This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.1.14!

REST Clients

The Spring Framework provides the following choices for making calls to REST endpoints:

  • RestClient - synchronous client with a fluent API.

  • WebClient - non-blocking, reactive client with fluent API.

  • RestTemplate - synchronous client with template method API.

  • HTTP Interface - annotated interface with generated, dynamic proxy implementation.


The RestClient is a synchronous HTTP client that offers a modern, fluent API. It offers an abstraction over HTTP libraries that allows for convenient conversion from a Java object to an HTTP request, and the creation of objects from an HTTP response.

Creating a RestClient

The RestClient is created using one of the static create methods. You can also use builder() to get a builder with further options, such as specifying which HTTP library to use (see Client Request Factories) and which message converters to use (see HTTP Message Conversion), setting a default URI, default path variables, default request headers, or uriBuilderFactory, or registering interceptors and initializers.

Once created (or built), the RestClient can be used safely by multiple threads.

The following sample shows how to create a default RestClient, and how to build a custom one.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

RestClient defaultClient = RestClient.create();

RestClient customClient = RestClient.builder()
  .requestFactory(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory())
  .messageConverters(converters -> converters.add(new MyCustomMessageConverter()))
  .defaultUriVariables(Map.of("variable", "foo"))
  .defaultHeader("My-Header", "Foo")
val defaultClient = RestClient.create()

val customClient = RestClient.builder()
  .messageConverters { converters -> converters.add(MyCustomMessageConverter()) }
  .defaultUriVariables(mapOf("variable" to "foo"))
  .defaultHeader("My-Header", "Foo")

Using the RestClient

When making an HTTP request with the RestClient, the first thing to specify is which HTTP method to use. This can be done with method(HttpMethod) or with the convenience methods get(), head(), post(), and so on.

Request URL

Next, the request URI can be specified with the uri methods. This step is optional and can be skipped if the RestClient is configured with a default URI. The URL is typically specified as a String, with optional URI template variables. The following example configures a GET request to

  • Java

  • Kotlin

int id = 42;
  .uri("{id}", id)
val id = 42
  .uri("{id}", id)

A function can also be used for more controls, such as specifying request parameters.

String URLs are encoded by default, but this can be changed by building a client with a custom uriBuilderFactory. The URL can also be provided with a function or as a, both of which are not encoded. For more details on working with and encoding URIs, see URI Links.

Request headers and body

If necessary, the HTTP request can be manipulated by adding request headers with header(String, String), headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>, or with the convenience methods accept(MediaType…​), acceptCharset(Charset…​) and so on. For HTTP requests that can contain a body (POST, PUT, and PATCH), additional methods are available: contentType(MediaType), and contentLength(long).

The request body itself can be set by body(Object), which internally uses HTTP Message Conversion. Alternatively, the request body can be set using a ParameterizedTypeReference, allowing you to use generics. Finally, the body can be set to a callback function that writes to an OutputStream.

Retrieving the response

Once the request has been set up, the HTTP response is accessed by invoking retrieve(). The response body can be accessed by using body(Class) or body(ParameterizedTypeReference) for parameterized types like lists. The body method converts the response contents into various types – for instance, bytes can be converted into a String, JSON can be converted into objects using Jackson, and so on (see HTTP Message Conversion).

The response can also be converted into a ResponseEntity, giving access to the response headers as well as the body.

This sample shows how RestClient can be used to perform a simple GET request.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

String result = restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (2)
  .retrieve() (3)
  .body(String.class); (4)

System.out.println(result); (5)
1 Set up a GET request
2 Specify the URL to connect to
3 Retrieve the response
4 Convert the response into a string
5 Print the result
val result= restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (2)
  .retrieve() (3)
  .body<String>() (4)

println(result) (5)
1 Set up a GET request
2 Specify the URL to connect to
3 Retrieve the response
4 Convert the response into a string
5 Print the result

Access to the response status code and headers is provided through ResponseEntity:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

ResponseEntity<String> result = restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (1)
  .toEntity(String.class); (2)

System.out.println("Response status: " + result.getStatusCode()); (3)
System.out.println("Response headers: " + result.getHeaders()); (3)
System.out.println("Contents: " + result.getBody()); (3)
1 Set up a GET request for the specified URL
2 Convert the response into a ResponseEntity
3 Print the result
val result = restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (1)
  .toEntity<String>() (2)

println("Response status: " + result.statusCode) (3)
println("Response headers: " + result.headers) (3)
println("Contents: " + result.body) (3)
1 Set up a GET request for the specified URL
2 Convert the response into a ResponseEntity
3 Print the result

RestClient can convert JSON to objects, using the Jackson library. Note the usage of URI variables in this sample and that the Accept header is set to JSON.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

int id = ...;
Pet pet = restClient.get()
  .uri("{id}", id) (1)
  .accept(APPLICATION_JSON) (2)
  .body(Pet.class); (3)
1 Using URI variables
2 Set the Accept header to application/json
3 Convert the JSON response into a Pet domain object
val id = ...
val pet = restClient.get()
  .uri("{id}", id) (1)
  .accept(APPLICATION_JSON) (2)
  .body<Pet>() (3)
1 Using URI variables
2 Set the Accept header to application/json
3 Convert the JSON response into a Pet domain object

In the next sample, RestClient is used to perform a POST request that contains JSON, which again is converted using Jackson.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Pet pet = ... (1)
ResponseEntity<Void> response = (2)
  .uri("") (2)
  .contentType(APPLICATION_JSON) (3)
  .body(pet) (4)
  .toBodilessEntity(); (5)
1 Create a Pet domain object
2 Set up a POST request, and the URL to connect to
3 Set the Content-Type header to application/json
4 Use pet as the request body
5 Convert the response into a response entity with no body.
val pet: Pet = ... (1)
val response = (2)
  .uri("") (2)
  .contentType(APPLICATION_JSON) (3)
  .body(pet) (4)
  .toBodilessEntity() (5)
1 Create a Pet domain object
2 Set up a POST request, and the URL to connect to
3 Set the Content-Type header to application/json
4 Use pet as the request body
5 Convert the response into a response entity with no body.

Error handling

By default, RestClient throws a subclass of RestClientException when retrieving a response with a 4xx or 5xx status code. This behavior can be overridden using onStatus.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

String result = restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (1)
  .onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is4xxClientError, (request, response) -> { (2)
      throw new MyCustomRuntimeException(response.getStatusCode(), response.getHeaders()); (3)
1 Create a GET request for a URL that returns a 404 status code
2 Set up a status handler for all 4xx status codes
3 Throw a custom exception
val result = restClient.get() (1)
  .uri("") (1)
  .onStatus(HttpStatusCode::is4xxClientError) { _, response -> (2)
    throw MyCustomRuntimeException(response.getStatusCode(), response.getHeaders()) } (3)
1 Create a GET request for a URL that returns a 404 status code
2 Set up a status handler for all 4xx status codes
3 Throw a custom exception


For more advanced scenarios, the RestClient gives access to the underlying HTTP request and response through the exchange() method, which can be used instead of retrieve(). Status handlers are not applied when use exchange(), because the exchange function already provides access to the full response, allowing you to perform any error handling necessary.

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Pet result = restClient.get()
  .uri("{id}", id)
  .exchange((request, response) -> { (1)
    if (response.getStatusCode().is4xxClientError()) { (2)
      throw new MyCustomRuntimeException(response.getStatusCode(), response.getHeaders()); (2)
    else {
      Pet pet = convertResponse(response); (3)
      return pet;
1 exchange provides the request and response
2 Throw an exception when the response has a 4xx status code
3 Convert the response into a Pet domain object
val result = restClient.get()
  .uri("{id}", id)
  .exchange { request, response -> (1)
    if (response.getStatusCode().is4xxClientError()) { (2)
      throw MyCustomRuntimeException(response.getStatusCode(), response.getHeaders()) (2)
    } else {
      val pet: Pet = convertResponse(response) (3)
1 exchange provides the request and response
2 Throw an exception when the response has a 4xx status code
3 Convert the response into a Pet domain object

HTTP Message Conversion

The spring-web module contains the HttpMessageConverter interface for reading and writing the body of HTTP requests and responses through InputStream and OutputStream. HttpMessageConverter instances are used on the client side (for example, in the RestClient) and on the server side (for example, in Spring MVC REST controllers).

Concrete implementations for the main media (MIME) types are provided in the framework and are, by default, registered with the RestClient and RestTemplate on the client side and with RequestMappingHandlerAdapter on the server side (see Configuring Message Converters).

Several implementations of HttpMessageConverter are described below. Refer to the HttpMessageConverter Javadoc for the complete list. For all converters, a default media type is used, but you can override it by setting the supportedMediaTypes property.

Table 1. HttpMessageConverter Implementations
MessageConverter Description


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write String instances from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter supports all text media types(text/*) and writes with a Content-Type of text/plain.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write form data from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter reads and writes the application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type. Form data is read from and written into a MultiValueMap<String, String>. The converter can also write (but not read) multipart data read from a MultiValueMap<String, Object>. By default, multipart/form-data is supported. Additional multipart subtypes can be supported for writing form data. Consult the javadoc for FormHttpMessageConverter for further details.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write byte arrays from the HTTP request and response. By default, this converter supports all media types (*/*) and writes with a Content-Type of application/octet-stream. You can override this by setting the supportedMediaTypes property and overriding getContentType(byte[]).


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write XML by using Spring’s Marshaller and Unmarshaller abstractions from the org.springframework.oxm package. This converter requires a Marshaller and Unmarshaller before it can be used. You can inject these through constructor or bean properties. By default, this converter supports text/xml and application/xml.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write JSON by using Jackson’s ObjectMapper. You can customize JSON mapping as needed through the use of Jackson’s provided annotations. When you need further control (for cases where custom JSON serializers/deserializers need to be provided for specific types), you can inject a custom ObjectMapper through the ObjectMapper property. By default, this converter supports application/json.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write XML by using Jackson XML extension’s XmlMapper. You can customize XML mapping as needed through the use of JAXB or Jackson’s provided annotations. When you need further control (for cases where custom XML serializers/deserializers need to be provided for specific types), you can inject a custom XmlMapper through the ObjectMapper property. By default, this converter supports application/xml.


An HttpMessageConverter implementation that can read and write javax.xml.transform.Source from the HTTP request and response. Only DOMSource, SAXSource, and StreamSource are supported. By default, this converter supports text/xml and application/xml.

By default, RestClient and RestTemplate register all built-in message converters, depending on the availability of underlying libraries on the classpath. You can also set the message converters to use explicitly, by using the messageConverters() method on the RestClient builder, or via the messageConverters property of RestTemplate.

Jackson JSON Views

To serialize only a subset of the object properties, you can specify a Jackson JSON View, as the following example shows:

MappingJacksonValue value = new MappingJacksonValue(new User("eric", "7!jd#h23"));

ResponseEntity<Void> response = // or RestTemplate.postForEntity


To send multipart data, you need to provide a MultiValueMap<String, Object> whose values may be an Object for part content, a Resource for a file part, or an HttpEntity for part content with headers. For example:

MultiValueMap<String, Object> parts = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();

parts.add("fieldPart", "fieldValue");
parts.add("filePart", new FileSystemResource("...logo.png"));
parts.add("jsonPart", new Person("Jason"));

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
parts.add("xmlPart", new HttpEntity<>(myBean, headers));

// send using or RestTemplate.postForEntity

In most cases, you do not have to specify the Content-Type for each part. The content type is determined automatically based on the HttpMessageConverter chosen to serialize it or, in the case of a Resource, based on the file extension. If necessary, you can explicitly provide the MediaType with an HttpEntity wrapper.

Once the MultiValueMap is ready, you can use it as the body of a POST request, using (or RestTemplate.postForObject).

If the MultiValueMap contains at least one non-String value, the Content-Type is set to multipart/form-data by the FormHttpMessageConverter. If the MultiValueMap has String values, the Content-Type defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If necessary the Content-Type may also be set explicitly.

Client Request Factories

To execute the HTTP request, RestClient uses a client HTTP library. These libraries are adapted via the ClientRequestFactory interface. Various implementations are available:

  • JdkClientHttpRequestFactory for Java’s HttpClient

  • HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory for use with Apache HTTP Components HttpClient

  • JettyClientHttpRequestFactory for Jetty’s HttpClient

  • ReactorNettyClientRequestFactory for Reactor Netty’s HttpClient

  • SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory as a simple default

If no request factory is specified when the RestClient was built, it will use the Apache or Jetty HttpClient if they are available on the classpath. Otherwise, if the module is loaded, it will use Java’s HttpClient. Finally, it will resort to the simple default.

Note that the SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory may raise an exception when accessing the status of a response that represents an error (e.g. 401). If this is an issue, use any of the alternative request factories.


WebClient is a non-blocking, reactive client to perform HTTP requests. It was introduced in 5.0 and offers an alternative to the RestTemplate, with support for synchronous, asynchronous, and streaming scenarios.

WebClient supports the following:

  • Non-blocking I/O

  • Reactive Streams back pressure

  • High concurrency with fewer hardware resources

  • Functional-style, fluent API that takes advantage of Java 8 lambdas

  • Synchronous and asynchronous interactions

  • Streaming up to or streaming down from a server

See WebClient for more details.


The RestTemplate provides a high-level API over HTTP client libraries in the form of a classic Spring Template class. It exposes the following groups of overloaded methods:

The RestClient offers a more modern API for synchronous HTTP access. For asynchronous and streaming scenarios, consider the reactive WebClient.
Table 2. RestTemplate methods
Method group Description


Retrieves a representation via GET.


Retrieves a ResponseEntity (that is, status, headers, and body) by using GET.


Retrieves all headers for a resource by using HEAD.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the Location header from the response.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the representation from the response.


Creates a new resource by using POST and returns the representation from the response.


Creates or updates a resource by using PUT.


Updates a resource by using PATCH and returns the representation from the response. Note that the JDK HttpURLConnection does not support PATCH, but Apache HttpComponents and others do.


Deletes the resources at the specified URI by using DELETE.


Retrieves allowed HTTP methods for a resource by using ALLOW.


More generalized (and less opinionated) version of the preceding methods that provides extra flexibility when needed. It accepts a RequestEntity (including HTTP method, URL, headers, and body as input) and returns a ResponseEntity.

These methods allow the use of ParameterizedTypeReference instead of Class to specify a response type with generics.


The most generalized way to perform a request, with full control over request preparation and response extraction through callback interfaces.


RestTemplate uses the same HTTP library abstraction as RestClient. By default, it uses the SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory, but this can be changed via the constructor. See Client Request Factories.

RestTemplate can be instrumented for observability, in order to produce metrics and traces. See the RestTemplate Observability support section.


Objects passed into and returned from RestTemplate methods are converted to and from HTTP messages with the help of an HttpMessageConverter, see HTTP Message Conversion.

Migrating from RestTemplate to RestClient

The following table shows RestClient equivalents for RestTemplate methods. It can be used to migrate from the latter to the former.

Table 3. RestClient equivalents for RestTemplate methods
RestTemplate method RestClient equivalent

getForObject(String, Class, Object…​)

get() .uri(String, Object…​) .retrieve() .body(Class)

getForObject(String, Class, Map)

get() .uri(String, Map) .retrieve() .body(Class)

getForObject(URI, Class)

get() .uri(URI) .retrieve() .body(Class)

getForEntity(String, Class, Object…​)

get() .uri(String, Object…​) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

getForEntity(String, Class, Map)

get() .uri(String, Map) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

getForEntity(URI, Class)

get() .uri(URI) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

headForHeaders(String, Object…​)

head() .uri(String, Object…​) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getHeaders()

headForHeaders(String, Map)

head() .uri(String, Map) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getHeaders()


head() .uri(URI) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getHeaders()

postForLocation(String, Object, Object…​)

post() .uri(String, Object…​) .body(Object).retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getLocation()

postForLocation(String, Object, Map)

post() .uri(String, Map) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getLocation()

postForLocation(URI, Object)

post() .uri(URI) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getLocation()

postForObject(String, Object, Class, Object…​)

post() .uri(String, Object…​) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

postForObject(String, Object, Class, Map)

post() .uri(String, Map) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

postForObject(URI, Object, Class)

post() .uri(URI) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

postForEntity(String, Object, Class, Object…​)

post() .uri(String, Object…​) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

postForEntity(String, Object, Class, Map)

post() .uri(String, Map) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

postForEntity(URI, Object, Class)

post() .uri(URI) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class)

put(String, Object, Object…​)

put() .uri(String, Object…​) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()

put(String, Object, Map)

put() .uri(String, Map) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()

put(URI, Object)

put() .uri(URI) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()

patchForObject(String, Object, Class, Object…​)

patch() .uri(String, Object…​) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

patchForObject(String, Object, Class, Map)

patch() .uri(String, Map) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

patchForObject(URI, Object, Class)

patch() .uri(URI) .body(Object) .retrieve() .body(Class)

delete(String, Object…​)

delete() .uri(String, Object…​) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()

delete(String, Map)

delete() .uri(String, Map) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()


delete() .uri(URI) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity()

optionsForAllow(String, Object…​)

options() .uri(String, Object…​) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getAllow()

optionsForAllow(String, Map)

options() .uri(String, Map) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getAllow()


options() .uri(URI) .retrieve() .toBodilessEntity() .getAllow()

exchange(String, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, Class, Object…​)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Object…​) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class) [1]

exchange(String, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, Class, Map)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Map) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class) [1]

exchange(URI, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, Class)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(URI) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class) [1]

exchange(String, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, ParameterizedTypeReference, Object…​)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Object…​) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference) [1]

exchange(String, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, ParameterizedTypeReference, Map)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Map) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference) [1]

exchange(URI, HttpMethod, HttpEntity, ParameterizedTypeReference)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(URI) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference) [1]

exchange(RequestEntity, Class)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(URI) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(Class) [2]

exchange(RequestEntity, ParameterizedTypeReference)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(URI) .headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) .body(Object) .retrieve() .toEntity(ParameterizedTypeReference) [2]

execute(String, HttpMethod, RequestCallback, ResponseExtractor, Object…​)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Object…​) .exchange(ExchangeFunction)

execute(String, HttpMethod, RequestCallback, ResponseExtractor, Map)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(String, Map) .exchange(ExchangeFunction)

execute(URI, HttpMethod, RequestCallback, ResponseExtractor)

method(HttpMethod) .uri(URI) .exchange(ExchangeFunction)

HTTP Interface

The Spring Framework lets you define an HTTP service as a Java interface with @HttpExchange methods. You can pass such an interface to HttpServiceProxyFactory to create a proxy which performs requests through an HTTP client such as RestClient or WebClient. You can also implement the interface from an @Controller for server request handling.

Start by creating the interface with @HttpExchange methods:

interface RepositoryService {

	Repository getRepository(@PathVariable String owner, @PathVariable String repo);

	// more HTTP exchange methods...


Now you can create a proxy that performs requests when methods are called.

For RestClient:

RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder().baseUrl("").build();
RestClientAdapter adapter = RestClientAdapter.create(restClient);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();

RepositoryService service = factory.createClient(RepositoryService.class);

For WebClient:

WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder().baseUrl("").build();
WebClientAdapter adapter = WebClientAdapter.create(webClient);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();

RepositoryService service = factory.createClient(RepositoryService.class);

For RestTemplate:

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.setUriTemplateHandler(new DefaultUriBuilderFactory(""));
RestTemplateAdapter adapter = RestTemplateAdapter.create(restTemplate);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();

RepositoryService service = factory.createClient(RepositoryService.class);

@HttpExchange is supported at the type level where it applies to all methods:

@HttpExchange(url = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}", accept = "application/vnd.github.v3+json")
interface RepositoryService {

	Repository getRepository(@PathVariable String owner, @PathVariable String repo);

	@PatchExchange(contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
	void updateRepository(@PathVariable String owner, @PathVariable String repo,
			@RequestParam String name, @RequestParam String description, @RequestParam String homepage);


Method Parameters

Annotated, HTTP exchange methods support flexible method signatures with the following method parameters:

Method argument Description


Dynamically set the URL for the request, overriding the annotation’s url attribute.


Provide a UriBuilderFactory to expand the URI template and URI variables with. In effect, replaces the UriBuilderFactory (and its base URL) of the underlying client.


Dynamically set the HTTP method for the request, overriding the annotation’s method attribute


Add a request header or multiple headers. The argument may be a Map<String, ?> or MultiValueMap<String, ?> with multiple headers, a Collection<?> of values, or an individual value. Type conversion is supported for non-String values.


Add a variable for expand a placeholder in the request URL. The argument may be a Map<String, ?> with multiple variables, or an individual value. Type conversion is supported for non-String values.


Provide an Object to add as a request attribute. Only supported by WebClient.


Provide the body of the request either as an Object to be serialized, or a Reactive Streams Publisher such as Mono, Flux, or any other async type supported through the configured ReactiveAdapterRegistry.


Add a request parameter or multiple parameters. The argument may be a Map<String, ?> or MultiValueMap<String, ?> with multiple parameters, a Collection<?> of values, or an individual value. Type conversion is supported for non-String values.

When "content-type" is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", request parameters are encoded in the request body. Otherwise, they are added as URL query parameters.


Add a request part, which may be a String (form field), Resource (file part), Object (entity to be encoded, e.g. as JSON), HttpEntity (part content and headers), a Spring Part, or Reactive Streams Publisher of any of the above.


Add a request part from a MultipartFile, typically used in a Spring MVC controller where it represents an uploaded file.


Add a cookie or multiple cookies. The argument may be a Map<String, ?> or MultiValueMap<String, ?> with multiple cookies, a Collection<?> of values, or an individual value. Type conversion is supported for non-String values.

Return Values

The supported return values depend on the underlying client.

Clients adapted to HttpExchangeAdapter such as RestClient and RestTemplate support synchronous return values:

Method return value Description


Perform the given request.


Perform the given request and return the response headers.


Perform the given request and decode the response content to the declared return type.


Perform the given request and return a ResponseEntity with the status and headers.


Perform the given request, decode the response content to the declared return type, and return a ResponseEntity with the status, headers, and the decoded body.

Clients adapted to ReactorHttpExchangeAdapter such as WebClient, support all of above as well as reactive variants. The table below shows Reactor types, but you can also use other reactive types that are supported through the ReactiveAdapterRegistry:

Method return value Description


Perform the given request, and release the response content, if any.


Perform the given request, release the response content, if any, and return the response headers.


Perform the given request and decode the response content to the declared return type.


Perform the given request and decode the response content to a stream of the declared element type.


Perform the given request, and release the response content, if any, and return a ResponseEntity with the status and headers.


Perform the given request, decode the response content to the declared return type, and return a ResponseEntity with the status, headers, and the decoded body.


Perform the given request, decode the response content to a stream of the declared element type, and return a ResponseEntity with the status, headers, and the decoded response body stream.

By default, the timeout for synchronous return values with ReactorHttpExchangeAdapter depends on how the underlying HTTP client is configured. You can set a blockTimeout value on the adapter level as well, but we recommend relying on timeout settings of the underlying HTTP client, which operates at a lower level and provides more control.

Error Handling

To customize error response handling, you need to configure the underlying HTTP client.

For RestClient:

By default, RestClient raises RestClientException for 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. To customize this, register a response status handler that applies to all responses performed through the client:

RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder()
		.defaultStatusHandler(HttpStatusCode::isError, (request, response) -> ...)

RestClientAdapter adapter = RestClientAdapter.create(restClient);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();

For more details and options, such as suppressing error status codes, see the Javadoc of defaultStatusHandler in RestClient.Builder.

For WebClient:

By default, WebClient raises WebClientResponseException for 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. To customize this, register a response status handler that applies to all responses performed through the client:

WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
		.defaultStatusHandler(HttpStatusCode::isError, resp -> ...)

WebClientAdapter adapter = WebClientAdapter.create(webClient);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builder(adapter).build();

For more details and options, such as suppressing error status codes, see the Javadoc of defaultStatusHandler in WebClient.Builder.

For RestTemplate:

By default, RestTemplate raises RestClientException for 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. To customize this, register an error handler that applies to all responses performed through the client:

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

RestTemplateAdapter adapter = RestTemplateAdapter.create(restTemplate);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();

For more details and options, see the Javadoc of setErrorHandler in RestTemplate and the ResponseErrorHandler hierarchy.

1. HttpEntity headers and body have to be supplied to the RestClient via headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) and body(Object).
2. RequestEntity method, URI, headers and body have to be supplied to the RestClient via method(HttpMethod), uri(URI), headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders>) and body(Object).