For the latest stable version, please use Spring Integration 6.4.2!

XML Validating Filter

The XML Validating Filter lets you validate incoming messages against provided schema instances. The following schema types are supported:

Messages that fail validation can either be silently dropped or be forwarded to a definable discard-channel. Furthermore, you can configure this filter to throw an Exception in case validation fails.

The following listing shows all the available configuration parameters:

<int-xml:validating-filter discard-channel=""                    (1)
                           id=""                                 (2)
                           input-channel=""                      (3)
                           output-channel=""                     (4)
                           schema-location=""                    (5)
                           schema-type="xml-schema"              (6)
                           throw-exception-on-rejection="false"  (7)
                           xml-converter=""                      (8)
                           xml-validator="">                     (9)
    <int:poller .../>                                            (10)
1 Message channel where you want rejected messages to be sent. Optional.
2 ID for the underlying bean definition. Optional.
3 The receiving message channel of this endpoint. Optional.
4 Message channel where you want accepted messages to be sent. Optional.
5 Sets the location of the schema to validate the message’s payload against. Internally uses the interface. You can set this attribute or the xml-validator attribute but not both. Optional.
6 Sets the schema type. Can be either xml-schema or relax-ng. Optional. If not set, it defaults to xml-schema, which internally translates to org.springframework.xml.validation.XmlValidatorFactory#SCHEMA_W3C_XML.
7 If true, a MessageRejectedException is thrown if validation fails for the provided Message’s payload. Defaults to false if not set. Optional.
8 Reference to a custom org.springframework.integration.xml.XmlPayloadConverter strategy. Optional.
9 Reference to a custom sorg.springframework.xml.validation.XmlValidator strategy. You can set this attribute or the schema-location attribute but not both. Optional.
10 A poller to use with the XPath filter. Optional.