This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Shell 3.4.0!


Arity defines how many parameters option parsing takes.

There are limitations in a legacy annotation compared to annotation and programmatic use of arity settings. These are mentioned in notes in below samples.
  • Programmatic

  • Annotation

  • Legacy Annotation

CommandRegistration zeroOrOne() {
	return CommandRegistration.builder()
@Command(command = "example")
String zeroOrOne(
	@Option(arity = OptionArity.ZERO_OR_ONE) String arg)
	return String.format("Hi '%s'", arg);
@ShellMethod(key = "example")
String zeroOrOne(
	@ShellOption(arity = 1) String arg)
	return String.format("Hi '%s'", arg);
Table 1. OptionArity
Value min/max


0 / 0


0 / 1


1 / 1


0 / Integer MAX


1 / Integer MAX

legacy annotation doesn’t support defining minimum arity.
  • Programmatic

  • Annotation

  • Legacy Annotation

CommandRegistration zeroOrOneWithMinMax() {
	return CommandRegistration.builder()
			.arity(0, 1)
@Command(command = "example")
String zeroOrOneWithMinMax(
	@Option(arityMin = 0, arityMax = 1) String arg)
	return String.format("Hi '%s'", arg);
@ShellMethod(key = "example")
String zeroOrOneWithMinMax(
	@ShellOption(arity = 1) String arg)
	return String.format("Hi '%s'", arg);

In below example we have option arg1 and it’s defined as type String[]. Arity defines that it needs at least 1 parameter and not more that 2. As seen in below spesific exceptions TooManyArgumentsOptionException and NotEnoughArgumentsOptionException are thrown to indicate arity mismatch.

shell:>e2e reg arity-errors --arg1
Not enough arguments --arg1 requires at least 1.

shell:>e2e reg arity-errors --arg1 one
Hello [one]

shell:>e2e reg arity-errors --arg1 one two
Hello [one, two]

shell:>e2e reg arity-errors --arg1 one two three
Too many arguments --arg1 requires at most 2.