This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.1.14!

TestContext Framework Support Classes

This section describes the various classes that support the Spring TestContext Framework.

Spring JUnit 4 Runner

The Spring TestContext Framework offers full integration with JUnit 4 through a custom runner (supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher). By annotating test classes with @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) or the shorter @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) variant, developers can implement standard JUnit 4-based unit and integration tests and simultaneously reap the benefits of the TestContext framework, such as support for loading application contexts, dependency injection of test instances, transactional test method execution, and so on. If you want to use the Spring TestContext Framework with an alternative runner (such as JUnit 4’s Parameterized runner) or third-party runners (such as the MockitoJUnitRunner), you can, optionally, use Spring’s support for JUnit rules instead.

The following code listing shows the minimal requirements for configuring a test class to run with the custom Spring Runner:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

public class SimpleTest {

	public void testMethod() {
		// test logic...
class SimpleTest {

	fun testMethod() {
		// test logic...

In the preceding example, @TestExecutionListeners is configured with an empty list, to disable the default listeners, which otherwise would require an ApplicationContext to be configured through @ContextConfiguration.

Spring JUnit 4 Rules

The org.springframework.test.context.junit4.rules package provides the following JUnit 4 rules (supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher):

  • SpringClassRule

  • SpringMethodRule

SpringClassRule is a JUnit TestRule that supports class-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework, whereas SpringMethodRule is a JUnit MethodRule that supports instance-level and method-level features of the Spring TestContext Framework.

In contrast to the SpringRunner, Spring’s rule-based JUnit support has the advantage of being independent of any org.junit.runner.Runner implementation and can, therefore, be combined with existing alternative runners (such as JUnit 4’s Parameterized) or third-party runners (such as the MockitoJUnitRunner).

To support the full functionality of the TestContext framework, you must combine a SpringClassRule with a SpringMethodRule. The following example shows the proper way to declare these rules in an integration test:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

// Optionally specify a non-Spring Runner via @RunWith(...)
public class IntegrationTest {

	public static final SpringClassRule springClassRule = new SpringClassRule();

	public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();

	public void testMethod() {
		// test logic...
// Optionally specify a non-Spring Runner via @RunWith(...)
class IntegrationTest {

	val springMethodRule = SpringMethodRule()

	fun testMethod() {
		// test logic...

	companion object {
		val springClassRule = SpringClassRule()

JUnit 4 Support Classes

The org.springframework.test.context.junit4 package provides the following support classes for JUnit 4-based test cases (supported on JUnit 4.12 or higher):

  • AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests

  • AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests

AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests is an abstract base test class that integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a JUnit 4 environment. When you extend AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests, you can access a protected applicationContext instance variable that you can use to perform explicit bean lookups or to test the state of the context as a whole.

AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests is an abstract transactional extension of AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests that adds some convenience functionality for JDBC access. This class expects a javax.sql.DataSource bean and a PlatformTransactionManager bean to be defined in the ApplicationContext. When you extend AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests, you can access a protected jdbcTemplate instance variable that you can use to run SQL statements to query the database. You can use such queries to confirm database state both before and after running database-related application code, and Spring ensures that such queries run in the scope of the same transaction as the application code. When used in conjunction with an ORM tool, be sure to avoid false positives. As mentioned in JDBC Testing Support, AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests also provides convenience methods that delegate to methods in JdbcTestUtils by using the aforementioned jdbcTemplate. Furthermore, AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests provides an executeSqlScript(..) method for running SQL scripts against the configured DataSource.

These classes are a convenience for extension. If you do not want your test classes to be tied to a Spring-specific class hierarchy, you can configure your own custom test classes by using @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) or Spring’s JUnit rules .

SpringExtension for JUnit Jupiter

The Spring TestContext Framework offers full integration with the JUnit Jupiter testing framework, introduced in JUnit 5. By annotating test classes with @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class), you can implement standard JUnit Jupiter-based unit and integration tests and simultaneously reap the benefits of the TestContext framework, such as support for loading application contexts, dependency injection of test instances, transactional test method execution, and so on.

Furthermore, thanks to the rich extension API in JUnit Jupiter, Spring provides the following features above and beyond the feature set that Spring supports for JUnit 4 and TestNG:

The following code listing shows how to configure a test class to use the SpringExtension in conjunction with @ContextConfiguration:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

// Instructs JUnit Jupiter to extend the test with Spring support.
// Instructs Spring to load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig.class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
class SimpleTests {

	void testMethod() {
		// test logic...
// Instructs JUnit Jupiter to extend the test with Spring support.
// Instructs Spring to load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig::class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [TestConfig::class])
class SimpleTests {

	fun testMethod() {
		// test logic...

Since you can also use annotations in JUnit 5 as meta-annotations, Spring provides the @SpringJUnitConfig and @SpringJUnitWebConfig composed annotations to simplify the configuration of the test ApplicationContext and JUnit Jupiter.

The following example uses @SpringJUnitConfig to reduce the amount of configuration used in the previous example:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig.class
class SimpleTests {

	void testMethod() {
		// test logic...
// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig.class
class SimpleTests {

	fun testMethod() {
		// test logic...

Similarly, the following example uses @SpringJUnitWebConfig to create a WebApplicationContext for use with JUnit Jupiter:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load a WebApplicationContext from TestWebConfig.class
class SimpleWebTests {

	void testMethod() {
		// test logic...
// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load a WebApplicationContext from TestWebConfig::class
class SimpleWebTests {

	fun testMethod() {
		// test logic...

See the documentation for @SpringJUnitConfig and @SpringJUnitWebConfig in Spring JUnit Jupiter Testing Annotations for further details.

Dependency Injection with the SpringExtension

The SpringExtension implements the ParameterResolver extension API from JUnit Jupiter, which lets Spring provide dependency injection for test constructors, test methods, and test lifecycle callback methods.

Specifically, the SpringExtension can inject dependencies from the test’s ApplicationContext into test constructors and methods that are annotated with Spring’s @BeforeTransaction and @AfterTransaction or JUnit’s @BeforeAll, @AfterAll, @BeforeEach, @AfterEach, @Test, @RepeatedTest, @ParameterizedTest, and others.

Constructor Injection

If a specific parameter in a constructor for a JUnit Jupiter test class is of type ApplicationContext (or a sub-type thereof) or is annotated or meta-annotated with @Autowired, @Qualifier, or @Value, Spring injects the value for that specific parameter with the corresponding bean or value from the test’s ApplicationContext.

Spring can also be configured to autowire all arguments for a test class constructor if the constructor is considered to be autowirable. A constructor is considered to be autowirable if one of the following conditions is met (in order of precedence).

  • The constructor is annotated with @Autowired.

  • @TestConstructor is present or meta-present on the test class with the autowireMode attribute set to ALL.

  • The default test constructor autowire mode has been changed to ALL.

See @TestConstructor for details on the use of @TestConstructor and how to change the global test constructor autowire mode.

If the constructor for a test class is considered to be autowirable, Spring assumes the responsibility for resolving arguments for all parameters in the constructor. Consequently, no other ParameterResolver registered with JUnit Jupiter can resolve parameters for such a constructor.

Constructor injection for test classes must not be used in conjunction with JUnit Jupiter’s @TestInstance(PER_CLASS) support if @DirtiesContext is used to close the test’s ApplicationContext before or after test methods.

The reason is that @TestInstance(PER_CLASS) instructs JUnit Jupiter to cache the test instance between test method invocations. Consequently, the test instance will retain references to beans that were originally injected from an ApplicationContext that has been subsequently closed. Since the constructor for the test class will only be invoked once in such scenarios, dependency injection will not occur again, and subsequent tests will interact with beans from the closed ApplicationContext which may result in errors.

To use @DirtiesContext with "before test method" or "after test method" modes in conjunction with @TestInstance(PER_CLASS), one must configure dependencies from Spring to be supplied via field or setter injection so that they can be re-injected between test method invocations.

In the following example, Spring injects the OrderService bean from the ApplicationContext loaded from TestConfig.class into the OrderServiceIntegrationTests constructor.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	private final OrderService orderService;

	OrderServiceIntegrationTests(OrderService orderService) {
		this.orderService = orderService;

	// tests that use the injected OrderService
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests @Autowired constructor(private val orderService: OrderService){
	// tests that use the injected OrderService

Note that this feature lets test dependencies be final and therefore immutable.

If the spring.test.constructor.autowire.mode property is to all (see @TestConstructor), we can omit the declaration of @Autowired on the constructor in the previous example, resulting in the following.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	private final OrderService orderService;

	OrderServiceIntegrationTests(OrderService orderService) {
		this.orderService = orderService;

	// tests that use the injected OrderService
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests(val orderService:OrderService) {
	// tests that use the injected OrderService

Method Injection

If a parameter in a JUnit Jupiter test method or test lifecycle callback method is of type ApplicationContext (or a sub-type thereof) or is annotated or meta-annotated with @Autowired, @Qualifier, or @Value, Spring injects the value for that specific parameter with the corresponding bean from the test’s ApplicationContext.

In the following example, Spring injects the OrderService from the ApplicationContext loaded from TestConfig.class into the deleteOrder() test method:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	void deleteOrder(@Autowired OrderService orderService) {
		// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	fun deleteOrder(@Autowired orderService: OrderService) {
		// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext

Due to the robustness of the ParameterResolver support in JUnit Jupiter, you can also have multiple dependencies injected into a single method, not only from Spring but also from JUnit Jupiter itself or other third-party extensions.

The following example shows how to have both Spring and JUnit Jupiter inject dependencies into the placeOrderRepeatedly() test method simultaneously.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	void placeOrderRepeatedly(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo,
			@Autowired OrderService orderService) {

		// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext
		// and repetitionInfo from JUnit Jupiter
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {

	fun placeOrderRepeatedly(repetitionInfo:RepetitionInfo, @Autowired orderService:OrderService) {

		// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext
		// and repetitionInfo from JUnit Jupiter

Note that the use of @RepeatedTest from JUnit Jupiter lets the test method gain access to the RepetitionInfo.

@Nested test class configuration

The Spring TestContext Framework supports the use of test-related annotations on @Nested test classes in JUnit Jupiter, including first-class support for inheriting test class configuration from enclosing classes, and such configuration will be inherited by default. To change from the default INHERIT mode to OVERRIDE mode, you may annotate an individual @Nested test class with @NestedTestConfiguration(EnclosingConfiguration.OVERRIDE). An explicit @NestedTestConfiguration declaration will apply to the annotated test class as well as any of its subclasses and nested classes. Thus, you may annotate a top-level test class with @NestedTestConfiguration, and that will apply to all of its nested test classes recursively.

If you are developing a component that integrates with the Spring TestContext Framework and needs to support annotation inheritance within enclosing class hierarchies, you must use the annotation search utilities provided in TestContextAnnotationUtils in order to honor @NestedTestConfiguration semantics.

In order to allow development teams to change the default to OVERRIDE – for example, for compatibility with Spring Framework 5.0 through 5.2 – the default mode can be changed globally via a JVM system property or a file in the root of the classpath. See the "Changing the default enclosing configuration inheritance mode" note for details.

Although the following "Hello World" example is very simplistic, it shows how to declare common configuration on a top-level class that is inherited by its @Nested test classes. In this particular example, only the TestConfig configuration class is inherited. Each nested test class provides its own set of active profiles, resulting in a distinct ApplicationContext for each nested test class (see Context Caching for details). Consult the list of supported annotations to see which annotations can be inherited in @Nested test classes.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

class GreetingServiceTests {

	class EnglishGreetings {

		void hello(@Autowired GreetingService service) {
			assertThat(service.greetWorld()).isEqualTo("Hello World");

	class GermanGreetings {

		void hello(@Autowired GreetingService service) {
			assertThat(service.greetWorld()).isEqualTo("Hallo Welt");
class GreetingServiceTests {

	inner class EnglishGreetings {

		fun hello(@Autowired service:GreetingService) {
			assertThat(service.greetWorld()).isEqualTo("Hello World")

	inner class GermanGreetings {

		fun hello(@Autowired service:GreetingService) {
			assertThat(service.greetWorld()).isEqualTo("Hallo Welt")

TestNG Support Classes

The org.springframework.test.context.testng package provides the following support classes for TestNG based test cases:

  • AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests

  • AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests

AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests is an abstract base test class that integrates the Spring TestContext Framework with explicit ApplicationContext testing support in a TestNG environment. When you extend AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests, you can access a protected applicationContext instance variable that you can use to perform explicit bean lookups or to test the state of the context as a whole.

AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests is an abstract transactional extension of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests that adds some convenience functionality for JDBC access. This class expects a javax.sql.DataSource bean and a PlatformTransactionManager bean to be defined in the ApplicationContext. When you extend AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests, you can access a protected jdbcTemplate instance variable that you can use to run SQL statements to query the database. You can use such queries to confirm database state both before and after running database-related application code, and Spring ensures that such queries run in the scope of the same transaction as the application code. When used in conjunction with an ORM tool, be sure to avoid false positives. As mentioned in JDBC Testing Support, AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests also provides convenience methods that delegate to methods in JdbcTestUtils by using the aforementioned jdbcTemplate. Furthermore, AbstractTransactionalTestNGSpringContextTests provides an executeSqlScript(..) method for running SQL scripts against the configured DataSource.

These classes are a convenience for extension. If you do not want your test classes to be tied to a Spring-specific class hierarchy, you can configure your own custom test classes by using @ContextConfiguration, @TestExecutionListeners, and so on and by manually instrumenting your test class with a TestContextManager. See the source code of AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests for an example of how to instrument your test class.