All Classes and Interfaces

REST controller that provides meta information regarding the dataflow server and its deployers.
Interface defining operations to query information about the server and runtime environment.
Provides meta-information about the Spring Cloud Data Flow server.
Implementation of AboutOperations that uses RestTemplate to issue commands to the Data Flow server.
Base implementation for baselining schema setup.
Base implementation for initial Boot 3 schema
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
Provides for converting lower case table names to uppercase to ensure it works correctly with a MariaDB or MySQL installation with case-sensitive table or column names.
Provide indexes to improve aggregate view performance
Provide indexes to improve performance of finding child tasks.
AbstractDefinitionAppStatusResource<T extends org.springframework.hateoas.RepresentationModel<? extends T>>
Resource representing the status of an app in a definition.
Base class for entity implementations.
Base implementation for initial schema setup.
Base implementation for a SqlCommand copying data from URI_REGISTRY table into app_registration table.
Raw migration data from uri registry into app registration.
Base implementation for removing Task v2 and Batch v4 schema.
Abstract SQL Paging Query Provider to serve as a base class for all provided SQL paging query providers.
Abstract SQL Paging Query Provider to serve as a base class for all provided SQL paging query providers.
Implements the same logic as used in Batch 5.x
Jackson Mixin used to define how to create an AppDefinition when deserializing JSON
Create the list of AppDeploymentRequests from a StreamDefinition and deployment properties map.
Jackson Mixin used to create a new AppDeploymentRequest during deserialization
REST representation for an AppInstanceStatus.
Used to retrieve metadata about the configuration properties that can alter an application's behavior.
Automatically exposes an ApplicationConfigurationMetadataResolver if none is already registered.
A ValueProvider that provides completion for Data Flow registered application names.
Enumeration of application types.
Models the registration of applications.
The interface that returns the RepresentationModelAssembler for any type which extends AppRegistrationResource.
Repository interface for managing the AppRegistration class.
Custom Repository interface for managing the AppRegistration class.
Implementation of the AppRegistrationRepositoryCustom interface.
Rest resource for an app registration.
Dedicated subclass to workaround type erasure.
Commands for working with the application registry.
Unique identifier for an application, including the name and type.
Handles all DefaultAppRegistryService related interactions.
Interface defining operations available for application registrations.
Implementation of AppRegistryOperations that uses RestTemplate to issue commands to the Data Flow server.
Provides completions for the case where the user has entered a comma symbol and an unbound app reference is expected next.
Provides completions for the case where the user has entered a pipe symbol and a app reference is expected next.
REST representation of an app status.
Sanitizes potentially sensitive keys for a specific command line arg.
Sanitizes potentially sensitive keys for a specific command line arg.
Various utility methods when dealing with shell commands.
Represent the various actions possible for Auditing events.
JPA 2.1 AttributeConverter for the AuditActionType enumeration.
The application area an AuditRecord is associated with.
JPA 2.1 AttributeConverter for the AuditOperationType enumeration.
Represents an audit entry.
Controller for retrieving AuditRecords.
A HATEOAS representation of an AuditRecord.
Event Listener class to log Login audit events .
Base64 utils to encode/decode boot properties so that we can have special characters in keys.
Spring Cloud Stream property keys used for binding.
Returns the closed set of true and false for properties that are of type Boolean.
An ApplicationConfigurationMetadataResolver that knows how to look either inside Spring Boot uber-jars or an application Container Image's configuration labels.
Strategy interface for creating a ClassLoader that mimics the one used when a boot uber jar runs.
Exception that allows to indicate that 1 or more TaskExecutions could not be deleted.
A CheckableResource is a Resource which can be checked for validity.
Common properties for applications deployed via Spring Cloud Data Flow.
Include this Configuration class to expose fully configured StreamCompletionProvider and TaskCompletionProvider.
Exposes the DSL completion features of StreamCompletionProvider and TaskCompletionProvider as a REST API.
Interface defining operations related to providing code completion in the DSL.
Represents a proposal to complete a given piece of definition DSL.
Represents a list of completion proposals for the DSL when using e.g. TAB completion in the Shell.
Represents a completion proposal for the DSL when using e.g. TAB completion in the Shell.
Implementation of CompletionOperations that uses a RestTemplate to issue commands to the Data Flow server.
Various utility methods used throughout the completion package.
Properties used to define the behavior of the composed task runner.
Configuration commands for the Shell.
This entity class is used to extend boot's ConfigurationMetadataProperty so that we can add our own constructor and not to explicitly import entity classes from boot.
Attempts to fill in possible values after a --foo=prefix (syntactically valid) construct in the DSL.
Attempts to fill in possible values after a --foo= dangling construct in the DSL.
Attempts to fill in possible values after a --foo=prefix (syntactically valid) construct in the DSL.
Attempts to fill in possible values after a --foo= dangling construct in the DSL.
UserInput that uses Standard in and out.
Retrieves the configuration metadata for Docker and OCI container images.
A HATEOAS representation of a the currently running task executions and server limits.
Enum representing a database type, such as Postgres or Oracle.
Enables async executions for the Spring Cloud Dataflow server.
Configuration class to provide default beans for DataFlowOperations and StreamBuilder instances.
A Java exception that wraps the serialized VndErrors object.
Configuration properties used in DataFlowClientAutoConfiguration
Configuration for the Data Flow Server Controllers.
Flyway FlywayConfigurationCustomizer bean customizing callbacks per active db vendor.
Repository to access JobExecutions.
Setup Spring Security OAuth for the Rest Endpoints of Spring Cloud Data Flow.
Interface the REST clients implement to interact with spring-cloud-dataflow REST API.
A provider that sets the shell prompt to 'dataflow' if the server is available, 'server-unknown' otherwise.
Spring Cloud Data Flow property keys.
Exception is thrown when an error occurs while migrating the dataflow schema.
Bootstrap class for the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server.
Auto-configuration for dataflow server.
Configuration for the Data Flow Server application context.
A Java exception thrown when the server returns unexpected data.
REST client component that holds all the available operations for communicating with the Spring Cloud Data Flow REST server.
Configuration properties for Dataflow Shell.
Utility class to customize DataFlowTables used in a consistent way.
A formatter that collects bean property names and turns them into capitalized, separated words.
Configuration for DAO Containers use for multiple schema targets.
Repository to access TaskExecutions.
Data access object used for manipulating task manifests
Repository to access TaskExecutions.
Provides for exploring tasks for multiple schema targets.
Configuration for aggregate task related components.
Implementation of DataFlowOperations delegating to sub-templates, discovered via REST relations.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
db2 related SqlCommand for migrating data from URI_REGISTRY into app_registration.
DB2 implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
IBM DB2 implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Default REST resource assembler that returns the AppRegistrationResource type.
Convenience wrapper for the AppRegistryService that operates on higher level DefaultAppRegistryService objects and supports on-demand loading of Resources.
Leverages the Docker Registry HTTP V2 API to retrieve the configuration object and the labels form the specified image.
Implementation of the DataflowTaskExecutionQueryDao.
Implements DataflowTaskExplorer.
Contributes the values from META-INF/dataflow-server-defaults.yml and dataflow-server.yml if it exists, before any of Spring Boot's normal configuration contributions apply.
Default implementation of the SchedulerService interface.
RepresentationModelAssembler implementation that converts StreamDefinitions to StreamDefinitionResources.
The default implementation of StreamDefinitionService.
Performs manipulation on application and deployment properties, expanding shorthand application property values, resolving wildcard deployment properties, and creates a StreamDeploymentRequest.
Implementation of the StreamValidationService that delegates to the stream definition repository.
RepresentationModelAssembler implementation that converts TaskDefinitions to TaskDefinitionResources.
Default REST resource assembler that returns the TaskDefinitionResource type.
Provide a simple interface for reading Task Definitions when required by Aggregate Task Explorer
Default implementation of the TaskDeleteService interface.
Provide a simple interface for reading Task deployments when required by Aggregate Task Explorer
Default implementation of the DefaultTaskExecutionInfoService interface.
Default implementation of TaskExecutionCreationService that creates a TaskExecution with a transaction propagation setting of Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW
Default implementation of the TaskExecutionService interface.
Repository that retrieves Tasks and JobExecutions/Instances and the associations between them.
Default implementation of the DefaultTaskSaveService interface.
Implementation of the TaskValidationService that delegates to the task definition repository and is able to validate composed task definitions.
Implementation of Validation Service that delegates to the application registry.
A default ValueHintProvider that returns hints explicitly defined by a property.
Holds dependency information of a lbrary used by Spring Cloud Dataflow.
Provides utility methods for formatting and parsing deployment properties.
Provides a typed enumeration of deployment statuses for Streams.
Derby implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using standard SQL:2003 windowing functions.
Extension of AppRegistrationResource that contains application options and other detailed application information.
Dedicated subclass to workaround type erasure.
Encapsulates Docker Registry OAuth information used to query the registry.
Docker image name parsing utility Code from
Provides operations to query the Docker repository for tags for a given image URI.
Contains the tag's information returned from docker for a specific image.
The metadata for a docker tag.
Configuration properties for setting up app validation on a docker repository.
Utility class that can be used in future to drop columns.
Thrown to indicate that the creation of a stream failed because a stream with the given name already exists.
Thrown to indicate that the creation of a task failed because a task with the given name already exists.
Activates a Spring Cloud Data Flow Server implementation.
Configuration for EnableDataFlowServer which adds a marker bean which auto-config classes can use to conditionally check if auto configuration should be activated.
A ValueHintProvider that returns possible values when the property is an Enum.
Jackson Deserializer for ExecutionContext de-serialization.
Jackson MixIn for ExecutionContext de-serialization.
Jackson MixIn for ExitStatus de-serialization.
Used to enhance a well formed stream definition by adding yet more text to it (e.g. adding more options to a module).
Provides features information.
Configuration class that imports analytics, stream, scheduler and task configuration classes.
Configuration properties for all the features that need to be enabled/disabled at the dataflow server.
H2 implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
H2 implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Autostart an embedded H2 database server.
ApplicationRunner that extends the basic help command to include a skipper specific help-text at the top of the normal help command output.
HSQLDB implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
HSQLDB implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Utility for configuring a CloseableHttpClient.
Http commands.
Provides utilities for the Apache HttpClient, used to make REST calls
An ApplicationRunner implementation that initialises the connection to the Data Flow Server.
Thrown when client tries to add an application with an invalid name.
Thrown when a user attempts to launch a non composed task while specifying a composed task runner name.
Thrown by controller classes to indicate invalid date ranges.
Thrown by controller classes to indicate issues with the provided stream definition.
Wrapper for the StdDateFormat to use TimeZone and Locale based constructor.
Jackson 2 module to handle dataflow related instances like batch.
Stores job execution information to a JDBC DataSource.
Manages Task Execution information using a JDBC DataSource.
JDBC implementation for the DataflowTaskExecutionMetadataDao
Helper methods for SQL statement parameter parsing.
Job commands for the SCDF Shell.
Controller for operations on JobExecution.
Jackson MixIn for JobExecution de-serialization.
A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution.
Controller for retrieving JobExecutions where the step executions are not included in the results that are returned.
A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution without the StepExecutions.
Supports the base JobExecution attributes along with a step count.
Controller for operations on JobInstance.
Enumerates the relationship between a JobInstance and its JobExecutions.
Jackson MixIn for JobInstance de-serialization.
A HATEOAS representation of a JobInstance.
A ValueProvider that provides completion for Data Flow job execution names.
Thrown if a Job is deemed not restartable.
Interface defining operations available for jobs.
Jackson Deserializer for JobParameter de-serialization.
Jackson MixIn for JobParameter de-serialization.
Jackson MixIn for JobParameters de-serialization.
Interface for general purpose monitoring and management of Batch jobs.
Implementation for JobOperations.
Provides a common utility methods for job-related tasks.
Repository for Launchers
Offers services to retrieve the launchers that are available for the Spring Cloud Data Flow instance.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
MariaDB implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
MySQL implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Knows how to parse String representations of MediaType.
This post-processor helps to replicate the metrics property defined for the DataFlow server to the* and* as well.
This entity will contains the dashboard configuration information exposed by the SCDF server.
Used to indicate what SCDF monitoring dashboard configuration is exposed.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
mssql related SqlCommand for migrating data from URI_REGISTRY into app_registration.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
mysql related SqlCommand for migrating data from URI_REGISTRY into app_registration.
MySQL implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
MySQL implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
App Status of a node in a dataflow DSL.
Thrown when an AppRegistration of a given name and ApplicationType was expected but did not exist.
Thrown when an audit record of a given id was expected but did not exist.
Exception is thrown if there is no schedule information available.
Thrown when a stream definition of a given name was expected but did not exist.
Thrown when a stream deployment of a given name was expected but did not exist.
Exception is thrown if there is no mapping between a batch job execution and a task execution.
Thrown when a task definition of a given name was expected but did not exist.
This exception is used when requesting a TaskExecution that does not exist.
Knows how to convert from a String to a new NumberFormat instance.
Exception thrown when a user requests a page and size combination that creates an offset that is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
When Server in not deployed on a cloud platform, it is considered to be on a Local platform.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
oracle related SqlCommand for migrating data from URI_REGISTRY into app_registration.
Oracle implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Oracle implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
The direction of the sort in an ORDER BY clause.
Interface defining the functionality to be provided for generating paging queries.
Continues a well-formed stream definition by adding a pipe symbol and another app, provided that the stream definition hasn't reached its end yet.
Baselining schema setup for postgres.
SqlCommand copying data from STREAM_DEFINITIONS table into stream_definitions_tmp table handling correct way to use CLOB with postgres.
SqlCommand copying data from TASK_DEFINITIONS table into task_definitions_tmp table handling correct way to use CLOB with postgres.
postgres related SqlCommand for migrating data from URI_REGISTRY into app_registration.
Postgres implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Postgres implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Provides for converting text or longtext fields in PostgreSQL to OID.
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory extension that aggressively sends HTTP basic authentication credentials without having to first receive an HTTP 401 response from the server.
Resource implementation to create an operating system process process and capture its output.
PropertiesDiff is an implementation to come up with a difference between two String based Maps.
Builder for PropertiesDiff.
Class representing a change in a property.
Knows how to parse String representations of AppRegistryCommands.QualifiedApplicationNames.
Repeatable migration ensuring that hibernate_sequence table exists.
Repeatable migration ensuring that hibernate_sequence table exists.
Repeatable migration ensuring that hibernate_sequence table exists.
Used to provide completions on ill-formed stream definitions, after an initial (failed) parse.
Generates relaxed name variations from a given source.
HttpRequestInterceptor that adds an Authorization header with a value obtained from a Resource.
Custom Jackson deserializer used to convert the URL of a resource (as it has been serialized) back to a Resource
Jackson mixin used to serialize a Resource as its URI
Apply common behavior (exception handling etc.,) to all the REST controllers.
Controller for the root resource of the Data Flow server.
Describes the other available resource endpoints, as well as provides information about the server itself, such as API revision number.
Exposes runtime status of deployed apps.
Commands for displaying the runtime state of deployed apps.
Provides information about the runtime environment.
Provides runtime environment details for either a deployer or task launcher.
Defines operations available for obtaining information about deployed apps.
Implementation for RuntimeOperations.
Provides methods to serialize a Spring Batch JobParameter to the Spring Batch's default format.
Provides methods to serialize a Spring Batch JobParameter to the proper format.
Provides methods to serialize a Spring Batch JobParameter to JSON.
A HATEOAS representation of a ScheduleInfo.
Establishes the SchedulerService instance to be used by SCDF.
Interface defining operations available against schedules.
Provides Scheduler related services.
Specifies the properties required to configure how data flow handles schedules.
Implementation for SchedulerOperations.
Extension of the StepExecutionDao interface to add additional search features.
Simple class that is composed of a Pageable and several properties to encapsulate findByTaskNameContains queries.
Provides security-related meta information.
Provides security related meta-information.
Provides security related meta-information.
Auto-configuration for the Dataflow Shell components.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties to specify well known Spring Shell properties.
Implementation of JobService that delegates most of its work to other off-the-shelf components.
A factory for a JobService that makes the configuration of its various ingredients as convenient as possible.
Common constant for use with Skipper
Delegates to Skipper to deploy the stream.
Makes SpringDoc public available without any authentication required by initializing a WebSecurityCustomizer and applying all path of SpringDoc to be ignored.
Sets up a filter that unescapes the JSON content of the API endpoints of OpenApi and Swagger.
SQLite implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Factory bean for DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider interface.
Factory bean for PagingQueryProvider interface.
Utility class that generates the actual SQL statements used by query providers.
Utility class that generates the actual SQL statements used by query providers.
SQL Server implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Sql Server implementation of a PagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Generic Paging Query Provider using standard SQL:2003 windowing functions.
A recovery strategy that will trigger if the parser failure is similar to that of some sample unfinished stream definition.
A recovery strategy that will trigger if the parser failure is similar to that of some sample unfinished task definition.
Stores the cumulative information for a specific StepExecution's history.
Jackson MixIn for StepExecutionHistory de-serialization.
Jackson MixIn for StepExecution de-serialization.
Represents Batch job step execution progress info.
Represents the step execution progress info resource.
Knows how to build a StepExecutionResource out of our domain model StepExecution.
The types of Spring Batch Step implementations that are known to the system.
Represents a Stream deployed on DataFlow server.
Thrown when a stream is already deployed when the controller gets a request to deploy it.
Thrown when a stream is already being deployed when the controller gets a request to deploy it.
Representation of an application, including properties provided via the DSL definition.
Builder object for StreamAppDefinition.
Represents an individual Stream Application, encapsulating name, StreamApplication.ApplicationType, label, application and deployment properties.
Resource representing status of the apps in a stream.
Represents the entry point into the Java DSL to set the name of the stream.
Stream commands.
Provides code completion on a (maybe ill-formed) stream definition.
Representation of a defined stream.
Represents a stream that has been created but not yet deployed.
The interface that returns the RepresentationModelAssembler for any type which extends StreamDefinitionResource.
Controller for operations on StreamDefinition.
Repository to access StreamDefinitions.
A HATEOAS representation of a StreamDefinition.
Contract for the core operations against StreamDefinition.
Utility class serving operations related to the StreamDefinitions.
SPI for handling deployment related operations on the apps in a stream.
Represents Stream deployment model.
Controller for deployment operations on StreamDefinitions.
Deployment request for StreamDeployer implementations.
A HATEOAS representation of a stream deployment.
Retrieves logs of deployed stream applications.
A ValueProvider that provides completion for Data Flow stream names.
Interface defining operations available against streams.
Spring Cloud Stream property keys.
Runtime Property Keys used in Spring Cloud Data Flow
Provide deploy, undeploy, info and state operations on the stream.
Domain class that represents the runtime stream status
Implementation for StreamOperations.
Controller for operations on ValidationStatus.
Validate Streams
Sybase implementation of a DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider using database specific features.
Encapsulates output of tables with header and footer infos.
Result handler for TablesInfo.
Expands constructs that start with : to add stream name and app identifiers.
Encapsulates various data points related to the Data Flow Server Target, such as target URI, success/error state, exception messages that may have occurred.
Encapsulates the credentials to the Data Flow Server Target, such as TargetCredentials.username and TargetCredentials.password.
A target holder, wrapping a Target that encapsulates not only the Target URI but also success/error messages + status.
Represents a Task defined on DataFlow server.
Task analysis report contains differences for a task.
Analyze a task and create a TaskAnalysisReport which can be used resurrect needed properties and arguments to bring forward to new task launch.
Create a AppDeploymentRequest from a TaskDefinition and deployment properties map.
Resource representing status of the apps in a task.
Represents the entry point into the Task DSL to set the name and the definition of the task.
Task commands.
Provides code completion on a (maybe ill-formed) task definition.
Properties used to define the behavior of tasks created by Spring Cloud Data Flow.
Controller to expose boot configuration metadata from an ctr app as it's now just defined as an property and thus its metadata cannot be resolved via registered apps.
Builder object for TaskDefinition.
The interface that returns the RepresentationModelAssembler for any type which extends TaskDefinitionResource.
Controller for operations on TaskDefinition.
Repository to access TaskDefinitions.
A HATEOAS representation of a TaskDefinition.
Reverse engineers a TaskDefinition into a semantically equivalent DSL text representation.
Provides task deletion services.
Records the association of taskDeploymentId to the platfornName the task was launched on.
TaskDefinition with the associated latest TaskExecution.
Controller for operations on TaskExecution.
Offers features to allow users to create TaskExecutions.
Stores execution information.
Return the TaskExecutionInformation object given the task name and deployment properties.
This exception is used when TaskExecutions do not have external execution ids and they are required by Spring Cloud Data Flow.
A HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecution.
Provides Task related services.
An HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecutionsResource.
Represents the status of an TaskExecutionResource.
This controller provides for retrieving a thin task execution resource that will satisfy UI paging with embedded links to more detail.
This resource is a match for AggregateTaskExecution and should satisfy UI paging.
Used to enhance a well formed task definition by adding yet more text to it (e.g. adding more options to a module).
The relation a JobExecution has with its associated task execution id.
Enumerates the relation a TaskExecution has with its associate Job Execution Ids and Manifest
Repository that retrieves Tasks and JobExecutions/Instances and the associations between them.
Types of Tasklet implementations known by Spring Task.
Retrieves logs of task applications.
Description of an execution of a task including resource to be executed and how it was configured via Spring Cloud Data Flow
Contains difference for a task manifest properties.
A ValueProvider that provides completion for Data Flow task names.
Interface defining operations available against tasks.
For a given platform, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, etc, associate a list of Task Launchers.
REST controller for task launching platform related operations.
Spring Cloud Task property keys.
This exception is used in TaskDefinitionController when requesting a combination of params which is not acceptable.
Sanitizes sensitive key values for Task related properties.
Provides task saving service.
Represents a Scheduled Task defined on DataFlow server.
Task Scheduler commands
Controller for operations on ScheduleInfo.
Provides utility methods for setting up tasks for execution.
Controller for operations on TaskExecution.
Implementation for TaskOperations.
Represents a response from the tools endpoint.
Controller for operations on ValidationStatus.
Validation for Tasks
Overrides TaskExecution class to provide CTR status required.
Provides a commons set of time-related helper methods and also defines common date/time formats.
A controller for integrating with frontend tools.
A simple (web, not REST) controller to trigger a redirect to the index page of the admin ui (which comes packaged as a dependency).
Provides completions by finding apps whose name starts with a prefix (which was assumed to be a correct app name, but wasn't).
Provides completions for the case where the user has started to type an app configuration property name but it is not typed in full yet.
Provides completions for the case where the user has started to type an app configuration property name but it is not typed in full yet.
Provides completions by finding apps whose name starts with a prefix (which was assumed to be a correct app name, but wasn't).
Exception thrown when an application can not be unregistered.
Captures the required data for updating a stream using Skipper.
Override isCaseInsensitive to always return false
Convert URI to strings, used by the repository to ser/deser URI fields in Hibernate.
Abstraction for a mechanism used to get user interactive user input.
Initial schema setup for db2.
Initial schema setup for mysql.
Initial schema setup for mysql.
Initial schema setup for oracle.
Initial schema setup for postgres.
Initial schema setup for sqlserver.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
Prefixes Task V2 tables and V4 Batch tables with a V2_ prefix as well as remove the BOOT3_ prefix for V3 task and v5 batch tables.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds description column to stream_definitions and task_definitions tables and original_definition column to stream_definitions.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds platformName column to audit_records.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
This migration class adds index for STEP_NAME on BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION.
Migration ensuring that TASK_SEQ sequence exists.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
This migration class adds index for TASK_EXECUTION_ID on TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
Adds the spring-cloud-task V3 and spring-batch V5 schemas to support Boot3 compatability.
The boot_version field will provide for indicating the version of Spring Boot used by the application and by implication the schema version of task and batch tables.
Since MariaDB operates in a case-sensitive mode for table and column names we need TASK_ tables referenced with a prefix to be uppercase.
Since MySQL/MariaDB operates in a case-sensitive mode for table and column names we need TASK_ tables referenced with a prefix to be uppercase.
Fixes the names of the BOOT3_BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION_PARAMS parameter columns.
Perform validation on the provided application name and type.
Contains the validation status of task, composed task, or stream definition.
Interface to provide value hints that can be discovered for properties.
Used by clients and servers to assert API compatibility.
Provides version information about core libraries used.
Properties for version information of core dependencies.
The dependencies that will be returned by the about controller.
Information about the dependency.
Represents whether dependency information should be returned as a part of the about result set.
Utility methods for handling client/server version manipulations
Knows how to expand app properties into their full form if visible properties (short hand form) have been used.
Extension of DefaultResponseErrorHandler that knows how to de-serialize a VndErrors.VndError structure.
Utility for converting a String of comma delimited property values to YAML.