Spring Web Flow

Interface TargetStateResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TargetStateResolver

A strategy for calculating the target state of a transition. This facilitates dynamic transition target state resolution that takes into account runtime contextual information.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
 State resolveTargetState(Transition transition, State sourceState, RequestContext context)
          Resolve the target state of the transition from the source state in the current request context.

Method Detail


State resolveTargetState(Transition transition,
                         State sourceState,
                         RequestContext context)
Resolve the target state of the transition from the source state in the current request context. Should never return null.

transition - the transition
sourceState - the source state of the transition, could be null
context - the current request context
the transition's target state - may be null if no state change should occur

Spring Web Flow