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Documentation changed from old to new.

Changed Methods
BeanDefinitionReader createBeanDefinitionReader(GenericApplicationContext) Documentation changed from old to new.
AnnotationConfigContextLoader should be used as a SmartContextLoader, not as a legacy ContextLoader.
Class[] detectDefaultConfigurationClasses(Class<?>) Documentation changed from old to new.
Detect the default configuration classes for the supplied test class.
String[] generateDefaultLocations(Class<?>) Documentation changed from old to new.
AnnotationConfigContextLoader should be used as a SmartContextLoader, not as a legacy ContextLoader.
String getResourceSuffix() Documentation changed from old to new.
AnnotationConfigContextLoader should be used as a SmartContextLoader, not as a legacy ContextLoader.
void loadBeanDefinitions(GenericApplicationContext, MergedContextConfiguration) Documentation changed from old to new.
Register classes in the supplied context from the classes in the supplied MergedContextConfiguration.
String[] modifyLocations(Class<?>, String[]) Documentation changed from old to new.
AnnotationConfigContextLoader should be used as a SmartContextLoader, not as a legacy ContextLoader.
void processContextConfiguration(ContextConfigurationAttributes) Documentation changed from old to new.
Process annotated classes in the supplied ContextConfigurationAttributes.