Spring Web Flow

Class EndState

  extended by org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
      extended by org.springframework.webflow.engine.State
          extended by org.springframework.webflow.engine.EndState
All Implemented Interfaces:
Annotated, StateDefinition

public class EndState
extends State

A state that ends a flow when entered. This state ends the active flow session of an ongoing flow execution.

If the ended session is the "root flow session" the entire flow execution ends, signaling the end of a logical conversation.

If the terminated session was acting as a subflow, the flow execution continues and control is returned to the parent flow session. In that case, this state returns an ending result event the resuming parent flow responds to.

An end state may be configured with a renderer to render a final response. This renderer will be invoked if the end state terminates the entire flow execution.

Keith Donald, Colin Sampaleanu, Erwin Vervaet
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.engine.State
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
Constructor Summary
EndState(Flow flow, java.lang.String id)
          Create a new end state with no associated view.
Method Summary
protected  void appendToString(org.springframework.core.style.ToStringCreator creator)
          Subclasses may override this hook method to print their internal state to a string.
protected  LocalAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> createSessionOutput(RequestContext context)
          Returns the subflow output map.
protected  void doEnter(RequestControlContext context)
          Specialization of State's doEnter template method that executes behavior specific to this state type in polymorphic fashion.
 void setFinalResponseAction(Action finalResponseAction)
          Sets the renderer that will render the final flow execution response.
 void setOutputMapper(Mapper outputMapper)
          Sets the attribute mapper to use for mapping output attributes exposed by this end state when it is entered.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.engine.State
doPreEntryActions, enter, equals, getEntryActionList, getExceptionHandlerSet, getFlow, getId, getOwner, handleException, hashCode, isStartState, isViewState, toString
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
getAttributes, getCaption, getDescription, setCaption, setDescription
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.webflow.core.Annotated
getAttributes, getCaption, getDescription

Constructor Detail


public EndState(Flow flow,
                java.lang.String id)
         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new end state with no associated view.

flow - the owning flow
id - the state identifier (must be unique to the flow)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - when this state cannot be added to given flow, e.g. because the id is not unique
See Also:
State.State(Flow, String), setFinalResponseAction(Action), setOutputMapper(Mapper)
Method Detail


public void setFinalResponseAction(Action finalResponseAction)
Sets the renderer that will render the final flow execution response.


public void setOutputMapper(Mapper outputMapper)
Sets the attribute mapper to use for mapping output attributes exposed by this end state when it is entered.


protected void doEnter(RequestControlContext context)
                throws FlowExecutionException
Specialization of State's doEnter template method that executes behavior specific to this state type in polymorphic fashion.

This implementation pops the top (active) flow session off the execution stack, ending it, and resumes control in the parent flow (if necessary). If the ended session is the root flow, a final response is rendered.

Specified by:
doEnter in class State
context - the control context for the currently executing flow, used by this state to manipulate the flow execution
FlowExecutionException - if an exception occurs in this state


protected LocalAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> createSessionOutput(RequestContext context)
Returns the subflow output map. This will invoke the output mapper (if any) to map data available in the flow execution request context into a newly created empty map.


protected void appendToString(org.springframework.core.style.ToStringCreator creator)
Description copied from class: State
Subclasses may override this hook method to print their internal state to a string. This default implementation does nothing.

appendToString in class State
creator - the toString creator, to print properties to string
See Also:

Spring Web Flow