For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.2.3! |
Modeling JDBC Operations as Java Objects
The org.springframework.jdbc.object
package contains classes that let you access
the database in a more object-oriented manner. As an example, you can run queries
and get the results back as a list that contains business objects with the relational
column data mapped to the properties of the business object. You can also run stored
procedures and run update, delete, and insert statements.
Many Spring developers believe that the various RDBMS operation classes described below
(with the exception of the However, if you are getting measurable value from using the RDBMS operation classes, you should continue to use these classes. |
Understanding SqlQuery
is a reusable, thread-safe class that encapsulates an SQL query. Subclasses
must implement the newRowMapper(..)
method to provide a RowMapper
instance that can
create one object per row obtained from iterating over the ResultSet
that is created
during the execution of the query. The SqlQuery
class is rarely used directly, because
the MappingSqlQuery
subclass provides a much more convenient implementation for
mapping rows to Java classes. Other implementations that extend SqlQuery
and UpdatableSqlQuery
Using MappingSqlQuery
is a reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the
abstract mapRow(..)
method to convert each row of the supplied ResultSet
into an
object of the type specified. The following example shows a custom query that maps the
data from the t_actor
relation to an instance of the Actor
public class ActorMappingQuery extends MappingSqlQuery<Actor> {
public ActorMappingQuery(DataSource ds) {
super(ds, "select id, first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?");
declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.INTEGER));
protected Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNumber) throws SQLException {
Actor actor = new Actor();
return actor;
class ActorMappingQuery(ds: DataSource) : MappingSqlQuery<Actor>(ds, "select id, first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?") {
init {
declareParameter(SqlParameter("id", Types.INTEGER))
override fun mapRow(rs: ResultSet, rowNumber: Int) = Actor(
The class extends MappingSqlQuery
parameterized with the Actor
type. The constructor
for this customer query takes a DataSource
as the only parameter. In this
constructor, you can call the constructor on the superclass with the DataSource
and the SQL
that should be run to retrieve the rows for this query. This SQL is used to
create a PreparedStatement
, so it may contain placeholders for any parameters to be
passed in during execution. You must declare each parameter by using the declareParameter
method passing in an SqlParameter
. The SqlParameter
takes a name, and the JDBC type
as defined in java.sql.Types
. After you define all parameters, you can call the
method so that the statement can be prepared and later run. This class is
thread-safe after it is compiled, so, as long as these instances are created when the DAO
is initialized, they can be kept as instance variables and be reused. The following
example shows how to define such a class:
private ActorMappingQuery actorMappingQuery;
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
this.actorMappingQuery = new ActorMappingQuery(dataSource);
public Customer getCustomer(Long id) {
return actorMappingQuery.findObject(id);
private val actorMappingQuery = ActorMappingQuery(dataSource)
fun getCustomer(id: Long) = actorMappingQuery.findObject(id)
The method in the preceding example retrieves the customer with the id
that is passed in as the
only parameter. Since we want only one object to be returned, we call the findObject
method with the id
as the parameter. If we had instead a query that returned a
list of objects and took additional parameters, we would use one of the execute
methods that takes an array of parameter values passed in as varargs. The following
example shows such a method:
public List<Actor> searchForActors(int age, String namePattern) {
return actorSearchMappingQuery.execute(age, namePattern);
fun searchForActors(age: Int, namePattern: String) =
actorSearchMappingQuery.execute(age, namePattern)
Using SqlUpdate
The SqlUpdate
class encapsulates an SQL update. As with a query, an update object is
reusable, and, as with all RdbmsOperation
classes, an update can have parameters and is
defined in SQL. This class provides a number of update(..)
methods analogous to the
methods of query objects. The SqlUpdate
class is concrete. It can be
subclassed — for example, to add a custom update method.
However, you do not have to subclass the SqlUpdate
class, since it can easily be parameterized by setting SQL and declaring parameters.
The following example creates a custom update method named execute
import java.sql.Types;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate;
public class UpdateCreditRating extends SqlUpdate {
public UpdateCreditRating(DataSource ds) {
setSql("update customer set credit_rating = ? where id = ?");
declareParameter(new SqlParameter("creditRating", Types.NUMERIC));
declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.NUMERIC));
* @param id for the Customer to be updated
* @param rating the new value for credit rating
* @return number of rows updated
public int execute(int id, int rating) {
return update(rating, id);
import java.sql.Types
import javax.sql.DataSource
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter
import org.springframework.jdbc.object
class UpdateCreditRating(ds: DataSource) : SqlUpdate() {
init {
sql = "update customer set credit_rating = ? where id = ?"
declareParameter(SqlParameter("creditRating", Types.NUMERIC))
declareParameter(SqlParameter("id", Types.NUMERIC))
* @param id for the Customer to be updated
* @param rating the new value for credit rating
* @return number of rows updated
fun execute(id: Int, rating: Int): Int {
return update(rating, id)
Using StoredProcedure
The StoredProcedure
class is an abstract
superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS
stored procedures.
The inherited sql
property is the name of the stored procedure in the RDBMS.
To define a parameter for the StoredProcedure
class, you can use an SqlParameter
or one
of its subclasses. You must specify the parameter name and SQL type in the constructor,
as the following code snippet shows:
new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC),
new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),
SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC),
SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),
The SQL type is specified using the java.sql.Types
The first line (with the SqlParameter
) declares an IN parameter. You can use IN parameters
both for stored procedure calls and for queries using the SqlQuery
and its
subclasses (covered in Understanding SqlQuery
The second line (with the SqlOutParameter
) declares an out
parameter to be used in the
stored procedure call. There is also an SqlInOutParameter
for InOut
(parameters that provide an in
value to the procedure and that also return a value).
For in
parameters, in addition to the name and the SQL type, you can specify a
scale for numeric data or a type name for custom database types. For out
you can provide a RowMapper
to handle mapping of rows returned from a REF
Another option is to specify an SqlReturnType
that lets you define customized
handling of the return values.
The next example of a simple DAO uses a StoredProcedure
to call a function
), which comes with any Oracle database. To use the stored procedure
functionality, you have to create a class that extends StoredProcedure
. In this
example, the StoredProcedure
class is an inner class. However, if you need to reuse the
, you can declare it as a top-level class. This example has no input
parameters, but an output parameter is declared as a date type by using the
class. The execute()
method runs the procedure and extracts the
returned date from the results Map
. The results Map
has an entry for each declared
output parameter (in this case, only one) by using the parameter name as the key.
The following listing shows our custom StoredProcedure class:
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;
public class StoredProcedureDao {
private GetSysdateProcedure getSysdate;
public void init(DataSource dataSource) {
this.getSysdate = new GetSysdateProcedure(dataSource);
public Date getSysdate() {
return getSysdate.execute();
private class GetSysdateProcedure extends StoredProcedure {
private static final String SQL = "sysdate";
public GetSysdateProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {
declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("date", Types.DATE));
public Date execute() {
// the 'sysdate' sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied...
Map<String, Object> results = execute(new HashMap<String, Object>());
Date sysdate = (Date) results.get("date");
return sysdate;
import java.sql.Types
import java.util.Date
import java.util.Map
import javax.sql.DataSource
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure
class StoredProcedureDao(dataSource: DataSource) {
private val SQL = "sysdate"
private val getSysdate = GetSysdateProcedure(dataSource)
val sysdate: Date
get() = getSysdate.execute()
private inner class GetSysdateProcedure(dataSource: DataSource) : StoredProcedure() {
init {
isFunction = true
sql = SQL
declareParameter(SqlOutParameter("date", Types.DATE))
fun execute(): Date {
// the 'sysdate' sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied...
val results = execute(mutableMapOf<String, Any>())
return results["date"] as Date
The following example of a StoredProcedure
has two output parameters (in this case,
Oracle REF cursors):
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;
public class TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure {
private static final String SPROC_NAME = "AllTitlesAndGenres";
public TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {
super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME);
declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper()));
declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("genres", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new GenreMapper()));
public Map<String, Object> execute() {
// again, this sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied
return super.execute(new HashMap<String, Object>());
import java.util.HashMap
import javax.sql.DataSource
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter
import org.springframework.jdbc.object
class TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure(dataSource: DataSource) : StoredProcedure(dataSource, SPROC_NAME) {
companion object {
private const val SPROC_NAME = "AllTitlesAndGenres"
init {
declareParameter(SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, TitleMapper()))
declareParameter(SqlOutParameter("genres", OracleTypes.CURSOR, GenreMapper()))
fun execute(): Map<String, Any> {
// again, this sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied
return super.execute(HashMap<String, Any>())
Notice how the overloaded variants of the declareParameter(..)
method that have been
used in the TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure
constructor are passed RowMapper
implementation instances. This is a very convenient and powerful way to reuse existing
functionality. The next two examples provide code for the two RowMapper
The TitleMapper
class maps a ResultSet
to a Title
domain object for each row in
the supplied ResultSet
, as follows:
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
public final class TitleMapper implements RowMapper<Title> {
public Title mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
Title title = new Title();
return title;
import java.sql.ResultSet
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper
class TitleMapper : RowMapper<Title> {
override fun mapRow(rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int) =
Title(rs.getLong("id"), rs.getString("name"))
The GenreMapper
class maps a ResultSet
to a Genre
domain object for each row in
the supplied ResultSet
, as follows:
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
public final class GenreMapper implements RowMapper<Genre> {
public Genre mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new Genre(rs.getString("name"));
import java.sql.ResultSet
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper
class GenreMapper : RowMapper<Genre> {
override fun mapRow(rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int): Genre {
return Genre(rs.getString("name"))
To pass parameters to a stored procedure that has one or more input parameters in its
definition in the RDBMS, you can code a strongly typed execute(..)
method that would
delegate to the untyped execute(Map)
method in the superclass, as the following example shows:
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;
public class TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure {
private static final String SPROC_NAME = "TitlesAfterDate";
private static final String CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM = "cutoffDate";
public TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {
super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME);
declareParameter(new SqlParameter(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, Types.DATE);
declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper()));
public Map<String, Object> execute(Date cutoffDate) {
Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
inputs.put(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, cutoffDate);
return super.execute(inputs);
import java.sql.Types
import java.util.Date
import javax.sql.DataSource
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter
import org.springframework.jdbc.object
class TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure(dataSource: DataSource) : StoredProcedure(dataSource, SPROC_NAME) {
companion object {
private const val SPROC_NAME = "TitlesAfterDate"
private const val CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM = "cutoffDate"
init {
declareParameter(SqlParameter(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, Types.DATE))
declareParameter(SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, TitleMapper()))
fun execute(cutoffDate: Date) = super.execute(
mapOf<String, Any>(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM to cutoffDate))