Using the Pluggable Architecture

You may encounter cases where your contracts have been defined in other formats, such as YAML, RAML, or PACT. In those cases, you still want to benefit from the automatic generation of tests and stubs. You can add your own implementation for generating both tests and stubs. Also, you can customize the way tests are generated (for example, you can generate tests for other languages) and the way stubs are generated (for example, you can generate stubs for other HTTP server implementations).

Custom Contract Converter

The ContractConverter interface lets you register your own implementation of a contract structure converter. The following code listing shows the ContractConverter interface:

import java.util.Collection;

 * Converter to be used to convert FROM {@link File} TO {@link Contract} and from
 * {@link Contract} to {@code T}.
 * @param <T> - type to which we want to convert the contract
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
 * @since 1.1.0
public interface ContractConverter<T> extends ContractStorer<T>, ContractReader<T> {

	 * Should this file be accepted by the converter. Can use the file extension to check
	 * if the conversion is possible.
	 * @param file - file to be considered for conversion
	 * @return - {@code true} if the given implementation can convert the file
	boolean isAccepted(File file);

	 * Converts the given {@link File} to its {@link Contract} representation.
	 * @param file - file to convert
	 * @return - {@link Contract} representation of the file
	Collection<Contract> convertFrom(File file);

	 * Converts the given {@link Contract} to a {@link T} representation.
	 * @param contract - the parsed contract
	 * @return - {@link T} the type to which we do the conversion
	T convertTo(Collection<Contract> contract);


Your implementation must define the condition on which it should start the conversion. Also, you must define how to perform that conversion in both directions.

Once you create your implementation, you must create a /META-INF/spring.factories file in which you provide the fully qualified name of your implementation.

The following example shows a typical spring.factories file:\

Using the Custom Test Generator

If you want to generate tests for languages other than Java or you are not happy with the way the verifier builds Java tests, you can register your own implementation.

The SingleTestGenerator interface lets you register your own implementation. The following code listing shows the SingleTestGenerator interface:

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;


 * Builds a single test.
 * @since 1.1.0
public interface SingleTestGenerator {

	 * Creates contents of a single test class in which all test scenarios from the
	 * contract metadata should be placed.
	 * @param properties - properties passed to the plugin
	 * @param listOfFiles - list of parsed contracts with additional metadata
	 * @param generatedClassData - information about the generated class
	 * @param includedDirectoryRelativePath - relative path to the included directory
	 * @return contents of a single test class
	String buildClass(ContractVerifierConfigProperties properties, Collection<ContractMetadata> listOfFiles,
			String includedDirectoryRelativePath, GeneratedClassData generatedClassData);

	class GeneratedClassData {

		public final String className;

		public final String classPackage;

		public final Path testClassPath;

		public GeneratedClassData(String className, String classPackage, Path testClassPath) {
			this.className = className;
			this.classPackage = classPackage;
			this.testClassPath = testClassPath;



Again, you must provide a spring.factories file, such as the one shown in the following example:

Using the Custom Stub Generator

If you want to generate stubs for stub servers other than WireMock, you can plug in your own implementation of the StubGenerator interface. The following code listing shows the StubGenerator interface:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;


 * Converts contracts into their stub representation.
 * @param <T> - type of stub mapping
 * @since 1.1.0
public interface StubGenerator<T> {

	 * @param mapping - potential stub mapping mapping
	 * @return {@code true} if this converter could have generated this mapping stub.
	default boolean canReadStubMapping(File mapping) {
		return mapping.getName().endsWith(fileExtension());

	 * @param rootName - root name of the contract
	 * @param content - metadata of the contract
	 * @return the collection of converted contracts into stubs. One contract can result
	 * in multiple stubs.
	Map<Contract, String> convertContents(String rootName, ContractMetadata content);

	 * Post process a generated stub mapping.
	 * @param stubMapping - mapping of a stub
	 * @param contract - contract for which stub was generated
	 * @return the converted stub mapping
	default T postProcessStubMapping(T stubMapping, Contract contract) {
		List<StubPostProcessor> processors =
			.filter(p -> p.isApplicable(contract))
		if (processors.isEmpty()) {
			return defaultStubMappingPostProcessing(stubMapping, contract);
		T stub = stubMapping;
		for (StubPostProcessor processor : processors) {
			stub = (T) processor.postProcess(stub, contract);
		return stub;

	 * Stub mapping to chose when no post processors where found on the classpath.
	 * @param stubMapping - mapping of a stub
	 * @param contract - contract for which stub was generated
	 * @return the converted stub mapping
	default T defaultStubMappingPostProcessing(T stubMapping, Contract contract) {
		return stubMapping;

	 * @param inputFileName - name of the input file
	 * @return the name of the converted stub file. If you have multiple contracts in a
	 * single file then a prefix will be added to the generated file. If you provide the
	 * {@link Contract#getName} field then that field will override the generated file
	 * name.
	 * Example: name of file with 2 contracts is {@code foo.groovy}, it will be converted
	 * by the implementation to {@code foo.json}. The recursive file converter will create
	 * two files {@code 0_foo.json} and {@code 1_foo.json}
	String generateOutputFileNameForInput(String inputFileName);

	 * Describes the file extension of the generated mapping that this stub generator can
	 * handle.
	 * @return string describing the file extension
	default String fileExtension() {
		return ".json";


Again, you must provide a spring.factories file, such as the one shown in the following example:

# Stub converters\

The default implementation is the WireMock stub generation.

You can provide multiple stub generator implementations. For example, from a single DSL, you can produce both WireMock stubs and Pact files.

Using the Custom Stub Runner

If you decide to use custom stub generation, you also need a custom way of running stubs with your different stub provider.

Assume that you use Moco to build your stubs and that you have written a stub generator and placed your stubs in a JAR file.

In order for Stub Runner to know how to run your stubs, you have to define a custom HTTP Stub server implementation, which might resemble the following example:

import com.github.dreamhead.moco.bootstrap.arg.HttpArgs
import com.github.dreamhead.moco.runner.JsonRunner
import com.github.dreamhead.moco.runner.RunnerSetting
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Commons


class MocoHttpServerStub implements HttpServerStub {

	private boolean started
	private JsonRunner runner
	private int port

	int port() {
		if (!isRunning()) {
			return -1
		return port

	boolean isRunning() {
		return started

	HttpServerStub start(HttpServerStubConfiguration configuration) {
		this.port = configuration.port
		return this

	HttpServerStub stop() {
		if (!isRunning()) {
			return this
		return this

	HttpServerStub registerMappings(Collection<File> stubFiles) {
		List<RunnerSetting> settings = stubFiles.findAll {"json") }
			.collect {"Trying to parse [${}]")
			try {
				return RunnerSetting.aRunnerSetting().addStream(it.newInputStream()).
			catch (Exception e) {
				log.warn("Exception occurred while trying to parse file [${}]", e)
				return null
		}.findAll { it }
		this.runner = JsonRunner.newJsonRunnerWithSetting(settings,
		this.started = true
		return this

	String registeredMappings() {
		return ""

	boolean isAccepted(File file) {

Then you can register it in your spring.factories file, as the following example shows:\

Now you can run stubs with Moco.

If you do not provide any implementation, the default (WireMock) implementation is used. If you provide more than one, the first one on the list is used.

Using the Custom Stub Downloader

You can customize the way your stubs are downloaded by creating an implementation of the StubDownloaderBuilder interface, as the following example shows:

class CustomStubDownloaderBuilder implements StubDownloaderBuilder {

	public StubDownloader build(final StubRunnerOptions stubRunnerOptions) {
		return new StubDownloader() {
			public Map.Entry<StubConfiguration, File> downloadAndUnpackStubJar(
					StubConfiguration config) {
				File unpackedStubs = retrieveStubs();
				return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(
						new StubConfiguration(config.getGroupId(), config.getArtifactId(), version,
								config.getClassifier()), unpackedStubs);

			File retrieveStubs() {
			    // here goes your custom logic to provide a folder where all the stubs reside

Then you can register it in your spring.factories file, as the following example shows:

# Example of a custom Stub Downloader Provider\

Now you can pick a folder with the source of your stubs.

If you do not provide any implementation, the default (scanning the classpath) is used. If you provide the stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL or stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE, the Aether implementation is used If you provide more than one, the first one on the list is used.

Using the SCM Stub Downloader

Whenever the repositoryRoot starts with a SCM protocol (currently, we support only git://), the stub downloader tries to clone the repository and use it as a source of contracts to generate tests or stubs.

Through environment variables, system properties, or properties set inside the plugin or the contracts repository configuration, you can tweak the downloader’s behavior. The following table describes the available properties:

Table 1. SCM Stub Downloader properties

Type of a property

Name of the property


* git.branch (plugin prop)

* (system prop)



Which branch to checkout

* git.username (plugin prop)

* (system prop)


Git clone username

* git.password (plugin prop)

* (system prop)


Git clone password

* (plugin prop)

* (system prop)



Number of attempts to push the commits to origin

* git.wait-between-attempts (Plugin prop)

* (system prop)



Number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to push the commits to origin