This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.1.14!

Data Binding

Data binding is useful for binding user input to a target object where user input is a map with property paths as keys, following JavaBeans conventions. DataBinder is the main class that supports this, and it provides two ways to bind user input:

  • Constructor binding - bind user input to a public data constructor, looking up constructor argument values in the user input.

  • Property binding - bind user input to setters, matching keys from the user input to properties of the target object structure.

You can apply both constructor and property binding or only one.

Constructor Binding

To use constructor binding:

  1. Create a DataBinder with null as the target object.

  2. Set targetType to the target class.

  3. Call construct.

The target class should have a single public constructor or a single non-public constructor with arguments. If there are multiple constructors, then a default constructor if present is used.

By default, argument values are looked up via constructor parameter names. Spring MVC and WebFlux support a custom name mapping through the @BindParam annotation on constructor parameters or fields if present. If necessary, you can also configure a NameResolver on DataBinder to customize the argument name to use.

Type conversion is applied as needed to convert user input. If the constructor parameter is an object, it is constructed recursively in the same manner, but through a nested property path. That means constructor binding creates both the target object and any objects it contains.

Constructor binding supports List, Map, and array arguments either converted from a single string, for example, comma-separated list, or based on indexed keys such as accounts[2].name or account[KEY].name.

Binding and conversion errors are reflected in the BindingResult of the DataBinder. If the target is created successfully, then target is set to the created instance after the call to construct.

Property Binding with BeanWrapper

The org.springframework.beans package adheres to the JavaBeans standard. A JavaBean is a class with a default no-argument constructor and that follows a naming convention where (for example) a property named bingoMadness would have a setter method setBingoMadness(..) and a getter method getBingoMadness(). For more information about JavaBeans and the specification, see javabeans.

One quite important class in the beans package is the BeanWrapper interface and its corresponding implementation (BeanWrapperImpl). As quoted from the javadoc, the BeanWrapper offers functionality to set and get property values (individually or in bulk), get property descriptors, and query properties to determine if they are readable or writable. Also, the BeanWrapper offers support for nested properties, enabling the setting of properties on sub-properties to an unlimited depth. The BeanWrapper also supports the ability to add standard JavaBeans PropertyChangeListeners and VetoableChangeListeners, without the need for supporting code in the target class. Last but not least, the BeanWrapper provides support for setting indexed properties. The BeanWrapper usually is not used by application code directly but is used by the DataBinder and the BeanFactory.

The way the BeanWrapper works is partly indicated by its name: it wraps a bean to perform actions on that bean, such as setting and retrieving properties.

Setting and Getting Basic and Nested Properties

Setting and getting properties is done through the setPropertyValue and getPropertyValue overloaded method variants of BeanWrapper. See their Javadoc for details. The below table shows some examples of these conventions:

Table 1. Examples of properties
Expression Explanation


Indicates the property name that corresponds to the getName() or isName() and setName(..) methods.

Indicates the nested property name of the property account that corresponds to (for example) the getAccount().setName() or getAccount().getName() methods.


Indicates the third element of the indexed property account. Indexed properties can be of type array, list, or other naturally ordered collection.


Indicates the value of the map entry indexed by the KEY value.

(This next section is not vitally important to you if you do not plan to work with the BeanWrapper directly. If you use only the DataBinder and the BeanFactory and their default implementations, you should skip ahead to the section on PropertyEditors.)

The following two example classes use the BeanWrapper to get and set properties:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class Company {

	private String name;
	private Employee managingDirector;

	public String getName() {

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

	public Employee getManagingDirector() {
		return this.managingDirector;

	public void setManagingDirector(Employee managingDirector) {
		this.managingDirector = managingDirector;
class Company {
	var name: String? = null
	var managingDirector: Employee? = null
  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class Employee {

	private String name;

	private float salary;

	public String getName() {

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

	public float getSalary() {
		return salary;

	public void setSalary(float salary) {
		this.salary = salary;
class Employee {
	var name: String? = null
	var salary: Float? = null

The following code snippets show some examples of how to retrieve and manipulate some of the properties of instantiated Companys and Employees:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

BeanWrapper company = new BeanWrapperImpl(new Company());
// setting the company name..
company.setPropertyValue("name", "Some Company Inc.");
// ... can also be done like this:
PropertyValue value = new PropertyValue("name", "Some Company Inc.");

// ok, let's create the director and tie it to the company:
BeanWrapper jim = new BeanWrapperImpl(new Employee());
jim.setPropertyValue("name", "Jim Stravinsky");
company.setPropertyValue("managingDirector", jim.getWrappedInstance());

// retrieving the salary of the managingDirector through the company
Float salary = (Float) company.getPropertyValue("managingDirector.salary");
val company = BeanWrapperImpl(Company())
// setting the company name..
company.setPropertyValue("name", "Some Company Inc.")
// ... can also be done like this:
val value = PropertyValue("name", "Some Company Inc.")

// ok, let's create the director and tie it to the company:
val jim = BeanWrapperImpl(Employee())
jim.setPropertyValue("name", "Jim Stravinsky")
company.setPropertyValue("managingDirector", jim.wrappedInstance)

// retrieving the salary of the managingDirector through the company
val salary = company.getPropertyValue("managingDirector.salary") as Float?


Spring uses the concept of a PropertyEditor to effect the conversion between an Object and a String. It can be handy to represent properties in a different way than the object itself. For example, a Date can be represented in a human readable way (as the String: '2007-14-09'), while we can still convert the human readable form back to the original date (or, even better, convert any date entered in a human readable form back to Date objects). This behavior can be achieved by registering custom editors of type java.beans.PropertyEditor. Registering custom editors on a BeanWrapper or, alternatively, in a specific IoC container (as mentioned in the previous chapter), gives it the knowledge of how to convert properties to the desired type. For more about PropertyEditor, see the javadoc of the java.beans package from Oracle.

A couple of examples where property editing is used in Spring:

  • Setting properties on beans is done by using PropertyEditor implementations. When you use String as the value of a property of some bean that you declare in an XML file, Spring (if the setter of the corresponding property has a Class parameter) uses ClassEditor to try to resolve the parameter to a Class object.

  • Parsing HTTP request parameters in Spring’s MVC framework is done by using all kinds of PropertyEditor implementations that you can manually bind in all subclasses of the CommandController.

Spring has a number of built-in PropertyEditor implementations to make life easy. They are all located in the org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors package. Most, (but not all, as indicated in the following table) are, by default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl. Where the property editor is configurable in some fashion, you can still register your own variant to override the default one. The following table describes the various PropertyEditor implementations that Spring provides:

Table 2. Built-in PropertyEditor Implementations
Class Explanation


Editor for byte arrays. Converts strings to their corresponding byte representations. Registered by default by BeanWrapperImpl.


Parses Strings that represent classes to actual classes and vice-versa. When a class is not found, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.


Customizable property editor for Boolean properties. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl but can be overridden by registering a custom instance of it as a custom editor.


Property editor for collections, converting any source Collection to a given target Collection type.


Customizable property editor for java.util.Date, supporting a custom DateFormat. NOT registered by default. Must be user-registered with the appropriate format as needed.


Customizable property editor for any Number subclass, such as Integer, Long, Float, or Double. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl but can be overridden by registering a custom instance of it as a custom editor.


Resolves strings to objects. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.


One-way property editor that can take a string and produce (through an intermediate ResourceEditor and Resource) an InputStream so that InputStream properties may be directly set as strings. Note that the default usage does not close the InputStream for you. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.


Can resolve strings to Locale objects and vice-versa (the string format is [language]_[country]_[variant], same as the toString() method of Locale). Also accepts spaces as separators, as an alternative to underscores. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.


Can resolve strings to java.util.regex.Pattern objects and vice-versa.


Can convert strings (formatted with the format defined in the javadoc of the java.util.Properties class) to Properties objects. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.


Property editor that trims strings. Optionally allows transforming an empty string into a null value. NOT registered by default — must be user-registered.


Can resolve a string representation of a URL to an actual URL object. By default, registered by BeanWrapperImpl.

Spring uses the java.beans.PropertyEditorManager to set the search path for property editors that might be needed. The search path also includes sun.bean.editors, which includes PropertyEditor implementations for types such as Font, Color, and most of the primitive types. Note also that the standard JavaBeans infrastructure automatically discovers PropertyEditor classes (without you having to register them explicitly) if they are in the same package as the class they handle and have the same name as that class, with Editor appended. For example, one could have the following class and package structure, which would be sufficient for the SomethingEditor class to be recognized and used as the PropertyEditor for Something-typed properties.

      SomethingEditor // the PropertyEditor for the Something class

Note that you can also use the standard BeanInfo JavaBeans mechanism here as well (described to some extent here). The following example uses the BeanInfo mechanism to explicitly register one or more PropertyEditor instances with the properties of an associated class:

      SomethingBeanInfo // the BeanInfo for the Something class

The following Java source code for the referenced SomethingBeanInfo class associates a CustomNumberEditor with the age property of the Something class:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class SomethingBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo {

	public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
		try {
			final PropertyEditor numberPE = new CustomNumberEditor(Integer.class, true);
			PropertyDescriptor ageDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor("age", Something.class) {
				public PropertyEditor createPropertyEditor(Object bean) {
					return numberPE;
			return new PropertyDescriptor[] { ageDescriptor };
		catch (IntrospectionException ex) {
			throw new Error(ex.toString());
class SomethingBeanInfo : SimpleBeanInfo() {

	override fun getPropertyDescriptors(): Array<PropertyDescriptor> {
		try {
			val numberPE = CustomNumberEditor(, true)
			val ageDescriptor = object : PropertyDescriptor("age", {
				override fun createPropertyEditor(bean: Any): PropertyEditor {
					return numberPE
			return arrayOf(ageDescriptor)
		} catch (ex: IntrospectionException) {
			throw Error(ex.toString())


Custom PropertyEditor's

When setting bean properties as string values, a Spring IoC container ultimately uses standard JavaBeans PropertyEditor implementations to convert these strings to the complex type of the property. Spring pre-registers a number of custom PropertyEditor implementations (for example, to convert a class name expressed as a string into a Class object). Additionally, Java’s standard JavaBeans PropertyEditor lookup mechanism lets a PropertyEditor for a class be named appropriately and placed in the same package as the class for which it provides support, so that it can be found automatically.

If there is a need to register other custom PropertyEditors, several mechanisms are available. The most manual approach, which is not normally convenient or recommended, is to use the registerCustomEditor() method of the ConfigurableBeanFactory interface, assuming you have a BeanFactory reference. Another (slightly more convenient) mechanism is to use a special bean factory post-processor called CustomEditorConfigurer. Although you can use bean factory post-processors with BeanFactory implementations, the CustomEditorConfigurer has a nested property setup, so we strongly recommend that you use it with the ApplicationContext, where you can deploy it in similar fashion to any other bean and where it can be automatically detected and applied.

Note that all bean factories and application contexts automatically use a number of built-in property editors, through their use of a BeanWrapper to handle property conversions. The standard property editors that the BeanWrapper registers are listed in the previous section. Additionally, ApplicationContexts also override or add additional editors to handle resource lookups in a manner appropriate to the specific application context type.

Standard JavaBeans PropertyEditor instances are used to convert property values expressed as strings to the actual complex type of the property. You can use CustomEditorConfigurer, a bean factory post-processor, to conveniently add support for additional PropertyEditor instances to an ApplicationContext.

Consider the following example, which defines a user class called ExoticType and another class called DependsOnExoticType, which needs ExoticType set as a property:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

package example;

public class ExoticType {

	private String name;

	public ExoticType(String name) { = name;

public class DependsOnExoticType {

	private ExoticType type;

	public void setType(ExoticType type) {
		this.type = type;
package example

class ExoticType(val name: String)

class DependsOnExoticType {

	var type: ExoticType? = null

When things are properly set up, we want to be able to assign the type property as a string, which a PropertyEditor converts into an actual ExoticType instance. The following bean definition shows how to set up this relationship:

<bean id="sample" class="example.DependsOnExoticType">
	<property name="type" value="aNameForExoticType"/>

The PropertyEditor implementation could look similar to the following:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

package example;

import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport;

// converts string representation to ExoticType object
public class ExoticTypeEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {

	public void setAsText(String text) {
		setValue(new ExoticType(text.toUpperCase()));
package example

import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport

// converts string representation to ExoticType object
class ExoticTypeEditor : PropertyEditorSupport() {

	override fun setAsText(text: String) {
		value = ExoticType(text.toUpperCase())

Finally, the following example shows how to use CustomEditorConfigurer to register the new PropertyEditor with the ApplicationContext, which will then be able to use it as needed:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomEditorConfigurer">
	<property name="customEditors">
			<entry key="example.ExoticType" value="example.ExoticTypeEditor"/>


Another mechanism for registering property editors with the Spring container is to create and use a PropertyEditorRegistrar. This interface is particularly useful when you need to use the same set of property editors in several different situations. You can write a corresponding registrar and reuse it in each case. PropertyEditorRegistrar instances work in conjunction with an interface called PropertyEditorRegistry, an interface that is implemented by the Spring BeanWrapper (and DataBinder). PropertyEditorRegistrar instances are particularly convenient when used in conjunction with CustomEditorConfigurer (described here), which exposes a property called setPropertyEditorRegistrars(..). PropertyEditorRegistrar instances added to a CustomEditorConfigurer in this fashion can easily be shared with DataBinder and Spring MVC controllers. Furthermore, it avoids the need for synchronization on custom editors: A PropertyEditorRegistrar is expected to create fresh PropertyEditor instances for each bean creation attempt.

The following example shows how to create your own PropertyEditorRegistrar implementation:

  • Java

  • Kotlin


public final class CustomPropertyEditorRegistrar implements PropertyEditorRegistrar {

	public void registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {

		// it is expected that new PropertyEditor instances are created
		registry.registerCustomEditor(ExoticType.class, new ExoticTypeEditor());

		// you could register as many custom property editors as are required here...

import org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistrar
import org.springframework.beans.PropertyEditorRegistry

class CustomPropertyEditorRegistrar : PropertyEditorRegistrar {

	override fun registerCustomEditors(registry: PropertyEditorRegistry) {

		// it is expected that new PropertyEditor instances are created
		registry.registerCustomEditor(, ExoticTypeEditor())

		// you could register as many custom property editors as are required here...

See also the for an example PropertyEditorRegistrar implementation. Notice how in its implementation of the registerCustomEditors(..) method, it creates new instances of each property editor.

The next example shows how to configure a CustomEditorConfigurer and inject an instance of our CustomPropertyEditorRegistrar into it:

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomEditorConfigurer">
	<property name="propertyEditorRegistrars">
			<ref bean="customPropertyEditorRegistrar"/>

<bean id="customPropertyEditorRegistrar"

Finally (and in a bit of a departure from the focus of this chapter) for those of you using Spring’s MVC web framework, using a PropertyEditorRegistrar in conjunction with data-binding web controllers can be very convenient. The following example uses a PropertyEditorRegistrar in the implementation of an @InitBinder method:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class RegisterUserController {

	private final PropertyEditorRegistrar customPropertyEditorRegistrar;

	RegisterUserController(PropertyEditorRegistrar propertyEditorRegistrar) {
		this.customPropertyEditorRegistrar = propertyEditorRegistrar;

	void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {

	// other methods related to registering a User
class RegisterUserController(
	private val customPropertyEditorRegistrar: PropertyEditorRegistrar) {

	fun initBinder(binder: WebDataBinder) {

	// other methods related to registering a User

This style of PropertyEditor registration can lead to concise code (the implementation of the @InitBinder method is only one line long) and lets common PropertyEditor registration code be encapsulated in a class and then shared amongst as many controllers as needed.