This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Batch Documentation 5.1.2!

Advanced Metadata Usage

So far, both the JobLauncher and JobRepository interfaces have been discussed. Together, they represent the simple launching of a job and basic CRUD operations of batch domain objects:

Job Repository
Figure 1. Job Repository

A JobLauncher uses the JobRepository to create new JobExecution objects and run them. Job and Step implementations later use the same JobRepository for basic updates of the same executions during the running of a Job. The basic operations suffice for simple scenarios. However, in a large batch environment with hundreds of batch jobs and complex scheduling requirements, more advanced access to the metadata is required:

Job Repository Advanced
Figure 2. Advanced Job Repository Access

The JobExplorer and JobOperator interfaces, which are discussed in the coming sections, add additional functionality for querying and controlling the metadata.

Querying the Repository

The most basic need before any advanced features is the ability to query the repository for existing executions. This functionality is provided by the JobExplorer interface:

public interface JobExplorer {

    List<JobInstance> getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count);

    JobExecution getJobExecution(Long executionId);

    StepExecution getStepExecution(Long jobExecutionId, Long stepExecutionId);

    JobInstance getJobInstance(Long instanceId);

    List<JobExecution> getJobExecutions(JobInstance jobInstance);

    Set<JobExecution> findRunningJobExecutions(String jobName);

As is evident from its method signatures, JobExplorer is a read-only version of the JobRepository, and, like the JobRepository, it can be easily configured by using a factory bean.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows how to configure a JobExplorer in Java:

Java Configuration
// This would reside in your DefaultBatchConfiguration extension
public JobExplorer jobExplorer() throws Exception {
	JobExplorerFactoryBean factoryBean = new JobExplorerFactoryBean();
	return factoryBean.getObject();

The following example shows how to configure a JobExplorer in XML:

XML Configuration
<bean id="jobExplorer" class="org.spr...JobExplorerFactoryBean"
      p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" />

Earlier in this chapter, we noted that you can modify the table prefix of the JobRepository to allow for different versions or schemas. Because the JobExplorer works with the same tables, it also needs the ability to set a prefix.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows how to set the table prefix for a JobExplorer in Java:

Java Configuration
// This would reside in your DefaultBatchConfiguration extension
public JobExplorer jobExplorer() throws Exception {
	JobExplorerFactoryBean factoryBean = new JobExplorerFactoryBean();
	return factoryBean.getObject();

The following example shows how to set the table prefix for a JobExplorer in XML:

XML Configuration
<bean id="jobExplorer" class="org.spr...JobExplorerFactoryBean"


A JobRegistry (and its parent interface, JobLocator) is not mandatory, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of which jobs are available in the context. It is also useful for collecting jobs centrally in an application context when they have been created elsewhere (for example, in child contexts). You can also use custom JobRegistry implementations to manipulate the names and other properties of the jobs that are registered. There is only one implementation provided by the framework and this is based on a simple map from job name to job instance.

  • Java

  • XML

When using @EnableBatchProcessing, a JobRegistry is provided for you. The following example shows how to configure your own JobRegistry:

// This is already provided via the @EnableBatchProcessing but can be customized via
// overriding the bean in the DefaultBatchConfiguration
public JobRegistry jobRegistry() throws Exception {
	return new MapJobRegistry();

The following example shows how to include a JobRegistry for a job defined in XML:

<bean id="jobRegistry" class="" />

You can populate a JobRegistry in one of the following ways: by using a bean post processor, or by using a smart initializing singleton or by using a registrar lifecycle component. The coming sections describe these mechanisms.


This is a bean post-processor that can register all jobs as they are created.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows how to include the JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor for a job defined in Java:

Java Configuration
public JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor(JobRegistry jobRegistry) {
    JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor postProcessor = new JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor();
    return postProcessor;

The following example shows how to include the JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor for a job defined in XML:

XML Configuration
<bean id="jobRegistryBeanPostProcessor" class="org.spr...JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor">
    <property name="jobRegistry" ref="jobRegistry"/>

Although it is not strictly necessary, the post-processor in the example has been given an id so that it can be included in child contexts (for example, as a parent bean definition) and cause all jobs created there to also be registered automatically.


As of version 5.2, the JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor class is deprecated in favor of JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton, see JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton.


This is a SmartInitializingSingleton that registers all singleton jobs within the job registry.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows how to define a JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton in Java:

Java Configuration
public JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton jobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton(JobRegistry jobRegistry) {
    return new JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton(jobRegistry);

The following example shows how to define a JobRegistrySmartInitializingSingleton in XML:

XML Configuration
<bean class="">
    <property name="jobRegistry" ref="jobRegistry" />


This is a lifecycle component that creates child contexts and registers jobs from those contexts as they are created. One advantage of doing this is that, while the job names in the child contexts still have to be globally unique in the registry, their dependencies can have “natural” names. So, for example, you can create a set of XML configuration files that each have only one Job but that all have different definitions of an ItemReader with the same bean name, such as reader. If all those files were imported into the same context, the reader definitions would clash and override one another, but, with the automatic registrar, this is avoided. This makes it easier to integrate jobs that have been contributed from separate modules of an application.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows how to include the AutomaticJobRegistrar for a job defined in Java:

Java Configuration
public AutomaticJobRegistrar registrar() {

    AutomaticJobRegistrar registrar = new AutomaticJobRegistrar();
    return registrar;


The following example shows how to include the AutomaticJobRegistrar for a job defined in XML:

XML Configuration
<bean class="org.spr...AutomaticJobRegistrar">
   <property name="applicationContextFactories">
      <bean class="org.spr...ClasspathXmlApplicationContextsFactoryBean">
         <property name="resources" value="classpath*:/config/job*.xml" />
   <property name="jobLoader">
      <bean class="org.spr...DefaultJobLoader">
         <property name="jobRegistry" ref="jobRegistry" />

The registrar has two mandatory properties: an array of ApplicationContextFactory (created from a convenient factory bean in the preceding example) and a JobLoader. The JobLoader is responsible for managing the lifecycle of the child contexts and registering jobs in the JobRegistry.

The ApplicationContextFactory is responsible for creating the child context. The most common usage is (as in the preceding example) to use a ClassPathXmlApplicationContextFactory. One of the features of this factory is that, by default, it copies some of the configuration down from the parent context to the child. So, for instance, you need not redefine the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer or AOP configuration in the child, provided it should be the same as the parent.

You can use AutomaticJobRegistrar in conjunction with a JobRegistryBeanPostProcessor (as long as you also use DefaultJobLoader). For instance, this might be desirable if there are jobs defined in the main parent context as well as in the child locations.


As previously discussed, the JobRepository provides CRUD operations on the meta-data, and the JobExplorer provides read-only operations on the metadata. However, those operations are most useful when used together to perform common monitoring tasks such as stopping, restarting, or summarizing a Job, as is commonly done by batch operators. Spring Batch provides these types of operations in the JobOperator interface:

public interface JobOperator {

    List<Long> getExecutions(long instanceId) throws NoSuchJobInstanceException;

    List<Long> getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count)
          throws NoSuchJobException;

    Set<Long> getRunningExecutions(String jobName) throws NoSuchJobException;

    String getParameters(long executionId) throws NoSuchJobExecutionException;

    Long start(String jobName, String parameters)
          throws NoSuchJobException, JobInstanceAlreadyExistsException;

    Long restart(long executionId)
          throws JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException, NoSuchJobExecutionException,
                  NoSuchJobException, JobRestartException;

    Long startNextInstance(String jobName)
          throws NoSuchJobException, JobParametersNotFoundException, JobRestartException,
                 JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException;

    boolean stop(long executionId)
          throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobExecutionNotRunningException;

    String getSummary(long executionId) throws NoSuchJobExecutionException;

    Map<Long, String> getStepExecutionSummaries(long executionId)
          throws NoSuchJobExecutionException;

    Set<String> getJobNames();


The preceding operations represent methods from many different interfaces, such as JobLauncher, JobRepository, JobExplorer, and JobRegistry. For this reason, the provided implementation of JobOperator (SimpleJobOperator) has many dependencies.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows a typical bean definition for SimpleJobOperator in Java:

  * All injected dependencies for this bean are provided by the @EnableBatchProcessing
  * infrastructure out of the box.
 public SimpleJobOperator jobOperator(JobExplorer jobExplorer,
                                JobRepository jobRepository,
                                JobRegistry jobRegistry,
                                JobLauncher jobLauncher) {

	SimpleJobOperator jobOperator = new SimpleJobOperator();

	return jobOperator;

The following example shows a typical bean definition for SimpleJobOperator in XML:

<bean id="jobOperator" class="org.spr...SimpleJobOperator">
    <property name="jobExplorer">
        <bean class="org.spr...JobExplorerFactoryBean">
            <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="jobRepository" ref="jobRepository" />
    <property name="jobRegistry" ref="jobRegistry" />
    <property name="jobLauncher" ref="jobLauncher" />

As of version 5.0, the @EnableBatchProcessing annotation automatically registers a job operator bean in the application context.

If you set the table prefix on the job repository, do not forget to set it on the job explorer as well.


Most of the methods on JobOperator are self-explanatory, and you can find more detailed explanations in the Javadoc of the interface. However, the startNextInstance method is worth noting. This method always starts a new instance of a Job. This can be extremely useful if there are serious issues in a JobExecution and the Job needs to be started over again from the beginning. Unlike JobLauncher (which requires a new JobParameters object that triggers a new JobInstance), if the parameters are different from any previous set of parameters, the startNextInstance method uses the JobParametersIncrementer tied to the Job to force the Job to a new instance:

public interface JobParametersIncrementer {

    JobParameters getNext(JobParameters parameters);


The contract of JobParametersIncrementer is that, given a JobParameters object, it returns the “next” JobParameters object by incrementing any necessary values it may contain. This strategy is useful because the framework has no way of knowing what changes to the JobParameters make it the “next” instance. For example, if the only value in JobParameters is a date and the next instance should be created, should that value be incremented by one day or one week (if the job is weekly, for instance)? The same can be said for any numerical values that help to identify the Job, as the following example shows:

public class SampleIncrementer implements JobParametersIncrementer {

    public JobParameters getNext(JobParameters parameters) {
        if (parameters==null || parameters.isEmpty()) {
            return new JobParametersBuilder().addLong("", 1L).toJobParameters();
        long id = parameters.getLong("",1L) + 1;
        return new JobParametersBuilder().addLong("", id).toJobParameters();

In this example, the value with a key of is used to discriminate between JobInstances. If the JobParameters passed in is null, it can be assumed that the Job has never been run before and, thus, its initial state can be returned. However, if not, the old value is obtained, incremented by one, and returned.

  • Java

  • XML

For jobs defined in Java, you can associate an incrementer with a Job through the incrementer method provided in the builders, as follows:

public Job footballJob(JobRepository jobRepository) {
    return new JobBuilder("footballJob", jobRepository)

For jobs defined in XML, you can associate an incrementer with a Job through the incrementer attribute in the namespace, as follows:

<job id="footballJob" incrementer="sampleIncrementer">

Stopping a Job

One of the most common use cases of JobOperator is gracefully stopping a Job:

Set<Long> executions = jobOperator.getRunningExecutions("sampleJob");

The shutdown is not immediate, since there is no way to force immediate shutdown, especially if the execution is currently in developer code that the framework has no control over, such as a business service. However, as soon as control is returned back to the framework, it sets the status of the current StepExecution to BatchStatus.STOPPED, saves it, and does the same for the JobExecution before finishing.

Aborting a Job

A job execution that is FAILED can be restarted (if the Job is restartable). A job execution whose status is ABANDONED cannot be restarted by the framework. The ABANDONED status is also used in step executions to mark them as skippable in a restarted job execution. If a job is running and encounters a step that has been marked ABANDONED in the previous failed job execution, it moves on to the next step (as determined by the job flow definition and the step execution exit status).

If the process died (kill -9 or server failure), the job is, of course, not running, but the JobRepository has no way of knowing because no one told it before the process died. You have to tell it manually that you know that the execution either failed or should be considered aborted (change its status to FAILED or ABANDONED). This is a business decision, and there is no way to automate it. Change the status to FAILED only if it is restartable and you know that the restart data is valid.