This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Batch Documentation 5.2.1!

Running a Job

At a minimum, launching a batch job requires two things: the Job to be launched and a JobLauncher. Both can be contained within the same context or different contexts. For example, if you launch jobs from the command line, a new JVM is instantiated for each Job. Thus, every job has its own JobLauncher. However, if you run from within a web container that is within the scope of an HttpRequest, there is usually one JobLauncher (configured for asynchronous job launching) that multiple requests invoke to launch their jobs.

Running Jobs from the Command Line

If you want to run your jobs from an enterprise scheduler, the command line is the primary interface. This is because most schedulers (with the exception of Quartz, unless using NativeJob) work directly with operating system processes, primarily kicked off with shell scripts. There are many ways to launch a Java process besides a shell script, such as Perl, Ruby, or even build tools, such as Ant or Maven. However, because most people are familiar with shell scripts, this example focuses on them.

The CommandLineJobRunner

Because the script launching the job must kick off a Java Virtual Machine, there needs to be a class with a main method to act as the primary entry point. Spring Batch provides an implementation that serves this purpose: CommandLineJobRunner. Note that this is just one way to bootstrap your application. There are many ways to launch a Java process, and this class should in no way be viewed as definitive. The CommandLineJobRunner performs four tasks:

  • Load the appropriate ApplicationContext.

  • Parse command line arguments into JobParameters.

  • Locate the appropriate job based on arguments.

  • Use the JobLauncher provided in the application context to launch the job.

All of these tasks are accomplished with only the arguments passed in. The following table describes the required arguments:

Table 1. CommandLineJobRunner arguments


The location of the XML file that is used to create an ApplicationContext. This file should contain everything needed to run the complete Job.


The name of the job to be run.

These arguments must be passed in, with the path first and the name second. All arguments after these are considered to be job parameters, are turned into a JobParameters object, and must be in the format of name=value.

  • Java

  • XML

The following example shows a date passed as a job parameter to a job defined in Java:

<bash$ java CommandLineJobRunner io.spring.EndOfDayJobConfiguration endOfDay,java.time.LocalDate

The following example shows a date passed as a job parameter to a job defined in XML:

<bash$ java CommandLineJobRunner endOfDayJob.xml endOfDay,java.time.LocalDate

By default, the CommandLineJobRunner uses a DefaultJobParametersConverter that implicitly converts key/value pairs to identifying job parameters. However, you can explicitly specify which job parameters are identifying and which are not by suffixing them with true or false, respectively.

In the following example, is an identifying job parameter, while is not:

<bash$ java CommandLineJobRunner endOfDayJob.xml endOfDay \
                       ,java.time.LocalDate,true \
<bash$ java CommandLineJobRunner io.spring.EndOfDayJobConfiguration endOfDay \
                       ,java.time.LocalDate,true \

You can override this behavior by using a custom JobParametersConverter.

  • Java

  • XML

In most cases, you would want to use a manifest to declare your main class in a jar. However, for simplicity, the class was used directly. This example uses the EndOfDay example from the The Domain Language of Batch. The first argument is io.spring.EndOfDayJobConfiguration, which is the fully qualified class name to the configuration class that contains the Job. The second argument, endOfDay, represents the job name. The final argument,,java.time.LocalDate, is converted into a JobParameter object of type java.time.LocalDate.

The following example shows a sample configuration for endOfDay in Java:

public class EndOfDayJobConfiguration {

    public Job endOfDay(JobRepository jobRepository, Step step1) {
        return new JobBuilder("endOfDay", jobRepository)

    public Step step1(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
        return new StepBuilder("step1", jobRepository)
    				.tasklet((contribution, chunkContext) -> null, transactionManager)

In most cases, you would want to use a manifest to declare your main class in a jar. However, for simplicity, the class was used directly. This example uses the EndOfDay example from the The Domain Language of Batch. The first argument is endOfDayJob.xml, which is the Spring ApplicationContext that contains the Job. The second argument, endOfDay, represents the job name. The final argument,,java.time.LocalDate, is converted into a JobParameter object of type java.time.LocalDate.

The following example shows a sample configuration for endOfDay in XML:

<job id="endOfDay">
    <step id="step1" parent="simpleStep" />

<!-- Launcher details removed for clarity -->
<beans:bean id="jobLauncher"
         class="" />

The preceding example is overly simplistic, since there are many more requirements to a run a batch job in Spring Batch in general, but it serves to show the two main requirements of the CommandLineJobRunner: Job and JobLauncher.

Exit Codes

When launching a batch job from the command-line, an enterprise scheduler is often used. Most schedulers are fairly dumb and work only at the process level. This means that they only know about some operating system process (such as a shell script that they invoke). In this scenario, the only way to communicate back to the scheduler about the success or failure of a job is through return codes. A return code is a number that is returned to a scheduler by the process to indicate the result of the run. In the simplest case, 0 is success and 1 is failure. However, there may be more complex scenarios, such as “If job A returns 4, kick off job B, and, if it returns 5, kick off job C.” This type of behavior is configured at the scheduler level, but it is important that a processing framework such as Spring Batch provide a way to return a numeric representation of the exit code for a particular batch job. In Spring Batch, this is encapsulated within an ExitStatus, which is covered in more detail in Chapter 5. For the purposes of discussing exit codes, the only important thing to know is that an ExitStatus has an exit code property that is set by the framework (or the developer) and is returned as part of the JobExecution returned from the JobLauncher. The CommandLineJobRunner converts this string value to a number by using the ExitCodeMapper interface:

public interface ExitCodeMapper {

    public int intValue(String exitCode);


The essential contract of an ExitCodeMapper is that, given a string exit code, a number representation will be returned. The default implementation used by the job runner is the SimpleJvmExitCodeMapper that returns 0 for completion, 1 for generic errors, and 2 for any job runner errors such as not being able to find a Job in the provided context. If anything more complex than the three values above is needed, a custom implementation of the ExitCodeMapper interface must be supplied. Because the CommandLineJobRunner is the class that creates an ApplicationContext and, thus, cannot be 'wired together', any values that need to be overwritten must be autowired. This means that if an implementation of ExitCodeMapper is found within the BeanFactory, it is injected into the runner after the context is created. All that needs to be done to provide your own ExitCodeMapper is to declare the implementation as a root level bean and ensure that it is part of the ApplicationContext that is loaded by the runner.

Running Jobs from within a Web Container

Historically, offline processing (such as batch jobs) has been launched from the command-line, as described earlier. However, there are many cases where launching from an HttpRequest is a better option. Many such use cases include reporting, ad-hoc job running, and web application support. Because a batch job (by definition) is long running, the most important concern is to launch the job asynchronously:

Async Job Launcher Sequence from web container
Figure 1. Asynchronous Job Launcher Sequence From Web Container

The controller in this case is a Spring MVC controller. See the Spring Framework Reference Guide for more about Spring MVC. The controller launches a Job by using a JobLauncher that has been configured to launch asynchronously, which immediately returns a JobExecution. The Job is likely still running. However, this nonblocking behavior lets the controller return immediately, which is required when handling an HttpRequest. The following listing shows an example:

public class JobLauncherController {

    JobLauncher jobLauncher;

    Job job;

    public void handle() throws Exception{, new JobParameters());