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CachingDocumentSource - Class in
Base class for DocumentSource implementations providing support for caching loaded documents.
CachingDocumentSource(DocumentSource) - Constructor for class
Constructor with the DocumentSource to actually load documents.
ClassNameTypeResolver - Class in org.springframework.graphql.execution
TypeResolver that tries to find a GraphQL Object type based on the class name of a value returned from a DataFetcher.
ClassNameTypeResolver() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.execution.ClassNameTypeResolver
clearCache() - Method in class
Remove all entries from the document cache.
ClientGraphQlRequest - Interface in org.springframework.graphql.client
GraphQlRequest for client side use.
ClientGraphQlResponse - Interface in org.springframework.graphql.client
GraphQlResponse for client use, with further options to handle the response.
ClientResponseField - Interface in org.springframework.graphql.client
Extends ResponseField to add options for decoding the field value.
clientTransport(ClientTransport) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder
Use a given ClientTransport to communicate with the remote server.
clientTransport(ClientTransport) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.DefaultRSocketGraphQlTesterBuilder
clientTransport(ClientTransport) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.RSocketGraphQlTester.Builder
Use a given ClientTransport to communicate with the remote server.
clientTransports(Publisher<List<LoadbalanceTarget>>, LoadbalanceStrategy) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.RSocketGraphQlClient.Builder
Use a Publisher of LoadbalanceTargets, each of which contains a ClientTransport.
codecConfigurer(Consumer<CodecConfigurer>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.WebGraphQlClient.Builder
Configure the underlying CodecConfigurer to use for all JSON encoding and decoding needs.
codecConfigurer(Consumer<CodecConfigurer>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.WebGraphQlTester.Builder
Configure the underlying CodecConfigurer to use for all JSON encoding and decoding needs.
complete(String) - Static method in class
Create a "complete" server message.
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
configure(GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder) - Method in class
configure(RuntimeWiring.Builder) - Method in class
configure(RuntimeWiring.Builder) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.RuntimeWiringConfigurer
Apply changes to the RuntimeWiring.Builder such as registering DataFetchers, custom scalar types, and more.
configure(RuntimeWiring.Builder, List<WiringFactory>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.RuntimeWiringConfigurer
Variant of RuntimeWiringConfigurer.configure(RuntimeWiring.Builder) that also collects WiringFactory instances that are then combined as one via CombinedWiringFactory.
configure(TypeDefinitionRegistry) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.execution.ConnectionTypeDefinitionConfigurer
configure(TypeDefinitionRegistry) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.TypeDefinitionConfigurer
Customize the given TypeDefinitionRegistry.
configureExecutionInput(BiFunction<ExecutionInput, ExecutionInput.Builder, ExecutionInput>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.ExecutionGraphQlRequest
Provide a BiFunction to help initialize the ExecutionInput passed to GraphQL.
configureExecutionInput(BiFunction<ExecutionInput, ExecutionInput.Builder, ExecutionInput>) - Method in class
configureExecutionInput(BiFunction<ExecutionInput, ExecutionInput.Builder, ExecutionInput>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.ExecutionGraphQlServiceTester.Builder
Provide a BiFunction to help initialize the ExecutionInput with.
configureGraphQl(Consumer<GraphQL.Builder>) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.GraphQlSource.Builder
Configure consumers to be given access to the GraphQL.Builder used to build GraphQL.
configureJsonPathConfig(Function<Configuration, Configuration>) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.AbstractGraphQlTesterBuilder
Allow transport-specific subclass builders to register a JSON Path MappingProvider that matches the JSON encoding/decoding they use.
configureRuntimeWiring(RuntimeWiringConfigurer) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.GraphQlSource.SchemaResourceBuilder
Configure the underlying RuntimeWiring.Builder to register data fetchers, custom scalar types, type resolvers, and more.
configureTypeDefinitions(TypeDefinitionConfigurer) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.GraphQlSource.SchemaResourceBuilder
Customize the TypeDefinitionRegistry created from parsed schema files, adding or changing schema type definitions before the GraphQLSchema is created and validated.
CONNECTION_ACK - Enum constant in enum class
CONNECTION_INIT - Enum constant in enum class
connectionAck(Object) - Static method in class
Create a "connection_ack" server message.
ConnectionAdapter - Interface in
Contract to adapt a container object for a window of elements from a larger result set to Connection.
ConnectionAdapterSupport<P> - Class in
Convenient base class for implementations of ConnectionAdapter.
ConnectionAdapterSupport(CursorStrategy<P>) - Constructor for class
Constructor with a CursorStrategy to use.
ConnectionFieldTypeVisitor - Class in
GraphQLTypeVisitor that looks for Connection fields in the schema, and decorates their registered DataFetcher in order to adapt return values to Connection.
connectionInit(Object) - Static method in class
Create a "connection_init" client message.
connectionInitPayload() - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.WebSocketGraphQlClientInterceptor
Provide a Mono that returns the payload for the "connection_init" message.
ConnectionTypeDefinitionConfigurer - Class in org.springframework.graphql.execution
TypeDefinitionConfigurer that generates "Connection" types by looking for fields whose type definition name ends in "Connection", considered by the GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification to be a Connection Type, and adding the required type definitions if they don't already exist.
ConnectionTypeDefinitionConfigurer() - Constructor for class org.springframework.graphql.execution.ConnectionTypeDefinitionConfigurer
contains(E...) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester.EntityList
Verify the list contains the given values, in any order.
containsExactly(E...) - Method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.GraphQlTester.EntityList
Verify that the list contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in the same order.
ContextValue - Annotation Interface in
Annotation to bind a method parameter to an attribute from the main GraphQLContext.
ContextValueMethodArgumentResolver - Class in
Resolver for a @ContextValue annotated method parameter.
ContextValueMethodArgumentResolver() - Constructor for class
ContinuationHandlerMethodArgumentResolver - Class in
No-op resolver for method arguments of type Continuation.
ContinuationHandlerMethodArgumentResolver() - Constructor for class
count() - Method in class
The number of elements in the subrange based on the "first" and "last" arguments from the GraphQL Cursor connection spec.
create(URI, WebSocketClient) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.WebSocketGraphQlClient
create(URI, WebSocketClient) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.WebSocketGraphQlTester
create(List<ConnectionAdapter>) - Static method in class
Create a ConnectionTypeVisitor instance that delegates to the given adapters to adapt return values to Connection.
create(ExecutionGraphQlService) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.ExecutionGraphQlServiceTester
create(WebGraphQlHandler) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.WebGraphQlTester
Create a WebGraphQlTester instance.
create(WebTestClient) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.test.tester.HttpGraphQlTester
Create an HttpGraphQlTester that uses the given WebTestClient.
create(WebClient) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.HttpGraphQlClient
Create an HttpGraphQlClient that uses the given WebClient.
createExceptionHandler(List<DataFetcherExceptionResolver>) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionResolver
Factory method to create a DataFetcherExceptionResolver from a list of resolvers.
createProjection(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class
Protected method to create the projection.
createResponse(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in interface org.springframework.graphql.client.GraphQlTransport
Factory method to create GraphQlResponse from a GraphQL response map for use in transport implementations.
createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class org.springframework.graphql.observation.GraphQlObservationInstrumentation
createSubrange(ScrollPosition, Integer, boolean) - Method in class
createSubrange(P, Integer, boolean) - Method in class
Allows subclasses to create an extension of Subrange.
createWithResolvedBean() - Method in class
If the provided instance contains a bean name rather than an object instance, the bean name is resolved before a HandlerMethod is created and returned.
cursorAt(Object, int) - Method in interface
Return a cursor for the item at the given index.
cursorAt(Object, int) - Method in class
cursorAt(Object, int) - Method in class
CursorEncoder - Interface in
Strategy to encode and decode a String cursor to make it opaque for clients.
CursorStrategy<P> - Interface in
Strategy to convert an Object that represents the position of an item within a paginated result set to and from a String cursor.
customize(QueryByExampleDataFetcher.Builder<T, ?>) - Method in interface
Callback to customize a QueryByExampleDataFetcher.Builder instance.
customize(QueryByExampleDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder<T, ?>) - Method in interface
Callback to customize a QueryByExampleDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder instance.
customize(QuerydslDataFetcher.Builder<T, ?>) - Method in interface
Callback to customize a QuerydslDataFetcher.Builder instance.
customize(QuerydslDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder<T, ?>) - Method in interface
Callback to customize a QuerydslDataFetcher.ReactiveBuilder instance.
customizer(QuerydslBinderCustomizer<? extends EntityPath<T>>) - Method in class
Apply a QuerydslBinderCustomizer.
customizer(QuerydslBinderCustomizer<? extends EntityPath<T>>) - Method in class
Apply a QuerydslBinderCustomizer.
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