This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Cloud Kubernetes 3.1.3!

Namespace resolution

Finding an application namespace happens on a best-effort basis. There are some steps that we iterate in order to find it. The easiest and most common one, is to specify it in the proper configuration, for example:

    name: app
        name: secret
        namespace: default
         # Spring Cloud Kubernetes looks up a Secret named 'a' in namespace 'default'
         - name: a
         # Spring Cloud Kubernetes looks up a Secret named 'secret' in namespace 'b'
         - namespace: b
         # Spring Cloud Kubernetes looks up a Secret named 'd' in namespace 'c'
         - namespace: c
           name: d

Remember that the same can be done for config maps. If such a namespace is not specified, it will be read (in this order):

  1. from property

  2. from a String residing in a file denoted by property

  3. from a String residing in /var/run/secrets/ file (kubernetes default namespace path)

  4. from a designated client method call (for example fabric8’s : KubernetesClient::getNamespace), if the client provides such a method. This, in turn, could be configured via environment properties. For example fabric8 client can be configured via "KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE" property; consult the client documentation for exact details.

Failure to find a namespace from the above steps will result in an Exception being raised.