This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring AMQP 3.2.3!

Broker Event Listener

When the Event Exchange Plugin is enabled, if you add a bean of type BrokerEventListener to the application context, it publishes selected broker events as BrokerEvent instances, which can be consumed with a normal Spring ApplicationListener or @EventListener method. Events are published by the broker to a topic exchange amq.rabbitmq.event with a different routing key for each event type. The listener uses event keys, which are used to bind an AnonymousQueue to the exchange so the listener receives only selected events. Since it is a topic exchange, wildcards can be used (as well as explicitly requesting specific events), as the following example shows:

public BrokerEventListener eventListener() {
    return new BrokerEventListener(connectionFactory(), "user.deleted", "channel.#", "queue.#");

You can further narrow the received events in individual event listeners, by using normal Spring techniques, as the following example shows:

@EventListener(condition = "event.eventType == 'queue.created'")
public void listener(BrokerEvent event) {