This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring AMQP 3.2.3! |
Changes in 1.6 Since 1.5
Testing Support
A new testing support library is now provided. See Testing Support for more information.
Builders that provide a fluent API for configuring Queue
and Exchange
objects are now available.
See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges for more information.
Namespace Changes
Connection Factory
You can now add a thread-factory
to a connection factory bean declaration — for example, to name the threads
created by the amqp-client
See Connection and Resource Management for more information.
When you use CacheMode.CONNECTION
, you can now limit the total number of connections allowed.
See Connection and Resource Management for more information.
Queue Definitions
You can now provide a naming strategy for anonymous queues.
See AnonymousQueue
for more information.
Listener Container Changes
Idle Message Listener Detection
You can now configure listener containers to publish ApplicationEvent
instances when idle.
See Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers for more information.
Mismatched Queue Detection
By default, when a listener container starts, if queues with mismatched properties or arguments are detected,
the container logs the exception but continues to listen.
The container now has a property called mismatchedQueuesFatal
, which prevents the container (and context) from
starting if the problem is detected during startup.
It also stops the container if the problem is detected later, such as after recovering from a connection failure.
See Message Listener Container Configuration for more information.
Listener Container Logging
Now, listener container provides its beanName
to the internal SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor
as a threadNamePrefix
It is useful for logs analysis.
Default Error Handler
The default error handler (ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler
) now considers irrecoverable @RabbitListener
exceptions as fatal.
See Exception Handling for more information.
and RabbitAdmin
See Message Listener Container Configuration (autoDeclare
) for some changes to the semantics of that option with respect to the use
of RabbitAdmin
instances in the application context.
: Receive with Timeout
A number of new receive()
methods with timeout
have been introduced for the AmqpTemplate
and its RabbitTemplate
See Polling Consumer for more information.
Using AsyncRabbitTemplate
A new AsyncRabbitTemplate
has been introduced.
This template provides a number of send and receive methods, where the return value is a ListenableFuture
, which can
be used later to obtain the result either synchronously or asynchronously.
See Async Rabbit Template for more information.
1.4.1 introduced the ability to use direct reply-to when the broker supports it.
It is more efficient than using a temporary queue for each reply.
This version lets you override this default behavior and use a temporary queue by setting the useTemporaryReplyQueues
property to true
See RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more information.
The RabbitTemplate
now supports a user-id-expression
when using Java configuration).
See Validated User-ID RabbitMQ documentation and Validated User Id for more information.
Message Properties
Using CorrelationId
The correlationId
message property can now be a String
See Message Properties Converters for more information.
Long String Headers
Previously, the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter
“converted” headers longer than the long string limit (default 1024)
to a DataInputStream
(actually, it referenced the LongString
instance’s DataInputStream
On output, this header was not converted (except to a String — for example,
by calling
on the stream).
With this release, long LongString
instances are now left as LongString
instances by default.
You can access the contents by using the getBytes[]
, toString()
, or getStream()
A large incoming LongString
is now correctly “converted” on output too.
See Message Properties Converters for more information.
Inbound Delivery Mode
The deliveryMode
property is no longer mapped to the MessageProperties.deliveryMode
This change avoids unintended propagation if the the same MessageProperties
object is used to send an outbound message.
Instead, the inbound deliveryMode
header is mapped to MessageProperties.receivedDeliveryMode
See Message Properties Converters for more information.
When using annotated endpoints, the header is provided in the header named AmqpHeaders.RECEIVED_DELIVERY_MODE
See Annotated Endpoint Method Signature for more information.
Inbound User ID
The user_id
property is no longer mapped to the MessageProperties.userId
This change avoids unintended propagation if the the same MessageProperties
object is used to send an outbound message.
Instead, the inbound userId
header is mapped to MessageProperties.receivedUserId
See Message Properties Converters for more information.
When you use annotated endpoints, the header is provided in the header named AmqpHeaders.RECEIVED_USER_ID
See Annotated Endpoint Method Signature for more information.
Declaration Failures
Previously, the ignoreDeclarationFailures
flag took effect only for IOException
on the channel (such as mis-matched
It now takes effect for any exception (such as TimeoutException
In addition, a DeclarationExceptionEvent
is now published whenever a declaration fails.
The RabbitAdmin
last declaration event is also available as a property lastDeclarationExceptionEvent
See Configuring the Broker for more information.
Multiple Containers for Each Bean
When you use Java 8 or later, you can now add multiple @RabbitListener
annotations to @Bean
classes or
their methods.
When using Java 7 or earlier, you can use the @RabbitListeners
container annotation to provide the same
See @Repeatable
for more information.
SpEL Expressions
for routing replies with no replyTo
property can now be SpEL expressions evaluated against the
See Reply Management for more information.
You can now specify arguments for queues, exchanges, and bindings in @QueueBinding
Header exchanges are now supported by @QueueBinding
See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more information.
Delayed Message Exchange
Spring AMQP now has first class support for the RabbitMQ Delayed Message Exchange plugin. See Delayed Message Exchange for more information.
Exchange Internal Flag
Any Exchange
definitions can now be marked as internal
, and RabbitAdmin
passes the value to the broker when
declaring the exchange.
See Configuring the Broker for more information.
Cache Statistics
The CachingConnectionFactory
now provides cache properties at runtime and over JMX.
See Runtime Cache Properties for more information.
Accessing the Underlying RabbitMQ Connection Factory
A new getter has been added to provide access to the underlying factory. You can use this getter, for example, to add custom connection properties. See Adding Custom Client Connection Properties for more information.
Channel Cache
The default channel cache size has been increased from 1 to 25. See Connection and Resource Management for more information.
In addition, the SimpleMessageListenerContainer
no longer adjusts the cache size to be at least as large as the number
of concurrentConsumers
— this was superfluous, since the container consumer channels are never cached.
Using RabbitConnectionFactoryBean
The factory bean now exposes a property to add client connection properties to connections made by the resulting factory.
Java Deserialization
You can now configure a “allowed list” of allowable classes when you use Java deserialization. You should consider creating an allowed list if you accept messages with serialized java objects from untrusted sources. See Java Deserialization for more information.
JSON MessageConverter
Improvements to the JSON message converter now allow the consumption of messages that do not have type information in message headers. See Message Conversion for Annotated Methods and [json-message-converter] for more information.
Logging Appenders
Log4j 2
A log4j 2 appender has been added, and the appenders can now be configured with an addresses
property to connect
to a broker cluster.
Client Connection Properties
You can now add custom client connection properties to RabbitMQ connections.
See Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders for more information.