Spring Data Core

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeInformation
org.springframework.data.convert General purpose conversion framework to read objects from a data store abstraction and write it back. 
org.springframework.data.mapping Base package for the mapping subsystem. 
org.springframework.data.mapping.context Mapping context API and implementation base classes. 
org.springframework.data.mapping.model Core implementation of the mapping subsystem's model. 
org.springframework.data.util Core utility APIs such as a type information framework to resolve generic types. 

Uses of TypeInformation in org.springframework.data.convert

Methods in org.springframework.data.convert that return TypeInformation
protected  TypeInformation<?> DefaultTypeMapper.getFallbackTypeFor(S source)
          Returns the type fallback TypeInformation in case none could be extracted from the given source.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeMapper.readType(S source)
          Reads the TypeInformation from the given source.
 TypeInformation<?> DefaultTypeMapper.readType(S source)
<T> TypeInformation<? extends T>
TypeMapper.readType(S source, TypeInformation<T> defaultType)
          Returns the TypeInformation from the given source if it is a more concrete type than the given default one.
<T> TypeInformation<? extends T>
DefaultTypeMapper.readType(S source, TypeInformation<T> basicType)
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformationMapper.resolveTypeFrom(Object alias)
          Returns the actual TypeInformation to be used for the given alias.
 TypeInformation<?> SimpleTypeInformationMapper.resolveTypeFrom(Object alias)
          Returns the TypeInformation that shall be used when the given String value is found as type hint.
 TypeInformation<?> MappingContextTypeInformationMapper.resolveTypeFrom(Object alias)
 TypeInformation<?> ConfigurableTypeInformationMapper.resolveTypeFrom(Object alias)

Methods in org.springframework.data.convert with parameters of type TypeInformation
 Object TypeInformationMapper.createAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> type)
          Returns the alias to be used for the given TypeInformation.
 String SimpleTypeInformationMapper.createAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> type)
          Turn the given type information into the String representation that shall be stored.
 Object MappingContextTypeInformationMapper.createAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> type)
 Object ConfigurableTypeInformationMapper.createAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> type)
protected  Object DefaultTypeMapper.getAliasFor(TypeInformation<?> info)
          Returns the alias to be used for the given TypeInformation.
<T> TypeInformation<? extends T>
TypeMapper.readType(S source, TypeInformation<T> defaultType)
          Returns the TypeInformation from the given source if it is a more concrete type than the given default one.
<T> TypeInformation<? extends T>
DefaultTypeMapper.readType(S source, TypeInformation<T> basicType)
 void TypeMapper.writeType(TypeInformation<?> type, S dbObject)
          Writes type information for the given TypeInformation into the given sink.
 void DefaultTypeMapper.writeType(TypeInformation<?> info, S sink)

Uses of TypeInformation in org.springframework.data.mapping

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping that return TypeInformation
 TypeInformation<?> PropertyPath.getOwningType()
          Returns the owning type of the PropertyPath.
 TypeInformation<?> PropertyReferenceException.getType()
          Returns the type the property could not be found on.
 TypeInformation<T> PreferredConstructor.Parameter.getType()
          Returns the TypeInformation of the parameter.
 TypeInformation<?> PersistentProperty.getTypeInformation()
          Returns the TypeInformation of the property.
 TypeInformation<T> PersistentEntity.getTypeInformation()
          Returns the TypeInformation backing this PersistentEntity.

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping that return types with arguments of type TypeInformation
 Iterable<? extends TypeInformation<?>> PersistentProperty.getPersistentEntityType()
          Returns the TypeInformation if the property references a PersistentEntity.

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping with parameters of type TypeInformation
static PropertyPath PropertyPath.from(String source, TypeInformation<?> type)
          Extracts the PropertyPath chain from the given source String and TypeInformation.

Constructors in org.springframework.data.mapping with parameters of type TypeInformation
PreferredConstructor.Parameter(String name, TypeInformation<T> type, Annotation[] annotations, PersistentEntity<T,P> entity)
          Creates a new PreferredConstructor.Parameter with the given name, TypeInformation as well as an array of Annotations.
PropertyReferenceException(String propertyName, TypeInformation<?> type, PropertyPath base)
          Creates a new PropertyReferenceException.

Uses of TypeInformation in org.springframework.data.mapping.context

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping.context with parameters of type TypeInformation
protected  E AbstractMappingContext.addPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<?> typeInformation)
          Adds the given TypeInformation to the MappingContext.
protected abstract
<T> E
AbstractMappingContext.createPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<T> typeInformation)
          Creates the concrete PersistentEntity instance.
 E MappingContext.getPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<?> type)
          Returns a PersistentEntity for the given TypeInformation.
 E AbstractMappingContext.getPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<?> type)
protected  boolean AbstractMappingContext.shouldCreatePersistentEntityFor(TypeInformation<?> type)
          Returns whether a PersistentEntity instance should be created for the given TypeInformation.

Uses of TypeInformation in org.springframework.data.mapping.model

Fields in org.springframework.data.mapping.model declared as TypeInformation
protected  TypeInformation<?> AbstractPersistentProperty.information

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping.model that return TypeInformation
 TypeInformation<T> BasicPersistentEntity.getTypeInformation()
 TypeInformation<?> AbstractPersistentProperty.getTypeInformation()

Methods in org.springframework.data.mapping.model that return types with arguments of type TypeInformation
 Iterable<? extends TypeInformation<?>> AbstractPersistentProperty.getPersistentEntityType()

Constructors in org.springframework.data.mapping.model with parameters of type TypeInformation
BasicPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<T> information)
          Creates a new BasicPersistentEntity from the given TypeInformation.
BasicPersistentEntity(TypeInformation<T> information, Comparator<P> comparator)
          Creates a new BasicPersistentEntity for the given TypeInformation and Comparator.
PreferredConstructorDiscoverer(TypeInformation<T> type, PersistentEntity<T,P> entity)
          Creates a new PreferredConstructorDiscoverer for the given type.

Uses of TypeInformation in org.springframework.data.util

Classes in org.springframework.data.util that implement TypeInformation
 class ClassTypeInformation<S>
          TypeInformation for a plain Class.
 class ParentTypeAwareTypeInformation<S>
          Base class for TypeInformation implementations that need parent type awareness.

Fields in org.springframework.data.util declared as TypeInformation
static TypeInformation<Collection> ClassTypeInformation.COLLECTION
static TypeInformation<List> ClassTypeInformation.LIST
static TypeInformation<Map> ClassTypeInformation.MAP
static TypeInformation<Object> ClassTypeInformation.OBJECT
static TypeInformation<Set> ClassTypeInformation.SET

Methods in org.springframework.data.util that return TypeInformation
protected  TypeInformation<?> ParentTypeAwareTypeInformation.createInfo(Type fieldType)
<S> TypeInformation<S>
ClassTypeInformation.from(Class<S> type)
          Simple factory method to easily create new instances of ClassTypeInformation.
<S> TypeInformation<S>
ClassTypeInformation.fromReturnTypeOf(Method method)
          Creates a TypeInformation from the given method's return type.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getActualType()
          Transparently returns the Map value type if the type is a Map, returns the component type if the type isCollectionLike() or the simple type if none of this applies.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getComponentType()
          Returns the component type for Collections or the key type for Maps.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getMapValueType()
          Will return the type of the value in case the underlying type is a Map.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getProperty(String fieldname)
          Returns the property information for the property with the given name.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getReturnType(Method method)
          Returns a TypeInformation for the return type of the given Method.
 TypeInformation<?> TypeInformation.getSuperTypeInformation(Class<?> superType)
          Returns the TypeInformation for the given raw super type.

Methods in org.springframework.data.util that return types with arguments of type TypeInformation
 List<TypeInformation<?>> TypeInformation.getParameterTypes(Constructor<?> constructor)
          Returns the TypeInformations for the parameters of the given Constructor.
 List<TypeInformation<?>> TypeInformation.getParameterTypes(Method method)
          Returns the TypeInformations for the parameters of the given Method.
 List<TypeInformation<?>> TypeInformation.getTypeArguments()
          Returns the TypeInformation for the type arguments of the current TypeInformation.

Methods in org.springframework.data.util with parameters of type TypeInformation
 boolean TypeInformation.isAssignableFrom(TypeInformation<?> target)
          Returns if the current TypeInformation can be safely assigned to the given one.
 boolean ClassTypeInformation.isAssignableFrom(TypeInformation<?> target)

Spring Data Core

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