Script Operations

MongoDB 4.2 removed support for the eval command used by ScriptOperations.
There is no replacement for the removed functionality.

MongoDB allows running JavaScript functions on the server by either directly sending the script or calling a stored one. ScriptOperations can be accessed through MongoTemplate and provides basic abstraction for JavaScript usage. The following example shows how to us the ScriptOperations class:

ScriptOperations scriptOps = template.scriptOps();

ExecutableMongoScript echoScript = new ExecutableMongoScript("function(x) { return x; }");
scriptOps.execute(echoScript, "directly execute script");     (1)

scriptOps.register(new NamedMongoScript("echo", echoScript)); (2)"echo", "execute script via name");            (3)
1 Run the script directly without storing the function on server side.
2 Store the script using 'echo' as its name. The given name identifies the script and allows calling it later.
3 Run the script with name 'echo' using the provided parameters.