For the latest stable version, please use Spring Integration 6.4.2!

Inbound Channel Adapter

An inbound channel adapter is used to execute a select query over the database using JPA QL and return the result. The message payload is either a single entity or a List of entities. The following XML configures an inbound-channel-adapter:

<int-jpa:inbound-channel-adapter channel="inboundChannelAdapterOne"  (1)
                    entity-manager="em"                              (2)
                    auto-startup="true"                              (3)
                    query="select s from Student s"                  (4)
                    expect-single-result="true"                      (5)
                    max-results=""                                   (6)
                    max-results-expression=""                        (7)
                    delete-after-poll="true"                         (8)
                    flush-after-delete="true">                       (9)
    <int:poller fixed-rate="2000" >
      <int:transactional propagation="REQUIRED" transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>
1 The channel over which the inbound-channel-adapter puts the messages (with the payload) after executing the JPA QL in the query attribute.
2 The EntityManager instance used to perform the required JPA operations.
3 Attribute signaling whether the component should automatically start when the application context starts. The value defaults to true.
4 The JPA QL whose result are sent out as the payload of the message
5 This attribute tells whether the JPQL query gives a single entity in the result or a List of entities. If the value is set to true, the single entity is sent as the payload of the message. If, however, multiple results are returned after setting this to true, a MessagingException is thrown. The value defaults to false.
6 This non-zero, non-negative integer value tells the adapter not to select more than the given number of rows on execution of the select operation. By default, if this attribute is not set, all possible records are selected by the query. This attribute is mutually exclusive with max-results-expression. Optional.
7 An expression that is evaluated to find the maximum number of results in a result set. Mutually exclusive with max-results. Optional.
8 Set this value to true if you want to delete the rows received after execution of the query. You must ensure that the component operates as part of a transaction. Otherwise, you may encounter an exception such as: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Removing a detached instance …​
9 Set this value to true if you want to flush the persistence context immediately after deleting received entities and if you do not want to rely on the flushMode of the EntityManager. The value defaults to false.

Configuration Parameter Reference

The following listing shows all the values that can be set for an inbound-channel-adapter:

  auto-startup="true"           (1)
  channel=""                    (2)
  delete-after-poll="false"     (3)
  delete-per-row="false"        (4)
  entity-class=""               (5)
  entity-manager=""             (6)
  entity-manager-factory=""     (7)
  expect-single-result="false"  (8)
  jpa-operations=""             (9)
  jpa-query=""                  (10)
  named-query=""                (11)
  native-query=""               (12)
  parameter-source=""           (13)
  send-timeout="">              (14)
  <int:poller ref="myPoller"/>
1 This lifecycle attribute signals whether this component should automatically start when the application context starts. This attribute defaults to true. Optional.
2 The channel to which the adapter sends a message with the payload from performing the desired JPA operation.
3 A boolean flag that indicates whether to delete the selected records after they have been polled by the adapter. By default, the value is false (that is, the records are not deleted). You must ensure that the component operates as part of a transaction. Otherwise, you may encounter an exception, such as: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Removing a detached instance …​. Optional.
4 A boolean flag that indicates whether the records can be deleted in bulk or must be deleted one record at a time. By default, the value is false (that is, the records can be bulk-deleted). Optional.
5 The fully qualified name of the entity class to be queried from the database. The adapter automatically builds a JPA Query based on the entity class name. Optional.
6 An instance of jakarta.persistence.EntityManager used to perform the JPA operations. Optional.
7 An instance of jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory used to obtain an instance of jakarta.persistence.EntityManager that performs the JPA operations. Optional.
8 A boolean flag indicating whether the select operation is expected to return a single result or a List of results. If this flag is set to true, the single entity selected is sent as the payload of the message. If multiple entities are returned, an exception is thrown. If false, the List of entities is sent as the payload of the message. The value defaults to false. Optional.
9 An implementation of org.springframework.integration.jpa.core.JpaOperations used to perform the JPA operations. We recommend not providing an implementation of your own but using the default org.springframework.integration.jpa.core.DefaultJpaOperations implementation. You can use any of the entity-manager, entity-manager-factory, or jpa-operations attributes. Optional.
10 The JPA QL to be executed by this adapter. Optional.
11 The named query that needs to be executed by this adapter. Optional.
12 The native query executed by this adapter. You can use any of the jpa-query, named-query, entity-class, or native-query attributes. Optional.
13 An implementation of used to resolve the values of the parameters in the query. Ignored if the entity-class attribute has a value. Optional.
14 Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait when sending a message to the channel. Optional.

Configuring with Java Configuration

The following Spring Boot application shows an example of how to configure the inbound adapter with Java:

@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = StudentDomain.class)
public class JpaJavaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(JpaJavaApplication.class)

    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;

    public JpaExecutor jpaExecutor() {
        JpaExecutor executor = new JpaExecutor(this.entityManagerFactory);
        jpaExecutor.setJpaQuery("from Student");
        return executor;

    @InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "jpaInputChannel",
                     poller = @Poller(fixedDelay = "${poller.interval}"))
    public MessageSource<?> jpaInbound() {
        return new JpaPollingChannelAdapter(jpaExecutor());

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "jpaInputChannel")
    public MessageHandler handler() {
        return message -> System.out.println(message.getPayload());


Configuring with the Java DSL

The following Spring Boot application shows an example of how to configure the inbound adapter with the Java DSL:

@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = StudentDomain.class)
public class JpaJavaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SpringApplicationBuilder(JpaJavaApplication.class)

    private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;

    public IntegrationFlow pollingAdapterFlow() {
        return IntegrationFlow
                e -> e.poller(p -> p.trigger(new OnlyOnceTrigger())))
            .channel(c -> c.queue("pollingResults"))
