This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.1.14!


There are two main approaches to testing applications when you use Spring’s STOMP-over-WebSocket support. The first is to write server-side tests to verify the functionality of controllers and their annotated message-handling methods. The second is to write full end-to-end tests that involve running a client and a server.

The two approaches are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, each has a place in an overall test strategy. Server-side tests are more focused and easier to write and maintain. End-to-end integration tests, on the other hand, are more complete and test much more, but they are also more involved to write and maintain.

The simplest form of server-side tests is to write controller unit tests. However, this is not useful enough, since much of what a controller does depends on its annotations. Pure unit tests simply cannot test that.

Ideally, controllers under test should be invoked as they are at runtime, much like the approach to testing controllers that handle HTTP requests by using the Spring MVC Test framework — that is, without running a Servlet container but relying on the Spring Framework to invoke the annotated controllers. As with Spring MVC Test, you have two possible alternatives here, either use a “context-based” or use a “standalone” setup:

  • Load the actual Spring configuration with the help of the Spring TestContext framework, inject clientInboundChannel as a test field, and use it to send messages to be handled by controller methods.

  • Manually set up the minimum Spring framework infrastructure required to invoke controllers (namely the SimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler) and pass messages for controllers directly to it.

Both of these setup scenarios are demonstrated in the tests for the stock portfolio sample application.

The second approach is to create end-to-end integration tests. For that, you need to run a WebSocket server in embedded mode and connect to it as a WebSocket client that sends WebSocket messages containing STOMP frames. The tests for the stock portfolio sample application also demonstrate this approach by using Tomcat as the embedded WebSocket server and a simple STOMP client for test purposes.