Packages that use InitializingBean | |
org.springframework.beans.factory.config | SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. |
org.springframework.cache.ehcache | Support classes for the open source cache EHCache, allowing to set up an EHCache CacheManager and Caches as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.context.event | Support classes for application events, like standard context events. |
org.springframework.context.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation. |
org.springframework.ejb.access | This package contains classes that allow easy access to EJBs. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core | Provides the core JDBC framework, based on JdbcTemplate and its associated callback interfaces and helper objects. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. |
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource | Provides a utility class for easy DataSource access, a PlatformTransactionManager for a single DataSource, and various simple DataSource implementations. |
org.springframework.jdbc.object | The classes in this package represent RDBMS queries, updates, and stored procedures as threadsafe, reusable objects. |
org.springframework.jdbc.support | Support classes for the JDBC framework, used by the classes in the jdbc.core and jdbc.object packages. |
org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer | Provides a support framework for incrementing database table values via sequences, with implementations for various databases. |
org.springframework.jms.connection | Provides a PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory, and a SingleConnectionFactory adapter. |
org.springframework.jms.core | Core package of the JMS support. |
org.springframework.jms.core.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.jms.core package. |
org.springframework.jndi | The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate | Package providing integration of Hibernate with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate package. |
org.springframework.orm.ibatis | Package providing integration of iBATIS Database Layer with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.ibatis package. |
org.springframework.orm.jdo | Package providing integration of JDO with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.jdo.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jdo package. |
org.springframework.remoting.caucho | This package provides remoting classes for Caucho's Hessian and Burlap protocols: a proxy factory for accessing Hessian/Burlap services, and an exporter for making beans available to Hessian/Burlap clients. |
org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker | Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via HTTP invokers. |
org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc | Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-RPC. |
org.springframework.remoting.rmi | Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. |
org.springframework.scheduling.quartz | Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.scheduling.timer | Scheduling convenience classes for the J2SE Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.transaction.interceptor | AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. |
org.springframework.transaction.jta | Transaction SPI implementation for JTA. |
org.springframework.transaction.support | Support classes for the org.springframework.transaction package. |
org.springframework.ui.freemarker | Support classes for setting up FreeMarker within a Spring application context. |
org.springframework.ui.velocity | Support classes for setting up Velocity within a Spring application context. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc | Standard controller implementations for the MVC framework that comes with Spring. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction | Package allowing MVC Controller implementations to handle requests at method rather than class level. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker | Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles | Support classes for the integration of Tiles (included in Struts) as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity | Support classes for the integration of Velocity as Spring web view technology. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.config |
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Simple template superclass for FactoryBean implementations thats allows for creating a singleton or a prototype, depending on a flag. |
class |
FactoryBean which retrieves a static or non-static field value. |
class |
Simple factory for shared List instances. |
class |
Simple factory for shared Map instances. |
class |
FactoryBean which returns a value which is the result of a static or instance method invocation. |
class |
FactoryBean which returns a value which is an ObjectFactory that returns a bean from the BeanFactory. |
class |
Subclass of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that supports J2SE 1.4's Preferences API (java.util.prefs). |
class |
Allows for making a properties file from a classpath location available as Properties instance in a bean factory. |
class |
FactoryBean that takes an interface which must have one or more methods with the signatures MyType xxx() |
class |
Simple factory for shared Set instances. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.cache.ehcache |
Classes in org.springframework.cache.ehcache that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a named EHCache Cache object, representing a cache region. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a EHCache CacheManager singleton, configured from a specified config location. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.context.event |
Classes in org.springframework.context.event that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Interceptor that knows how to publish ApplicationEvents to all ApplicationListeners registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher (typically an ApplicationContext). |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.context.support |
Classes in org.springframework.context.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a Map with String keys and Resource values from properties, interpreting passed-in String values as resource locations. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ejb.access |
Classes in org.springframework.ejb.access that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Superclass for interceptors proxying remote Stateless Session Beans. |
class |
Superclass for AOP interceptors invoking local or remote Stateless Session Beans. |
class |
Invoker for a local Stateless Session Bean. |
class |
Convenient factory for local Stateless Session Bean (SLSB) proxies. |
class |
Basic invoker for a remote Stateless Session Bean. |
class |
Convenient factory for remote SLSB proxies. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
This is the central class in the JDBC core package. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for JDBC data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JDBC DataSource. |
class |
DataSource implementation that delegates all calls to a given target DataSource. |
class |
Proxy for a target DataSource, fetching actual JDBC Connections lazily, i.e. not until first creation of a Statement. |
class |
Proxy for a target DataSource, adding awareness of Spring-managed transactions. |
class |
An adapter for a target DataSource, applying the given user credentials to every standard getConnection() call, that is, implicitly
invoking getConnection(username, password) on the target.
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.object |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.object that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
SqlUpdate subclass that performs batch update operations. |
class |
Reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to convert each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object. |
class |
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to map each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object. |
class |
An "RDBMS operation" is a multithreaded, reusable object representing a query, update or stored procedure. |
class |
RdbmsOperation using a JdbcTemplate and representing a SQL-based call such as a stored procedure or a stored function. |
class |
SQL "function" wrapper for a query that returns a single row of results. |
class |
RdbmsOperation using a JdbcTemplate and representing a SQL-based operation such as a query or update, as opposed to a stored procedure. |
class |
Reusable object to represent a SQL query. |
class |
RdbmsOperation subclass representing a SQL update. |
class |
Superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS stored procedures. |
class |
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract updateRow(ResultSet, int, context) method to update each row of the JDBC ResultSet and optionally map contents into an object. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Bean that checks if a database has already started up. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Implementation of DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that delegates to a single getNextKey template method that returns a long. |
class |
Abstract base class for incrementers that use a database sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given DB2 sequence. |
class |
Class to increment maximum value of a given HSQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
Class to increment maximum value of a given MySQL table with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given Oracle sequence. |
class |
Class to retrieve the next value of a given PostgreSQL Sequence. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.connection |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.connection that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
A JMS ConnectionFactory adapter that returns the same Connection on all createConnection calls, and ignores calls to close .
class |
A subclass of SingleConnectionFactory that uses the JMS 1.0.2 specification, rather than the JMS 1.1 methods used by SingleConnectionFactory itself. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.core |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.core that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Helper class that simplifies JMS access code. |
class |
A subclass of JmsTemplate that uses the JMS 1.0.2 specification, rather than the JMS 1.1 methods used by JmsTemplate itself. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.core.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.core.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for application classes that need JMS access. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jndi |
Classes in org.springframework.jndi that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Deprecated. Derive from JndiObjectLocator instead, invoking the lookup method whenever the subclass needs it (instead of waiting for a "located" callback). |
class |
FactoryBean that looks up a JNDI object. |
class |
Convenient superclass for JNDI-based service locators. |
class |
TargetSource which performs a fresh JNDI lookup for each call. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for HibernateTemplate and HibernateInterceptor, defining common properties like SessionFactory and flushing behavior. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new Hibernate Session to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that simplifies Hibernate data access code, and converts checked HibernateExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy.
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single Hibernate SessionFactory. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a local Hibernate SessionFactory instance. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for Hibernate data access objects. |
class |
Spring web HandlerInterceptor that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.ibatis |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.ibatis that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates an iBATIS Database Layer SqlMapClient as singleton in the current bean factory, possibly for use with SqlMapClientTemplate. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates an iBATIS Database Layer SqlMap as singleton in the current bean factory, possibly for use with SqlMapTemplate. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for iBATIS SqlMapClient data access objects. |
class |
Convenient super class for iBATIS SqlMap data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jdo |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jdo that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Default implementation of the JdoDialect interface. |
class |
Base class for JdoTemplate and JdoInterceptor, defining common properties like PersistenceManagerFactory and flushing behavior. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new JDO PersistenceManager to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that simplifies JDO data access code, and converts JDOExceptions into Spring DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy.
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JDO PersistenceManagerFactory. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a local JDO PersistenceManager instance. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jdo.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jdo.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for JDO data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.caucho |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.caucho that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Interceptor for accessing a Burlap service. |
class |
Factory bean for Burlap proxies. |
class |
Web controller that exports the specified service bean as Burlap service endpoint, accessible via a Burlap proxy. |
class |
Common base class for Hessian/Burlap accessors (HessianClientInterceptor and BurlapClientInterceptor), factoring out common properties. |
class |
Interceptor for accessing a Hessian service. |
class |
Factory bean for Hessian proxies. |
class |
Web controller that exports the specified service bean as Hessian service endpoint, accessible via a Hessian proxy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Factory bean for HTTP invoker proxies. |
class |
Web controller that exports the specified service bean as HTTP invoker service endpoint, accessible via an HTTP invoker proxy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Interceptor for accessing a specific port of a JAX-RPC service. |
class |
FactoryBean for a specific port of a JAX-RPC service. |
class |
FactoryBean for locally defined JAX-RPC Service references. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.rmi |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.rmi that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Interceptor for accessing RMI services from JNDI. |
class |
Factory bean for RMI proxies from JNDI. |
class |
Service exporter which binds RMI services to JNDI. |
class |
Interceptor for accessing conventional RMI services or RMI invokers. |
class |
Factory bean for RMI proxies, supporting both conventional RMI services and RMI invokers. |
class |
RMI exporter that exposes the specified service as RMI object with the specified name. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz' CronTrigger class that eases bean-style usage. |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz' JobDetail class that eases bean-style usage. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a JobDetail object that delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method. |
class |
FactoryBean that sets up a Quartz Scheduler and exposes it for bean references. |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz' SimpleTrigger class that eases bean-style usage. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.timer |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.timer that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a TimerTask object that delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method. |
class |
FactoryBean that sets up a J2SE Timer and exposes it for bean references. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that uses attributes from an Attributes implementation. |
class |
Superclass for transactional aspects, such as the AOP Alliance-compatible TransactionInterceptor, or an AspectJ aspect. |
class |
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor providing declarative transaction management using the common Spring transaction infrastructure. |
class |
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.jta |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.jta that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for JTA, i.e. |
class |
Special JtaTransactionManager version for BEA WebLogic. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.support |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Helper class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ui.freemarker |
Classes in org.springframework.ui.freemarker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Factory bean that creates a FreeMarker Configuration and provides it as bean reference. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ui.velocity |
Classes in org.springframework.ui.velocity that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Factory bean that configures a VelocityEngine and provides it as bean reference. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Spring Controller implementation that wraps a servlet instance which it manages internally. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
The most sophisticated and useful framework implementation of the MethodNameResolver interface. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
JavaBean to configure FreeMarker for web usage, via the "configLocation" and/or "freemarkerSettings" and/or "templateLoaderPath" properties. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Helper class to configure Tiles for the Spring Framework. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
JavaBean to configure Velocity for web usage, via the "configLocation" and/or "velocityProperties" and/or "resourceLoaderPath" bean properties. |