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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


tcp(String, int) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder
Select TCP as the underlying network protocol.
tcp(String, int) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultRSocketGraphQlTesterBuilder
tcp(String, int) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.RSocketGraphQlTester.Builder
Select TCP as the underlying network protocol.
toArgsMono(Object[]) - Method in class
Use this method to resolve the arguments asynchronously.
toCursor(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
toCursor(ScrollPosition) - Method in class
toCursor(P) - Method in interface
Format the given position Object as a String cursor.
toCursor(T) - Method in class
toEntity(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientGraphQlResponse
Decode the full response map to the given target type.
toEntity(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientResponseField
Decode the field to an entity of the given type.
toEntity(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec
Decode the field to an entity of the given type.
toEntity(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec
Decode the field to an entity of the given type.
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientGraphQlResponse
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientResponseField
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec
toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec
toEntityList(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientResponseField
Variant of ClientResponseField.toEntity(Class) to decode to a list of entities.
toEntityList(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec
Variant of GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec.toEntity(Class) to decode to a List of entities.
toEntityList(Class<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec
Variant of GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec.toEntity(Class) to decode each response to a List of entities.
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.ClientResponseField
Variant of ClientResponseField.toEntity(Class) to decode to a list of entities.
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec
Variant of GraphQlClient.RetrieveSpec.toEntity(Class) to decode to a List of entities.
toEntityList(ParameterizedTypeReference<D>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec
Variant of GraphQlClient.RetrieveSubscriptionSpec.toEntity(Class) to decode each response to a List of entities.
toExecutionInput() - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.ExecutionGraphQlRequest
Create the ExecutionInput to pass to GraphQL.
toExecutionInput() - Method in class
toFlux() - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester.Subscription
Return a Flux of GraphQlTester.Response instances, each representing an individual subscription event.
toFlux(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester.Subscription
Return a Flux of entities converted from some part of the data in each subscription event.
toMap() - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.GraphQlRequest
Convert the request to a Map as defined in GraphQL over HTTP and GraphQL over WebSocket: KeyValue querydocument operationNameoperationName variablesvariables
toMap() - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.GraphQlResponse
Return a map representation of the response, formatted as required in the "Response" section of the GraphQL spec.
toMap() - Method in class
toMap() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
transform(Consumer<RSocketGraphQlResponse.Builder>) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.RSocketGraphQlResponse
Transform the underlying ExecutionResult through a RSocketGraphQlResponse.Builder and return a new instance with the modified values.
transform(Consumer<WebGraphQlResponse.Builder>) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.server.WebGraphQlResponse
Transform the underlying ExecutionResult through a WebGraphQlResponse.Builder and return a new instance with the modified values.
TypeDefinitionConfigurer - Interface in org.springframework.graphql.execution
Callback that allows customizing the TypeDefinitionRegistry created from parsed schema files.
typeName() - Element in annotation interface
Use this to customize the name of the GraphQL type that matches to the repository domain type.
typeName() - Element in annotation interface
Customizes the name of the source/parent type for the GraphQL field.
typeName() - Element in annotation interface
Customizes the name of the source/parent type for the GraphQL field.
typeVisitors(List<GraphQLTypeVisitor>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.GraphQlSource.Builder
Add GraphQLTypeVisitors to visit all element of the created GraphQLSchema and make changes to the GraphQLCodeRegistry.
typeVisitorsToTransformSchema(List<GraphQLTypeVisitor>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.GraphQlSource.Builder
Alternative to GraphQlSource.Builder.typeVisitors(List) for visitors that also need to make schema changes.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form