This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Integration 6.4.2!

Apache Cassandra Support

Spring Integration provides channel adapters (starting with version 6.0) for performing database operations against an Apache Cassandra cluster. It is fully based on the Spring Data for Apache Cassandra project.

You need to include this dependency into your project:


Cassandra Outbound Components

The CassandraMessageHandler is an AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler implementation and can work in both one-way (default) and request-reply modes (a producesReply option). It is asynchronous by default (setAsync(false) to reset) and performs reactive INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or STATEMENT operations against the provided ReactiveCassandraOperations. The type of operation can be configured via the CassandraMessageHandler.Type option. The ingestQuery sets the mode into an INSERT; the query or statementExpression, or statementProcessor sets the mode into a STATEMENT.

The following code snippets demonstrate various configuration for this channel adapter or gateway:

IntegrationFlow cassandraSelectFlow(ReactiveCassandraOperations cassandraOperations) {
    return flow -> flow
                    .query("SELECT * FROM book WHERE author = :author limit :size")
                    .parameter("author", "payload")
                    .parameter("size", m -> m.getHeaders().get("limit")))
            .channel(c -> c.flux("resultChannel"));

If a CassandraMessageHandler is used as a gateway in the default async mode, a Mono<WriteResult> is produced, which is handled according to the provided MessageChannel implementation. For true reactive processing a FluxMessageChannel is recommended for the output channel configuration. In sync mode Mono.block() is called to obtain the reply value.

If INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operations are performed, an entity (marked is expected in the request message payload. If the payload is a list of entities, then the respective batch operation is performed.

The ingestQuery mode expects the payload to be present as a matrix of values to insert - List<List<?>>. For example, if the entity is like this:

public record Book(@PrimaryKey String isbn,
                   String title,
                   @Indexed String author,
                   int pages,
                   LocalDate saleDate,
                   boolean isInStock) {


And channel adapter has this configuration:

public MessageHandler cassandraMessageHandler3() {
    CassandraMessageHandler cassandraMessageHandler = new CassandraMessageHandler(this.template);
    String cqlIngest = "insert into book (isbn, title, author, pages, saleDate, isInStock) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
    return cassandraMessageHandler;

The request message payload must be converted like this:

List<List<Object>> ingestBooks =
            .map(book ->

For more sophisticated use-cases, the payload can be as an instance of com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.Statement. The com.datastax.oss.driver.api.querybuilder.QueryBuilder API is recommended to build various statements to execute against Apache Cassandra. For example, to remove all the data from the Book table, a message with a payload like this can be sent to the CassandraMessageHandler: QueryBuilder.truncate("book").build(). Alternatively, for logic based on a request message, a statementExpression or statementProcessor can be provided for the CassandraMessageHandler to build a Statement based on that message. For convenience, a com.datastax.oss.driver.api.querybuilder is registered as an import into a SpEL evaluation context, so a target expression can be as simple as this:


The setParameterExpressions(Map<String, Expression> parameterExpressions) represents bindable named query parameters and is used only with a setQuery(String query) option. See Java and XML samples mentioned above.