For the latest stable version, please use Spring Integration 6.4.2!

Using RemoteFileTemplate

Starting with Spring Integration 3.0, a new abstraction is provided over the FtpSession object. The template provides methods to send, retrieve (as an InputStream), remove, and rename files. In addition, an execute method is provided allowing the caller to execute multiple operations on the session. In all cases, the template takes care of reliably closing the session. For more information, see the Javadoc for RemoteFileTemplate. There is a subclass for FTP: FtpRemoteFileTemplate.

Version 4.1 added additional methods, including getClientInstance(), which provides access to the underlying FTPClient and thus gives you access to low-level APIs.

Not all FTP servers properly implement the STAT <path> command. Some return a positive result for a non-existent path. The NLST command reliably returns the name when the path is a file, and it exists. However, this does not support checking that an empty directory exists since NLST always returns an empty list when the path is a directory. Since the template does not know whether the path represents a directory, it has to perform additional checks when the path does not appear to exist (when using NLST). This adds overhead, requiring several requests to the server. Starting with version 4.1.9, the FtpRemoteFileTemplate provides the FtpRemoteFileTemplate.ExistsMode property, which has the following options:

  • STAT: Perform the STAT FTP command (FTPClient.getStatus(path)) to check the path existence. This is the default and requires that your FTP server properly support the STAT command (with a path).

  • NLST: Perform the NLST FTP command — FTPClient.listName(path). Use this if you are testing for a path that is a full path to a file. It does not work for empty directories.

  • NLST_AND_DIRS: Perform the NLST command first and, if it returns no files, fall back to a technique that temporarily switches the working directory by using FTPClient.changeWorkingDirectory(path). See FtpSession.exists() for more information.

Since we know that the FileExistsMode.FAIL case is always only looking for a file (and not a directory), we safely use NLST mode for the FtpMessageHandler and FtpOutboundGateway components.

For any other cases, the FtpRemoteFileTemplate can be extended to implement custom logic in the overridden exist() method.

Starting with version 5.0, the new RemoteFileOperations.invoke(OperationsCallback<F, T> action) method is available. This method lets several RemoteFileOperations calls be called in the scope of the same, thread-bounded, Session. This is useful when you need to perform several high-level operations of the RemoteFileTemplate as one unit of work. For example, AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway uses it with the mput command implementation, where we perform a put operation for each file in the provided directory and recursively for its sub-directories. See the Javadoc for more information.