Spring Integration

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractEndpoint

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.config

Methods in org.springframework.integration.config that return AbstractEndpoint
 AbstractEndpoint ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean.getObject()

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.endpoint

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.endpoint
 class AbstractPollingEndpoint
 class EventDrivenConsumer
          Message Endpoint that connects any MessageHandler implementation to a SubscribableChannel.
 class MessageProducerSupport
          A support class for producer endpoints that provides a setter for the output channel and a convenience method for sending Messages.
 class PollingConsumer
          Message Endpoint that connects any MessageHandler implementation to a PollableChannel.
 class ScheduledMessageProducer
 class SourcePollingChannelAdapter
          A Channel Adapter implementation for connecting a MessageSource to a MessageChannel.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.event

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.event
 class ApplicationEventInboundChannelAdapter
          An inbound Channel Adapter that passes Spring ApplicationEvents within messages.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.file

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.file
 class AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<T>
          Strategy class charged with knowing how to connect to a remote file system, scan it for new files and then downloading the file.
 class AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource<Y,T extends AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer<Y>>
          Ultimately, this factors out a lot of the common logic between the FTP and SFTP adapters.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ftp.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ftp.impl
 class FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizer
          An FTP-adapter implementation of AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer
 class FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource
          a MessageSource implementation for FTP

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.gateway

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.gateway
 class GatewayProxyFactoryBean
          Generates a proxy for the provided service interface to enable interaction with messaging components without application code being aware of them allowing for POJO-style interaction.
 class MessagingGatewaySupport
          A convenient base class for connecting application code to MessageChannels for sending, receiving, or request-reply operations.
 class RemotingInboundGatewaySupport
          Support class for inbound Messaging Gateways.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.http

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.http
 class HttpRequestHandlingController
          Inbound HTTP endpoint that implements Spring's Controller interface to be used with a DispatcherServlet front controller.
 class HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway
          Inbound Messaging Gateway that handles HTTP Requests.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.httpinvoker

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.httpinvoker
 class HttpInvokerInboundGateway
          Deprecated. as of 2.0.x. We recommend using the REST-based HTTP adapters instead.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip
 class AbstractInternetProtocolReceivingChannelAdapter
          Base class for inbound TCP/UDP Channel Adapters.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp
 class TcpInboundGateway
          Inbound Gateway using a server connection factory - threading is controlled by the factory.
 class TcpReceivingChannelAdapter
          Tcp inbound channel adapter using a TcpConnection to receive data - if the connection factory is a server factory, this Listener owns the connections.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip.udp

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ip.udp
 class MulticastReceivingChannelAdapter
          Channel adapter that joins a multicast group and receives incoming packets and sends them to an output channel.
 class UnicastReceivingChannelAdapter
          A channel adapter to receive incoming UDP packets.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.jms

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.jms
 class ChannelPublishingJmsMessageListener
          JMS MessageListener that converts a JMS Message into a Spring Integration Message and sends that Message to a channel.
 class JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint
          A message-driven endpoint that receive JMS messages, converts them into Spring Integration Messages, and then sends the result to a channel.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.jmx

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.jmx
 class NotificationListeningMessageProducer
          A JMX NotificationListener implementation that will send Messages containing the JMX Notification instances as their payloads.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.mail

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.mail
 class ImapIdleChannelAdapter
          An event-driven Channel Adapter that receives mail messages from a mail server that supports the IMAP "idle" command (see RFC 2177).

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.rmi

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.rmi
 class RmiInboundGateway
          An inbound Messaging Gateway for RMI-based remoting.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.sftp.impl

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.sftp.impl
 class SftpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizer
          This handles the synchronization between a remote SFTP endpoint and a local mount
 class SftpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource
          a MessageSource implementation for SFTP

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.test.util

Methods in org.springframework.integration.test.util with parameters of type AbstractEndpoint
 void TestUtils.TestApplicationContext.registerEndpoint(String endpointName, AbstractEndpoint endpoint)

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.twitter

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.twitter
 class AbstractInboundTwitterEndpointSupport<T>
          There are a lot of operations that are common to receiving the various types of messages when using the Twitter API, and this class abstracts most of them for you.
 class AbstractInboundTwitterStatusEndpointSupport
          Simple base class for the reply and timeline cases (as well as any other Status implementations of TwitterResponse.
 class AbstractOutboundTwitterEndpointSupport
          The adapters that support 'sending' / 'updating status' messages will do so on top of this implementation for convenience, only.
 class InboundDMStatusEndpoint
          This class handles support for receiving DMs (direct messages) using Twitter.
 class InboundMentionStatusEndpoint
          Handles forwarding all new Status that are 'replies' or 'mentions' to some other tweet.
 class InboundUpdatedStatusEndpoint
          This MessageSource lets Spring Integration consume a given account's timeline as messages.
 class OutboundDMStatusMessageHandler
          Simple adapter to support sending outbound direct messages ("DM"s) using twitter
 class OutboundUpdatedStatusMessageHandler
          This class is useful for both sending regular status updates as well as 'replies' or 'mentions'

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ws

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.ws
 class SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.xmpp.messages

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.xmpp.messages
 class XmppMessageDrivenEndpoint
          This component logs in as a user and forwards any messages to that user on to downstream components.

Uses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.xmpp.presence

Subclasses of AbstractEndpoint in org.springframework.integration.xmpp.presence
 class XmppRosterEventMessageDrivenEndpoint
          Describes an endpoint that is able to login as usual with a XmppConnectionFactory and then emit Messages when a particular event happens to the logged in users Roster.

Spring Integration

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