For the latest stable version, please use Spring Cloud Config 4.2.0!

JDBC Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports JDBC (relational database) as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc to the classpath and using the jdbc profile or by adding a bean of type JdbcEnvironmentRepository. If you include the right dependencies on the classpath (see the user guide for more details on that), Spring Boot configures a data source.

You can disable autoconfiguration for JdbcEnvironmentRepository by setting the property to false.

The database needs to have a table called PROPERTIES with columns called APPLICATION, PROFILE, and LABEL (with the usual Environment meaning), plus KEY and VALUE for the key and value pairs in Properties style. All fields are of type String in Java, so you can make them VARCHAR of whatever length you need. Property values behave in the same way as they would if they came from Spring Boot properties files named {application}-{profile}.properties, including all the encryption and decryption, which will be applied as post-processing steps (that is, not in the repository implementation directly).

The default label used for JDBC is master. You can change that by setting