This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data MongoDB 4.3.4!

Template API

The MongoTemplate and its reactive counterpart class, located in the package, is the central class of Spring’s MongoDB support and provides a rich feature set for interacting with the database. The template offers convenience operations to create, update, delete, and query MongoDB documents and provides a mapping between your domain objects and MongoDB documents.

Once configured, MongoTemplate is thread-safe and can be reused across multiple instances.

Convenience Methods

The MongoTemplate class implements the interface MongoOperations. In as much as possible, the methods on MongoOperations are named after methods available on the MongoDB driver Collection object, to make the API familiar to existing MongoDB developers who are used to the driver API. For example, you can find methods such as find, findAndModify, findAndReplace, findOne, insert, remove, save, update, and updateMulti. The design goal was to make it as easy as possible to transition between the use of the base MongoDB driver and MongoOperations. A major difference between the two APIs is that MongoOperations can be passed domain objects instead of Document. Also, MongoOperations has fluent APIs for Query, Criteria, and Update operations instead of populating a Document to specify the parameters for those operations.

For more information please refer to the CRUD and Query sections of the documentation.

The preferred way to reference the operations on MongoTemplate instance is through its interface, MongoOperations.

Execute Callbacks

MongoTemplate offers many convenience methods to help you easily perform common tasks. However, if you need to directly access the MongoDB driver API, you can use one of several Execute callback methods. The execute callbacks gives you a reference to either a MongoCollection or a MongoDatabase object.

  • <T> T execute (Class<?> entityClass, CollectionCallback<T> action): Runs the given CollectionCallback for the entity collection of the specified class.

  • <T> T execute (String collectionName, CollectionCallback<T> action): Runs the given CollectionCallback on the collection of the given name.

  • <T> T execute (DbCallback<T> action): Runs a DbCallback, translating any exceptions as necessary. Spring Data MongoDB provides support for the Aggregation Framework introduced to MongoDB in version 2.2.

  • <T> T execute (String collectionName, DbCallback<T> action): Runs a DbCallback on the collection of the given name translating any exceptions as necessary.

  • <T> T executeInSession (DbCallback<T> action): Runs the given DbCallback within the same connection to the database so as to ensure consistency in a write-heavy environment where you may read the data that you wrote.

The following example uses the CollectionCallback to return information about an index:

  • Imperative

  • Reactive

boolean hasIndex = template.execute("geolocation", collection ->
        .map(document -> document.get("name"))
Mono<Boolean> hasIndex = template.execute("geolocation", collection ->
        .map(document -> document.get("name"))
        .filterWhen(name -> Mono.just("location_2d".equals(name)))
        .map(it -> Boolean.TRUE)

Fluent API

Being the central component when it comes to more low-level interaction with MongoDB MongoTemplate offers a wide range of methods covering needs from collection creation, index creation, and CRUD operations to more advanced functionality, such as Map-Reduce and aggregations. You can find multiple overloads for each method. Most of them cover optional or nullable parts of the API.

FluentMongoOperations provides a more narrow interface for the common methods of MongoOperations and provides a more readable, fluent API. The entry points (insert(…), find(…), update(…), and others) follow a natural naming schema based on the operation to be run. Moving on from the entry point, the API is designed to offer only context-dependent methods that lead to a terminating method that invokes the actual MongoOperations counterpart — the all method in the case of the following example:

List<Jedi> all = template.query(SWCharacter.class) (1)
  .inCollection("star-wars") (2)
  .as(Jedi.class) (3)
  .matching(query(where("jedi").is(true))) (4)
1 The type used to map fields used in the query to.
2 The collection name to use if not defined on the domain type.
3 Result type if not using the original domain type.
4 The lookup query.
Flux<Jedi> all = template.query(SWCharacter.class)
Using projections allows MongoTemplate to optimize result mapping by limiting the actual response to fields required by the projection target type. This applies as long as the Query itself does not contain any field restriction and the target type is a closed interface or DTO projection.
Projections must not be applied to DBRefs.

You can switch between retrieving a single entity and retrieving multiple entities as a List or a Stream through the terminating methods: first(), one(), all(), or stream().

When writing a geo-spatial query with near(NearQuery), the number of terminating methods is altered to include only the methods that are valid for running a geoNear command in MongoDB (fetching entities as a GeoResult within GeoResults), as the following example shows:

  • Imperative

  • Reactive

GeoResults<Jedi> results = template.query(SWCharacter.class)
  .near(alderaan) // NearQuery.near(-73.9667, 40.78).maxDis…
Flux<GeoResult<Jedi>> results = template.query(SWCharacter.class)
  .near(alderaan) // NearQuery.near(-73.9667, 40.78).maxDis…

Exception Translation

The Spring framework provides exception translation for a wide variety of database and mapping technologies. This has traditionally been for JDBC and JPA. The Spring support for MongoDB extends this feature to the MongoDB Database by providing an implementation of the interface.

The motivation behind mapping to Spring’s consistent data access exception hierarchy is that you are then able to write portable and descriptive exception handling code without resorting to coding against MongoDB error codes. All of Spring’s data access exceptions are inherited from the root DataAccessException class so that you can be sure to catch all database related exception within a single try-catch block. Note that not all exceptions thrown by the MongoDB driver inherit from the MongoException class. The inner exception and message are preserved so that no information is lost.

Some of the mappings performed by the MongoExceptionTranslator are com.mongodb.Network to DataAccessResourceFailureException and MongoException error codes 1003, 12001, 12010, 12011, and 12012 to InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException. Look into the implementation for more details on the mapping.

Exception Translation can be configured by setting a customized MongoExceptionTranslator on your MongoDatabaseFactory or its reactive variant. You might also want to set the exception translator on the corresponding MongoClientFactoryBean.

Example 1. Configuring MongoExceptionTranslator
ConnectionString uri = new ConnectionString("mongodb://username:password@localhost/database");
SimpleMongoClientDatabaseFactory mongoDbFactory = new SimpleMongoClientDatabaseFactory(uri);

A motivation to customize exception can be MongoDB’s behavior during transactions where some failures (such as write conflicts) can become transient and where a retry could lead to a successful operation. In such a case, you could wrap exceptions with a specific MongoDB label and apply a different exception translation stragegy.

Domain Type Mapping

The mapping between MongoDB documents and domain classes is done by delegating to an implementation of the MongoConverter interface. Spring provides MappingMongoConverter, but you can also write your own converter. While the MappingMongoConverter can use additional metadata to specify the mapping of objects to documents, it can also convert objects that contain no additional metadata by using some conventions for the mapping of IDs and collection names. These conventions, as well as the use of mapping annotations, are explained in the Mapping chapter.