For the latest stable version, please use spring-cloud-contract 4.2.0!


GRPC is an RPC framework built on top of HTTP/2 for which Spring Cloud Contract has basic support.

Spring Cloud Contract has an experimental support for basic use cases of GRPC. Unfortunately, due to GRPC’s tweaking of the HTTP/2 Header frames, it’s impossible to assert the grpc-status header.

Let’s look at the following contract.

Groovy contract

Contract.make {
Represents a successful scenario of getting a beer

	client is old enough
	he applies for a beer
	we'll grant him the beer

	request {
		method 'POST'
		url '/beer.BeerService/check'
		headers {
			header("te", "trailers")
	response {
		status 200
		headers {
			header("grpc-encoding", "identity")
			header("grpc-accept-encoding", "gzip")
			"verifierHttp": [
					"protocol": ContractVerifierHttpMetaData.Protocol.H2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE.toString()

Producer Side Setup

In order to leverage the HTTP/2 support you must set the CUSTOM test mode as follow.

contracts {
	packageWithBaseClasses = 'com.example'
	testMode = "CUSTOM"

The base class would set up the application running on a random port. It will also set the HttpVerifier implementation to one that can use the HTTP/2 protocol. Spring Cloud Contract comes with the OkHttpHttpVerifier implementation.

Base Class
@SpringBootTest(classes = BeerRestBase.Config.class,
		webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE,
		properties = {
public abstract class BeerRestBase {

	GrpcServerProperties properties;

	static class Config {

		ProducerController producerController(PersonCheckingService personCheckingService) {
			return new ProducerController(personCheckingService);

		PersonCheckingService testPersonCheckingService() {
			return argument -> argument.getAge() >= 20;

		HttpVerifier httpOkVerifier(GrpcServerProperties properties) {
			return new OkHttpHttpVerifier("localhost:" + properties.getPort());


Consumer Side Setup

Example of GRPC consumer side test. Due to the unusual behaviour of the GRPC server side, the stub is unable to return the grpc-status header in the proper moment. This is why we need to manually set the return status.

Consumer Side Test
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE, classes = GrpcTests.TestConfiguration.class, properties = {
		"grpc.client.beerService.address=static://localhost:5432", "grpc.client.beerService.negotiationType=TLS"
public class GrpcTests {

	@GrpcClient(value = "beerService", interceptorNames = "fixedStatusSendingClientInterceptor")
	BeerServiceGrpc.BeerServiceBlockingStub beerServiceBlockingStub;

	int port;

	static StubRunnerExtension rule = new StubRunnerExtension()
			.downloadStub("com.example", "beer-api-producer-grpc")
			// With WireMock PlainText mode you can just set an HTTP port
//			.withPort(5432)

	public void setupPort() {
		this.port = rule.findStubUrl("beer-api-producer-grpc").getPort();

	public void should_give_me_a_beer_when_im_old_enough() throws Exception {
		Response response = beerServiceBlockingStub.check(PersonToCheck.newBuilder().setAge(23).build());


	public void should_reject_a_beer_when_im_too_young() throws Exception {
		Response response = beerServiceBlockingStub.check(PersonToCheck.newBuilder().setAge(17).build());
		response = response == null ? Response.newBuilder().build() : response;


	// Not necessary with WireMock PlainText mode
	static class MyWireMockConfigurer extends WireMockHttpServerStubConfigurer {
		public WireMockConfiguration configure(WireMockConfiguration httpStubConfiguration, HttpServerStubConfiguration httpServerStubConfiguration) {
			return httpStubConfiguration

	static class TestConfiguration {

		// Not necessary with WireMock PlainText mode
		public GrpcChannelConfigurer keepAliveClientConfigurer() {
			return (channelBuilder, name) -> {
				if (channelBuilder instanceof NettyChannelBuilder) {
					try {
						((NettyChannelBuilder) channelBuilder)
					catch (SSLException e) {
						throw new IllegalStateException(e);

		 * GRPC client interceptor that sets the returned status always to OK.
		 * You might want to change the return status depending on the received stub payload.
		 * Hopefully in the future this will be unnecessary and will be removed.
		ClientInterceptor fixedStatusSendingClientInterceptor() {
			return new ClientInterceptor() {
				public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method, CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {
					ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> call = next.newCall(method, callOptions);
					return new ClientCall<ReqT, RespT>() {
						public void start(Listener<RespT> responseListener, Metadata headers) {
							Listener<RespT> listener = new Listener<RespT>() {
								public void onHeaders(Metadata headers) {

								public void onMessage(RespT message) {

								public void onClose(Status status, Metadata trailers) {
									// TODO: This must be fixed somehow either in Jetty (WireMock) or somewhere else
									responseListener.onClose(Status.OK, trailers);

								public void onReady() {
							call.start(listener, headers);

						public void request(int numMessages) {

						public void cancel(@Nullable String message, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
							call.cancel(message, cause);

						public void halfClose() {

						public void sendMessage(ReqT message) {