Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.engine

The implementation of the web flow execution engine.


Interface Summary
FlowExecutionExceptionHandler A strategy for handling an exception that occurs at runtime during an active flow execution.
RequestControlContext Mutable control interface used to manipulate an ongoing flow execution in the context of one client request.
SubflowAttributeMapper A strategy interface used by a subflow state to map subflow input and output attributes.
TargetStateResolver A strategy for calculating the target state of a transition.
TransitionCriteria Strategy interface encapsulating criteria that determine whether or not a transition should execute given a flow execution request context.
VariableValueFactory A strategy that encapsulates the source of a flow variable value.

Class Summary
ActionList An ordered, typed list of actions, mainly for use internally by flow artifacts that can execute groups of actions.
ActionState A transitionable state that executes one or more actions when entered.
DecisionState A simple transitionable state that when entered will execute the first transition whose matching criteria evaluates to true in the context of the current request.
EndState A state that ends a flow when entered.
Flow A single flow definition.
FlowExecutionExceptionHandlerSet A typed set of state exception handlers, mainly for use internally by artifacts that can apply state exception handling logic.
FlowVariable A value object that defines a specification for a flow variable.
State A point in a flow where something happens.
SubflowState A transitionable state that spawns a subflow when executed.
Transition A path from one state to another state.
TransitionableState Abstract superclass for states that can execute a transition in response to an event.
TransitionSet A typed set of transitions for use internally by artifacts that can apply transition execution logic.
ViewState A view state is a state that issues a response to the user, for example, for soliciting form input.
ViewVariable A variable scoped to a particular view.
WildcardTransitionCriteria Transition criteria that always returns true.

Enum Summary
History View state history policies.

Exception Summary
FlowAttributeMappingException Base class for attribute mapping failures.
FlowInputMappingException Thrown when flow input mapping fails.
FlowOutputMappingException Thrown when flow output mapping fails.
NoMatchingTransitionException Thrown when no transition can be matched given the occurence of an event in the context of a flow execution request.
ViewRenderingException Thrown if a IO exception was thrown during view rendering.

Package org.springframework.webflow.engine Description

The implementation of the web flow execution engine.

The engine implementation itself is located within the org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl package. Builders for assembling flow definitions executable by this engine are located within the org.springframework.webflow.engine.builder package.

Spring Web Flow