Spring Web Flow

Class State

  extended by org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
      extended by org.springframework.webflow.engine.State
All Implemented Interfaces:
Annotated, StateDefinition
Direct Known Subclasses:
EndState, TransitionableState

public abstract class State
extends AnnotatedObject
implements StateDefinition

A point in a flow where something happens. What happens is determined by a state's type. Standard types of states include action states, view states, subflow states, and end states.

Each state is associated with exactly one owning flow definition. Specializations of this class capture all the configuration information needed for a specific kind of state.

Subclasses should implement the doEnter method to execute the processing that should occur when this state is entered, acting on its configuration information. The ability to plug-in custom state types that execute different behaviors is the classic GoF state pattern.

Equality: Two states are equal if they have the same id and are part of the same flow.

Keith Donald, Erwin Vervaet
See Also:
TransitionableState, ActionState, ViewState, SubflowState, EndState, DecisionState

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
          Logger, for use in subclasses.
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
Constructor Summary
protected State(Flow flow, java.lang.String id)
          Creates a state for the provided flow identified by the provided id.
Method Summary
protected  void appendToString(org.springframework.core.style.ToStringCreator creator)
          Subclasses may override this hook method to print their internal state to a string.
protected abstract  void doEnter(RequestControlContext context)
          Hook method to execute custom behavior as a result of entering this state.
protected  void doPreEntryActions(RequestControlContext context)
          Hook method to execute before running state entry actions upon state entry.
 void enter(RequestControlContext context)
          Enter this state in the provided flow control context.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 ActionList getEntryActionList()
          Returns the list of actions executed by this state when it is entered.
 FlowExecutionExceptionHandlerSet getExceptionHandlerSet()
          Returns a mutable set of exception handlers, allowing manipulation of how exceptions are handled when thrown within this state.
 Flow getFlow()
          Returns the owning flow.
 java.lang.String getId()
          Returns this state's identifier, locally unique to is containing flow definition.
 FlowDefinition getOwner()
          Returns the flow definition this state belongs to.
 boolean handleException(FlowExecutionException exception, RequestControlContext context)
          Handle an exception that occurred in this state during the context of the current flow execution request.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isStartState()
          Returns a flag indicating if this state is the start state of its owning flow.
 boolean isViewState()
          Returns true if this state is a view state.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.webflow.core.AnnotatedObject
getAttributes, getCaption, getDescription, setCaption, setDescription
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.webflow.core.Annotated
getAttributes, getCaption, getDescription

Field Detail


protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Logger, for use in subclasses.

Constructor Detail


protected State(Flow flow,
                java.lang.String id)
         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Creates a state for the provided flow identified by the provided id. The id must be locally unique to the owning flow. The state will be automatically added to the flow.

flow - the owning flow
id - the state identifier (must be unique to the flow)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this state cannot be added to the flow, for instance when the provided id is not unique in the owning flow
See Also:
getEntryActionList(), getExceptionHandlerSet()
Method Detail


public FlowDefinition getOwner()
Description copied from interface: StateDefinition
Returns the flow definition this state belongs to.

Specified by:
getOwner in interface StateDefinition
the owning flow definition


public java.lang.String getId()
Description copied from interface: StateDefinition
Returns this state's identifier, locally unique to is containing flow definition.

Specified by:
getId in interface StateDefinition
the state identifier


public boolean isViewState()
Description copied from interface: StateDefinition
Returns true if this state is a view state.

Specified by:
isViewState in interface StateDefinition
true if a view state, false otherwise


public Flow getFlow()
Returns the owning flow.


public ActionList getEntryActionList()
Returns the list of actions executed by this state when it is entered. The returned list is mutable.

the state entry action list


public FlowExecutionExceptionHandlerSet getExceptionHandlerSet()
Returns a mutable set of exception handlers, allowing manipulation of how exceptions are handled when thrown within this state.

Exception handlers are invoked when an exception occurs when this state is entered, and can execute custom exception handling logic as well as select an error view to display.

the state exception handler set


public boolean isStartState()
Returns a flag indicating if this state is the start state of its owning flow.

true if the flow is the start state, false otherwise


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public final void enter(RequestControlContext context)
                 throws FlowExecutionException
Enter this state in the provided flow control context. This implementation just calls the doEnter(RequestControlContext) hook method, which should be implemented by subclasses, after executing the entry actions.

context - the control context for the currently executing flow, used by this state to manipulate the flow execution
FlowExecutionException - if an exception occurs in this state


protected void doPreEntryActions(RequestControlContext context)
                          throws FlowExecutionException
Hook method to execute before running state entry actions upon state entry. Does nothing by default. Subclasses may override.

context - the request control context
FlowExecutionException - if an exception occurs


protected abstract void doEnter(RequestControlContext context)
                         throws FlowExecutionException
Hook method to execute custom behavior as a result of entering this state. By implementing this method subclasses specialize the behavior of the state.

context - the control context for the currently executing flow, used by this state to manipulate the flow execution
FlowExecutionException - if an exception occurs in this state


public boolean handleException(FlowExecutionException exception,
                               RequestControlContext context)
Handle an exception that occurred in this state during the context of the current flow execution request.

exception - the exception that occurred
context - the flow execution control context


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


protected void appendToString(org.springframework.core.style.ToStringCreator creator)
Subclasses may override this hook method to print their internal state to a string. This default implementation does nothing.

creator - the toString creator, to print properties to string
See Also:

Spring Web Flow