All Classes and Interfaces

A base AnnotationBuilder that ensures the object being built is only built one time.
Base implementation of @Configuration class.
Base implementation for all composite items.
Base implementation for all composite listeners.
A base AnnotationBuilder that allows AnnotationConfigurers to be applied to it.
Base class providing common functionality for using Spring expression language.
Base class for Configuration which works on a bean definition level relying on ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar phase to register beans.
Abstract base implementation for StateMachineSerialisationService using kryo.
Base class for StateMachineInterceptor persisting StateMachineContexts.
AbstractPersistStateMachineHandler is a base recipe which can be used to handle a state change of an arbitrary entity in a persistent storage.
The listener interface for receiving persistStateChange events.
Base implementation of a PseudoState.
Base implementation of a State having a single state identifier.
Base implementation of a State.
Base implementation of a StateMachine loosely modelled from UML state machine.
Adapter base implementation for StateMachineConfigurer.
Base StateMachineFactory implementation building StateMachines.
Base helper class for state machine tests.
Base helper class for state machine tests.
Base implementation of a StateMachineModelFactory providing some common grounds for various implementations.
Base implementation of a StateMachineMonitor.
Base implementation of a StateMachinePersister easing persist and restore operations with a StateMachinePersist.
Base implementation of a Transition.
Base class for transition configurers.
Generic strategy interface used by a state machine to respond events by executing an Action with a StateContext.
ActionListener for various action events.
Generic Repository interface for actions.
Action Utilities.
A MethodFilter implementation that enables the following: matching on method name, if available exclusion of void-returning methods if 'requiresReply' is true limiting to annotated methods if at least one is present
Interface for building an Object.
Allows for configuring an AnnotationBuilder.
A base class for AnnotationConfigurer that allows subclasses to only implement the methods they are interested in.
Interface for wrapping a return type from AnnotationConfigurer into AnnotationBuilder.
Generic base class for all entity classes.
StateMachineModelVerifier which verifies a base model structure like existence of initial states, etc.
Implementation of a StateMachineMonitor which converts monitoring events and bridges those into supported format handled by Spring Boot's tracing and metrics frameworks.
A simple data object keeping choice related configs in a same place.
Choice implementation of a PseudoState.
Data class wrapping choice State and Guard together.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition from a choice pseudo state.
Implementation of a ActionListener backed by a multiple listeners.
Default EnsembleListener dispatcher.
Composite state listener.
Default StateMachineListener dispatcher.
Implementation of a StateMachineModelVerifier backed by a multiple verifiers.
Implementation of a StateMachineMonitor backed by a multiple monitors.
Default TriggerListener dispatcher.
Base ConfigConfigurer interface for configuring generic config.
Configuration object used to keep things together in StateMachineConfigurationBuilder.
Default implementation of a ChoiceTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a ConfigurationConfigurer.
Default implementation of a DistributedStateMachineConfigurer.
Default implementation of a EntryTransitionConfigurer.
The default implementation of SecurityExpressionHandler which uses a EventSecurityExpressionRoot.
Default implementation of a ExitTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a ExtendedState.
Default implementation of a ExternalTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a ForkTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a HistoryTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a InternalTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a JoinTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a JunctionTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a LocalTransitionConfigurer.
Default implementation of a ModelConfigurer.
Default implementation of a MonitoringConfigurer.
Default implementation of a PersistenceConfigurer.
AnnotationConfigurer which knows how to handle configuring a Properties.
Default implementation of a PseudoState which is a simple passthrough via AbstractPseudoState.
Default implementation of a PseudoStateContext.
AnnotationConfigurer which knows how to handle configuring a Resources.
Default implementation of a SecurityConfigurer.
Default implementation of a StateConfigurer.
Default implementation of a StateContext.
Default implementation of a StateMachineComponentResolver which resolves from a BeanFactory if given or from a manually registered actions and guards.
Default implementation of a StateMachineContext.
Default implementation of StateMachineEventPublisher.
Default implementation of a StateMachineModel.
Default implementation of a StateMachineModelVerifier.
Default implementation of a StateMachinePersister.
Default implementation of a StateMachineService.
Default implementation of a VerifierConfigurer.
Action which is used to wrap execution of an Action so that only a StateMachine considered to be a leader in an StateMachineEnsemble will do the execution.
DistributedStateMachine is wrapping a real StateMachine and works together with a StateMachineEnsemble order to provide a distributed state machine.
Base DistributedStateMachineConfigurer interface for configuring distributed state machine.
Base annotation used in JavaConfig order to enable some base functionality.
Annotation which imports @Configurations related to building state machines.
Annotation which imports @Configurations related to building state machine factories.
Annotation which enables features needed for WithStateMachine.
EnsembleListener for various ensemble events.
Adapter implementation of EnsembleListener implementing all methods which extended implementation can override.
A simple data object keeping entrypoint related configs in a same place.
Entrypoint implementation of a PseudoState.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition with an entrypoint pseudo state.
EnumState<S extends Enum<S>,E extends Enum<E>>
A State implementation where state and event is enum based.
Base implementation of a StateMachineConfigurer using enums.
Voter which handles Message authorisation decisions.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a event header.
Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to the event headers of a message.
The SecurityExpressionRoot used for Message expressions.
Votes if any ConfigAttribute.getAttribute() starts with a prefix indicating that it is an event.
A simple data object keeping exitpoint related configs in a same place.
Exitpoint implementation of a PseudoState.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition with an exitpoint pseudo state.
Utility class with static methods for helping with establishing environments for SpEL expressions.
Extended states are used to supplement state machine with a variables.
The listener interface for receiving extended state change events.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring external Transitions.
FactoryPersistStateMachineHandler is a recipe can be used to handle a state change of an arbitrary entity in a persistent storage.
A MethodFilter implementation that will always return the same Method instance within a single-element list if it is present in the candidate list.
Fork implementation of a PseudoState.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition from a fork pseudo state.
GenericPersistStateMachineHandler is a recipe which can be used to handle a state change of an arbitrary entity in a persistent storage.
Guards are typically considered as guard conditions which affect the behaviour of a state machine by enabling actions or transitions only when they evaluate to TRUE and disabling them when they evaluate to FALSE.
Generic Repository interface for guards.
Guard Utilities.
A simple data object keeping history related configs in a same place.
History implementation of a PseudoState.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition with default history state.
Transition used during a state machine start.
In-memory implementation of StateMachineTraceRepository.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring internal Transitions.
Join implementation of a PseudoState.
Data class wrapping join State and Guard together.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition from a join pseudo state.
A ActionRepository interface for JPA used for actions.
A GuardRepository interface for JPA used for guards.
JPA entity for actions.
JPA entity for actions.
JPA entity for states.
A RepositoryStateMachine interface for JPA used for states machines.
JPA based implementation of a RepositoryStateMachinePersist.
JPA entity for transitions.
JPA entity for state machine.
A StateRepository interface for JPA used for states.
A StateRepository interface for JPA used for transitions.
A simple data object keeping junction related configs in a same place.
Junction implementation of a PseudoState.
Data class wrapping choice State and Guard together.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition from a junction pseudo state.
Implementation for StateMachineSerialisationService using kryo.
A StateMachineListener which is used during the tests to assert correct count of listener callbacks.
StateMachineEnsemble backed by a zookeeper and leader functionality from a Spring Cloud Cluster.
Convenient base class for object which needs spring task scheduler, task executor and life cycle handling.
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring local Transitions.
Simple ApplicationListener which logs all events based on StateMachineEvent using a log level set during the construction.
Generic exception indicating ill-formed state machine configuration.
Kryo Serializer for spring messaging message headers.
Strategy interface for post-processing annotated methods.
A simple StateMachineRuntimeProcessor implementation using methods from a state machine protected bean.
Base ModelConfigurer interface for configuring state machine model.
Data object used return and build data from a ModelConfigurer.
A ActionRepository interface for MongoDb used for actions.
A GuardRepository interface for MongoDb used for guards.
MongoDb implementation of a AbstractPersistingStateMachineInterceptor.
MongoDb entity for actions.
MongoDb entity for actions.
MongoDb entity for states.
A RepositoryStateMachine interface for Redis used for states machines.
MongoDb based implementation of a RepositoryStateMachinePersist.
MongoDb entity for transitions.
A StateMachineRepository interface for MongoDb used for states machines.
A StateRepository interface for MongoDb used for states.
A StateRepository interface for MongoDb used for transitions.
Base MonitoringConfigurer interface for configuring state machine monitoring.
Allows initialization of Objects.
Spring Configuration that exports the default ObjectPostProcessor.
A State implementation where state and event is object based.
Specialisation of a StateMachine using objects as its State and event types.
Implementation of a StateMachineFactory which know the actual types of State and StateMachine.
Utility class which wraps Map and notifies ObservableMap.MapChangeListener of changes for individual change operations.
The listener interface for receiving map change events.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when event is not accepted by a state machine.
Generic event representing that a state machine did not accept an event.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when ExtendedState is changed.
Generic event representing that extended state variable has been changed.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when State is changed.
Generic event representing that state has been changed.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when State is entered.
Generic event representing that state has been entered.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when State is exited.
Generic event representing that state has been exited.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called when state machine has been entered in error it cannot recover.
Generic event representing that state machine has been entered in error it cannot recover.
Indicates that a method is a candidate to be called when state machine is started.
Generic event representing that state machine has been started.
Indicates that a method is a candidate to be called when state machine is stopped.
Generic event representing that state machine has been stopped or terminated.
Indicates that a method is a candidate to be called with a Transition.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called with a Transition.
Event representing that a Transition has ended.
Event representing that a Transition has happened.
Indicates that a method is candidate to be called with a Transition.
Event representing that a Transition has started.
Composite item which can be used in other components which may want to allow automatic and annotation based ordering.
Composite item which can be used in other components which may want to allow automatic and annotation based ordering.
Base PersistenceConfigurer interface for configuring state machine persistence.
PersistStateMachineHandler is a recipe which can be used to handle a state change of an arbitrary entity in a persistent storage.
Interface for DefaultPropertiesConfigurer which act as intermediate gatekeeper between a user and an AnnotationConfigurer.
Interface for AnnotationBuilder which wants to be aware of Properties configured by DefaultPropertiesConfigurer.
A PseudoState is an abstraction that encompasses different types of transient states or vertices in the state machine.
Context object using in PseudoStateListener.
The PseudoAction enumeration.
Defines enumeration of a PseudoState kind.
PseudoStateListener for various pseudo state events.
Reactive counterpart of a Action being simply a Function of a return type of a Mono.
Reactive counterpart of a Guard being simply a Function of a return type of a Mono wrapping Boolean.
Functional interface exposing reactive StateMachine internals.
Default reactive implementation of a StateMachineExecutor.
A ActionRepository interface for Redis used for actions.
A GuardRepository interface for Redis used for guards.
Redis entity for actions.
Redis entity for actions.
Redis entity for states.
A RepositoryStateMachine interface for Redis used for states machines.
Redis based implementation of a RepositoryStateMachinePersist.
Redis entity for transitions.
A StateMachineContextRepository backed by a redis and kryo serialization.
Implementation of a StateMachinePersister to be used with a redis.
A StateMachineRepository interface for Redis used for states machines.
A StateRepository interface for Redis used for states.
A StateRepository interface for Redis used for transitions.
A region is an orthogonal part of either a composite state or a state machine.
Enumerations for possible region execution policies.
A State implementation where states are wrapped in a regions..
Generic base class representing action entity.
Generic base class representing guard entity.
Generic base class representing state entity.
Generic base class representing state machine entity.
A generic StateMachineModelFactory which is backed by a Spring Data Repository abstraction.
Base implementation of a StateMachinePersist using Spring Data Repositories.
Generic base class representing transition entity.
Interface for DefaultResourceConfigurer which act as intermediate gatekeeper between a user and an AnnotationConfigurer.
Interface for AnnotationBuilder which wants to be aware of Resources configured by DefaultResourceConfigurer.
A Action which executes a Runnable.
Base ConfigConfigurer interface for configuring generic config.
Encapsulates the rules for comparing security attributes and expression.
Security comparison types.
Action which uses Spring SpEL expression for action execution.
Guard which uses Spring SpEL expression for condition evaluation.
State is an interface representing possible state in a state machine.
Base StateConfigurer interface for configuring States.
Enumeration of a possible history pseudostate type.
StateContext is representing of a current context used in various stages in a state machine execution.
Enumeration of possible stages context is attached.
Assertions applicable to a StateContext.
Helper class to work with a spel expressions and StateContext.
StateData is a data representation of a State used as an abstraction between a StateMachineFactory and a state machine configuration.
Enumerations for possible state do action policies.
Utility class using holder pattern to keep a State reference.
StateListener for various state events.
Adapter implementation of StateListener implementing all methods which extended implementation can override.
StateMachine provides an APIs for generic finite state machine needed for basic operations like working with states, events and a lifecycle.
Functional interface exposing StateMachine internals.
Functional interface for StateMachine to allow more programmatic access to underlying functionality.
A BeanPostProcessor implementation that processes method-level annotations such as OnTransition.
Configuration for annotation post processor which is needed i.e.
Assertions applicable to a StateMachine.
Entry point for all assertj definitions for a StateMachine.
Auto-configuration for Spring Statemachine.
StateMachineBuilder provides a builder pattern for StateMachine using a similar concepts found from a normal annotation based configuration.
Builder implementation handling logic of building a StateMachine manually.
Common configuration for statemachine.
Strategy interface for resolving state machine components by their id's.
Generic pojo keeping relates configs together.
AnnotationBuilder handling all shared builders which effectively contructs full configuration for StateMachineConfig.
Configuration which gets imported from EnableStateMachine and registers a StateMachine build from a StateMachineConfigurerAdapter via a BeanDefinition.
Configurer interface exposing generic config.
Spring ImportSelector choosing appropriate Configuration based on EnableStateMachine or EnableStateMachineFactory annotations.
AnnotationConfigurer exposing configurers for states and transitions.
Base implementation of a StateMachineConfigurer using objects.
StateMachineContext represents a current state of a state machine.
Repository interface for saving and retrieving StateMachineContext objects.
Kryo Serializer for StateMachineContext.
Utility methods for accessing common components from the BeanFactory.
StateMachineEnsemble is a contract between a StateMachine and arbitrary ensemble of other StateMachines.
General exception indicating a problem in ensemble.
Support class for implementing StateMachineEnsembles.
Base ApplicationEvent class for leader based events.
Interface for publishing state machine based application events.
Configuration for common StateMachineEventPublisher.
Interface defining a result for sending an event to a statemachine.
Enumeration of a result type indicating whether a region accepted, denied or deferred an event.
Assertions applicable to a StateMachineEventResult.
General exception indicating a problem in interacting with statemachine.
Interface for a StateMachine event executor.
Completion callback to notify back complete or error.
Callback interface when executor wants to handle transit.
StateMachineFactory is a strategy interface building StateMachines.
Configuration which gets imported from EnableStateMachineFactory and registers a StateMachineFactory build from a StateMachineConfigurerAdapter via a BeanDefinition.
Handler for a common object representing something to be run.
Spring ApplicationListener which hooks to ContextRefreshedEvent and tracks when was a last time context was refreshed.
Helper class which is used from a StateMachineObjectSupport to ease handling of StateMachineHandlers and provides needed caching so that a runtime calls are fast.
Interface which can be registered with a state machine and can be used to intercept and break a state change chain.
Adapter helper implementation for StateMachineInterceptor.
Support class working with a StateMachineInterceptors.
FactoryBean to set up a ResourceReaderRepositoryPopulator with a StateMachineJackson2ResourceReader.
A ResourceReader using Jackson to read JSON into objects.
Auto-configuration for JPA repositories and Entity classes.
StateMachineListener for various state machine events.
Adapter implementation of StateMachineListener implementing all methods which extended implementation can override.
Reserved Message headers used in StateMachine events.
A helper class using spel to execute target methods.
Wrapping everything we need to work with spel.
Base abstract SPI class for state machine configuration.
Configurer interface exposing model.
A generic builder interface for building StateMachineModels.
Strategy interface for implementations verifying StateMachineModel structures.
Auto-configuration for MongoDb repositories and Entity classes.
StateMachineMonitor for various state machine monitoring events.
Support and helper class for base state machine implementation.
StateMachinePersist is an interface handling serialization logic of a StateMachineContext.
Interface persisting and restoring a StateMachine from a persistent storage.
Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties for spring.statemachine.
Config props for "spring.statemachine.monitor".
Reactive equivalent of a Lifecycle.
Auto-configuration for Redis repositories and Entity classes.
Generic Repository interface for states machines.
A generic runtime representation of a state machine.
Interface defining a runtime persistence of a StateMachine.
Defines a strategy of processing a state machine and returning some Object (or null).
Configurer interface exposing generic config.
StateMachineInterceptor which can be registered into a StateMachine order to intercept a various security related checks.
Generic interface to handle serialisation in a state machine.
Service class helping to persist and restore StateMachines in a runtime environment.
A State implementation where state is wrapped in a substatemachine.
Configurer interface exposing states.
Various constants used in state machine lib.
StateMachineTestPlan is fully constructed plan how a StateMachine should be tested.
A builder for StateMachineTestPlan.
A value object representing a statemachine trace event: at a particular time with a simple (map) information.
Endpoint to expose StateMachineTrace information.
A repository for StateMachineTraces.
Configurer interface exposing different type of transitions.
Various utility methods for state machine.
Generic Repository interface for states.
Data object used return and build data from a StateConfigurer.
TasksHandler is a recipe for executing arbitrary Runnable tasks using a state machine logic.
Builder pattern implementation building a TasksHandler.
TasksListener is a generic interface listening tasks execution events.
Adapter class for TasksHandler.TasksListener.
Utils for tests.
Implementation of a Trigger capable of firing on a static periods.
Transition is something what a state machine associates with a state changes.
Base TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transitions.
Enumerations for possible transition conflict policies.
A simple data object keeping transition related configs in a same place.
Generic base event representing something with a Transition.
Specific ConfigAttribute for spel expression.
AccessDecisionVoter evaluating access via security spel expression.
Defines enumeration of a Transition kind.
Generic Repository interface for transitions.
Data object for transitions.
Root object for security spel evaluation.
Votes if any ConfigAttribute.getAttribute() starts with a prefix indicating that it is a transition source or target.
Utility class which can be used to represent a tree based data structure.
Trigger is the cause of the Transition.
TriggerListener for listening a Trigger events.
Model parser which constructs states and transitions data out from an uml model.
StateMachineModelFactory which builds StateMachineModel from uml representation.
Utilities for uml model processing.
A ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter implementation that will match unique methods.
Kryo Serializer for UUID.
Base ConfigConfigurer interface for configuring state machine model verifier.
Annotation which is marking a bean to be a candidate for participating with a state machine events.
StateMachineEnsemble backed by a zookeeper.
StateMachinePersist using zookeeper as a storage and kroy libraries as a backing serialization technique.