header Required fault to the given message.
      See Also: